Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3612: Continue to view

There is an unpleasant and complex smell in the cave. Needless to say, these are the smell of bat droppings.

At the beginning, the bats pulled out by the bats were black, sticky and greasy, and they would not condense together for a long time, and these bat feces would be corrosive and fall under the caves. Some places were covered. Corroded, of course, after so many years, all these feces have been piled together.

The two Battelle suddenly felt a little sticky on their heads. This was not the bat droppings that fell on their heads when the group of bats flew past.

"Old sir, what are the special features of these people's heads?" Ye Chen looked at the guide Bilge and said.

Although these are similar to shamanism shamanism masks, it looks really scary, but after so many years, I didn't expect that there are still these things here.

"Doctor Ye, it looks like it was left over from previous religious ceremonies." Bileg said.

They continued to go inside the cave and found that these caves were all connected, and the cave looked very big.

Ye Chen and the three of them walked a long way, and found that the cave had no end.

Looking at the time, it is already past eight o'clock in the evening.

The two Battelle soldiers felt that they should leave the cave first, and they didn't have many torches left.

Ye Chen could only take them out of the cave first, out of the cave, outside, and then down from the mountain. From a distance, you could see the fire that Xia Qi and the others were burning.

The third daughter is still very scared.

Especially in this kind of place.

Although it is unlikely to encounter wild wolves, the three young girls do not have the protection of men, which really makes them feel terrified.

When the three of Ye Chen came back, the three women hurriedly got up.

"Ye Chen, where did you go?"

"On the mountain, there are many caves in the mountain, there are many large bats in the cave, and there are also those scary patterns."

"Then what are you looking for?"

"Check those bats."

The third daughter of Xia Qi didn't understand.

And now that they came down from the mountain, the Battelles still thought the bat droppings were quite disgusting.

"I think there is a problem with those bats. The death of those animals in the valley is probably related to those bats."

"How come?" Ulan asked in disbelief.

Since ancient times, in many places, bats have been considered auspicious animals. Except that their feces can be used as medicinal materials, no one would usually catch them.

At least this is the case in China. In the West, bats may be considered a very evil animal because they are related to vampires.

"That's a big bat, so I think it's possible that they are eating other insects, mosquitoes, and those plants. I doubt that if they don't have those foods, they will probably **** blood."

Vampire bat?

When these three women heard it, their expressions changed.

"Although I am studying Chinese medicine, I have nothing to do with viruses and bacteria. I also think that viruses and bacteria are spread to animals and people. And those bats are likely to carry a large number of viruses and bacteria. If they **** animals The blood of the virus will spread the virus and bacteria to those animals, including cattle, sheep and horses, and then these cattle, sheep and horses can spread to other cattle, sheep and horses, and even to herders."

"Then why not before?" Liu Jing asked strangely.

Yes indeed?

Why not before?

This is also a question that Ye Chen finds strange.

"First of all, I am not sure that the viruses and bacteria are spread from bats. However, I can be sure that the biological chain on the grassland may have been destroyed, and even the biological chain here in the valley has been destroyed. These bats have not spread or hunted in this way before."

The biological chain is destroyed?

In fact, he could tell when Ye Chen came out to investigate.

Because the current situation of many biological chains on the grassland is completely different from the biological chains in the creatures he learned in high school.

Like many wild wolves, foxes, and even eagles on the grassland, there are no more animals.

Although there was no extinction, many animals did disappear under human intervention.

The disappearance of these animals has led to an imbalance of many animals on the grassland.

Could it be that these bats are related to the deaths of those livestock and even herders?

Because now only Ye Chen is investigating, it is difficult for him to determine without a large amount of survey data.

"Doctor Ye, I still don't understand." Ulan said.

Pileger understood a little bit, but he didn't quite understand it.

To say that bats **** blood, he thinks it is a bit possible.

"The spread of viruses and bacteria requires vector transmission. For the time being, I am not sure whether these bats actually carry the virus that caused the onset of infection in those patients."

Ye Chen was chatting with them.

The main purpose is to find out, are these bats really sucking blood?

Even, is it really carrying the virus?

Of course, now Ye Chen knows that besides this oasis, the surrounding area is also a desert. Ye Chen and the others did not dare to leave this area rashly, otherwise, they might really die in the desert by then.

Although Pileger had heard of Death Valley, he didn't know the exact location of Death Valley before, and he also broke into here accidentally this time.

Therefore, if you leave in one direction rashly, you will probably return to the desert again. When that happens, you will really encounter other poisonous animals, quicksand and more, you may be starved to death or thirst to death.

Fresh water resources were not found for a while, but now they can still wait for some through their methods.

Like the bottles and leaves used by Ye Chen and Xia Qi, when they get up tomorrow, they should wait for some clean mist.

As for the blood in the valley, Ye Chen still dare not touch it.

In addition to being too dirty, I don't know what the blood water contains. Even if it is heated, some viruses and bacteria may not burn to death.

"Let me rest first, I will continue to check tomorrow." Ye Chen said.

Xia Qi rested next to Ye Chen, while Liu Jing and Ulan lay on a piece of clothing and a branch next to them.

Ye Chen sat aside and kept adding firewood, Bilge sat there praying, and Battelle was also very tired.

Although they were soldiers from Mongolia, they were actually better than ordinary people, and they were far worse than Ye Chen.

Ye Chen closed his eyes for a while to rest. If there was any danger, he would open it at the first glance.

Now Ye Chen is worried about whether the critically ill patients who took the hanging medicine are now dead.

If that is the case, this is the first time that Ye Chen has failed since he started in medicine. He could not rely on his own medical skills to save those patients.

However, in fact, he didn't know what was happening outside.