Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 37: Neonatal Jaundice

Ye Chen is naturally not too small, two million is also a huge sum of money for him. He did not expect that the glamorous young woman Gao Meilin in front of him was so generous in his shots that he was indeed a rich man.

Although the slap just now was a bit painful, Ye Chen didn't think it was a big deal with the money as compensation.

"Miss Gao, I don't dislike it, thank you." Ye Chen took the check and went out to the door of the ward without looking back. Gao Meilin looked at Ye Chen and wanted to stop him, but when she said a few more words, she didn't call it out.

Lao Liao didn't expect it to be like this, he naturally saw that Ye Chen was slapped that way, and naturally he was a bit wronged. In addition, Ye Chen's age is still the kind of young, vigorous and straightforward young man, Liao Lao is afraid that because of this incident, Ye Chen will be affected.

Therefore, Lao Liao hurriedly chased him out, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ye, are you still worried about what happened just now?"

"No, I have to thank her for sending me such a large sum of money, very timely."

"Hehe, this is what you should be. Two million can't buy two lives." In Ye Chen's view, those two million might be a lot. However, in front of the rich, these two million are just a famous car.

Since Ye Chen thought about the same as when he first came, and now he got the check, he wanted to go to the bank to cash the money and deposit it into the bank card.

In a big city like Shanghai, no matter what you do, you have to use money, so Ye Chen knows very well that if you have money in your pocket, you can sleep more at ease.

"Xiao Ye, are you going back again?" When Old Liao saw him leaving, he was thinking of finding a reason to keep him. Ye Chen was still hungry. Originally, he was looking for the little butler Chen to find something to eat in the kitchen. Unexpectedly, Mr. Liao called him over. Now this time, he can go out for lunch.

Therefore, Ye Chen was going to have a good meal after taking the check to the bank and cashing the money. Suddenly, he saw the two nurses behind him hurriedly chasing them, and shouted: "Dean Liao, Dean Liao."

"What's wrong? Is there something urgent?" Liao Wenen stopped and asked.

"The baby of No. 040803 is in a dangerous situation, and other pediatricians can't do anything about it. Please go and treat it." A female nurse explained.

Now Mr. Liao heard clearly that the baby who was born third on April 8 was in a serious condition, and other pediatricians didn't know how to treat it, so he let him go and have a look.

"Lao Liao, since you have something to do, you should be busy first, and I will leave first." Ye Chen finished speaking, and when he was about to leave, Lao Liao pulled him over and said.

"There is something happening on the baby's side. Since you are here, you should come and have a look." Old Liao knew that Ye Chen's Chinese medicine skills were very good, but his personality was not very active.

Soon, Mr. Liao took Ye Chen and followed the nurses to the baby ward. Generally speaking, babies and mothers born in the hospital will be discharged after recuperating in the hospital for a few days.

Those babies who have just been born may have various situations due to various reasons such as physique, and the serious ones may also die.

In this case, the family members of those mothers or babies will temporarily hand over the newborn baby to the hospital nurse for care, and when it is confirmed that the baby can be discharged from the hospital, then take it home.

It was also the first time Ye Chen saw those baby wards in the city. In a large ward, there were a lot of single-sized cribs, and in the bed, those who were just born a few days or even more than ten days ago. , Even babies of one or two months old are covered in sheets or nurses take care of them.

If it is a baby born in the countryside, it is not as delicate as in the city. The midwife has just delivered the fetus. As long as the baby is still alive, the mother's family will find some mountain herbs to bathe the baby, and finally the mother will breastfeed the baby.

Seeing this now seems to be completely different from what Ye Chen saw in the countryside.

"Dean Liao, you are here, come and take a look at this baby." When seeing Lao Liao coming, other pediatric doctors stepped away.

"Who are the parents of this baby?" Old Liao asked. When I didn't see the baby's parents, Mr. Liao naturally wanted to ask.

"Dean Liao, it's the Miss Gao. A nurse has already been sent to notify him." When Ye Chen looked over, he found that it was Gao Meilin's son. However, because this baby was not only a premature baby, but also because of the cold toxins in the morgue, Ye Chen knew that this little boy would definitely get sick easily as he grew up.

After all, the physique of the other child is much thinner than other children of normal standard weight, weighing less than five kilograms, and suffering from those cold toxins, and the physique is worse from birth.

However, it was not what Ye Chen wanted to think about. When he looked at the baby boy in the crib, he found that his skin and sclera were stained yellow.

From this point of view, anyone with some experience can tell that this little baby has jaundice.

When Lao Liao looked over, naturally he could see it. However, this baby looks very different from other normal babies, because the other's physique is too bad, because it looks very serious now, so these pediatricians can't start.

While other doctors were waiting for Lao Liao to treat this little baby, Lao Liao looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Xiaoye, how do you treat this disease?"

"Lao Liao, you are all experts in this area, so it's fine for you to communicate." Ye Chen now seems that he doesn't want to participate in it, and he doesn't have that kind of thought when the other party is still Gao Meilin's son.

At this time, Gao Meilin, who had rushed over from the high-level ward, hurriedly walked towards the crib. Just now, when the nurse said that her son was suddenly seriously ill, she naturally walked forward desperately.

For her, her son is now her lifeblood. If something happens to her son then, she really doesn't know what to do?

"Dean Liao, me, what happened to my son?" Gao Meilin is not a doctor, nor a parenting expert, but a young mother who has just become a mother. Therefore, when she sees her son's whole body turn yellow and loses energy, she knows that his son is sick.

"This is called fetal jaundice, also commonly known as neonatal jaundice." When Old Liao finished speaking, his eyes were on Ye Chen.

In fact, for Liao Lao, if this happens to other babies, he is very sure that a few doses of medicine will be good. However, the situation of the little baby in front of him will be different, he is not completely sure.

"Xiao Ye, come and treat you" Liao Lao said while looking at him.

"Liao Lao, forget it, I'm not the doctor here." In his opinion, as long as Lao Liao takes action, this little baby can naturally be saved. Naturally, she is no longer as anxious as when she rescued Gao Meilin in the morgue.

"Doctor Ye, as long as you treat my son well, I will give you any money!" Gao Meilin had known that Ye Chen was an excellent doctor. Therefore, when I saw the eyes of Dean Liao and other doctors, they all looked at Ye Chen, Gao Meilin looked at Ye Chen pitifully for help.

"Okay." Ye Chen couldn't stand the tearful eyes of this young woman, and Ye Chen could only make another move.