Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3744: Give twelve needles

The acupuncture technique that Ye Chen used to treat Sun Xiaowei for the first time in Shanghai was the upper and lower thirteen acupuncture methods of the Guimen 13 acupuncture method. In fact, apart from he and grandpa knowing this, ordinary doctors really didn't know it.

Even the Dao doctors from the Guimen School of Guimen School, they don’t understand the upper and lower 13 needles of this Guimen 13 Needle Method, they just understand the ordinary Guimen 13 Needle Method.

And what Ye Chen is treating the little boy now is just the ordinary Guimen Thirteen Needles.

However, the Guimen thirteen acupuncture method is indeed very effective in treating this kind of very evil diseases.

The Thirteen Ghost Acupoints is one of the precious acupuncture heritage left by the ancestors. It is derived from the "Prescriptions for Emergency Medicine" by Sun Simiao, a great physician in the Tang Dynasty. It has excellent curative effect on mental illnesses. It is rarely detailed in modern clinical practice. Because of the title of "Ghost Cave", it was buried in the dark.

Among the TCM acupuncture and moxibustion treatments, the "Ghost Thirteen Needles" is the most extensive and profound, and it is the most magical in TCM acupuncture.

Why do people get the strange disease of femininity? In real life, some people will get an unexplainable disease. No matter how advanced the hospital is, no matter how advanced the doctor is, they will be sighed and helpless.

Why is this? Everyone knows that Chinese medicine uses the four diagnosis methods to determine the location, etiology, disease nature, and the relationship between good and evil. The four diagnosis methods can reflect the nature of pathological changes at a certain stage in the development of the disease. It is a more comprehensive, deeper, and more accurate indication of the nature of the disease than the manifested symptoms. Therefore, Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation, distinguishing the specimens and treating the symptoms.

Some diseases are classified into the category of negative diseases in Chinese medicine, that is, "evil diseases". People commonly call them "evil", "possession" and so on.

What are evil diseases?

From the perspective of "I Ching", everything is a magnetic field. Magnetic fields are divided into yin and yang. Some magnetic fields are negative, which will have a bad effect on the human body's magnetic field. The human body is more susceptible to the negative magnetic field when its own magnetic field is relatively weak. Interference or effect, ranging from trance and frequent nightmares, to illness and mental loss of control.

Some people say that the feminine magnetic field is a human ghost. From the Taoist point of view, there is a soul at death, commonly known as a ghost. However, because it cannot be fully confirmed by modern scientific experiments, the scientific community is still inconclusive on whether there are ghosts.

But if you look at it from the point of view of the Book of Changes, there must be yin if there is yang, and you can fully infer the existence of the feminine magnetic field.

However, the negative magnetic field is not limited to the so-called ghosts. There are many bad magnetic fields that can be classified as negative magnetic fields. For example, the five yellow qi defined in Xuankong Fengshui is also a negative magnetic field.

Once the feminine magnetic field invades, people's body and people show the characteristics of evil, such as nonsense, schizophrenia, hallucinations and ghost talk, depression and timidity.

At this time, if traditional medicine is used, it is often difficult to achieve results.

For example, when Ye Chen was in his hometown, he and his grandfather had encountered many patients with this disease, and those people would also recommend some patients who were difficult to cure to Ye Dao for treatment.

I once encountered a patient who suffered from a strange disease. His whole body was uncomfortable and painful everywhere, and he was upset and could not sleep well. He went to the local hospital for many examinations, but failed to find out the reason. The hospital that accompanied him to the examination The dean said, "Go see a Chinese medicine doctor. If Chinese medicine can't solve it, you can only rely on metaphysics."

In fact, there has always been a department in Chinese medicine called "Zhu Youke", which has a history to be found in the Imperial Palace Hospital since the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Zhu Youke mainly used to draw amulets, chant mantras, and ban qi to cure the evil.

Modern Chinese medicine treats it as feudal superstition and eliminates it. For a large number of vivid and effective cases, it is all classified into the power of psychological suggestion.

This statement is a bit generalized. Just imagine if Zhu Yuke is invalid, why can it exist in the Chinese medicine system for a long time, as all medical predecessors have mentioned, the Royal Palace Hospital should have this department for a long time?

Ye Chen's "Ghost 13 needles" therapy of acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine now sounds superstitious, but it has a very effective treatment.

It can recover the patients with "negative magnetic field possession". This secret method of acupuncture was first compiled by Sun Simiao’s collection of the essence of acupuncture in ancient Chinese medicine. It focuses on Chinese dialectics. Through acupuncture on the "13 ghost points", it is effective against insomnia, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. The treatment for epilepsy, madness, and epilepsy has a miraculous effect, and the recurrence rate is low, which can be called a medical magic.

Ye Chen remembered that when he was very young, he had heard about one thing from his grandfather when he talked about the Guimen Thirteen Needles.

In the capital of the Qing Dynasty, there was a doctor surnamed He. His family inherited the ghost acupuncture method for generations, and was proficient in the anti-fatigue spells. He never missed a cure for diseases like madness.

Every time he went to the patient’s house for consultation, he pointed to the patient’s nose and yelled aloud. The person who was talking nonsense and irritated was immediately cursed by him. At this time, he took out the silver needle and followed the thirteen ghosts. The door was pierced, and the patient fell asleep for half a day, and he was fine when he got up.

According to the family rules, everything can’t be done absolutely. The ghost gate must be slowly pierced down one by one. When the ghost is forced to bear it, he will call the needle master. Make peace between humans and ghosts, and the sick family can do some merits to the ghosts to help them resurrect early.

But this Doctor He didn't believe in evil. He felt that humans and ghosts should not interfere with each other. Since ghosts possess and harm others, they must be killed to avoid another disaster in the future.

It is true that there are no wet shoes when walking along the river. Once the doctor He met a great master.

There is a female patient, 27 or 18 years old, with very severe mania. It’s not ashamed to climb up to the roof to worship the moon when you get sick, or to rip alive chickens to eat, or run out of the door naked, and you’re so powerful. When you get sick, you need three or four strong men to overcome it. I have also consulted a lama to recite sutras and a master’s practice, which was useless. It was said that Dr. He was skilled in medicine, so he invited him to heal.

When Dr. He saw the patient, he yelled at first as usual, and the patient ignored him. Later, he scolded him. Jia Ding had to press the patient first, and then Dr. He forced acupuncture.

Every time a needle is inserted, the patient shouts heartbreakingly, and then scolds Doctor He with a smile. When the thirteenth ghost sealed the cave, the thing said loudly: "Today you must put me to death and ruin my way. I will not let you go. After I curse, every generation of your descendants will come out. A man of dementia and madness."

Doctor He sneered, and didn't think it was. He pierced the patient's tongue and broke the thing. At that time, Mrs. He was pregnant and gave birth to Lin'er six months later, unharmed.

Doctor He sneered that monster was too arrogant.

Two years later, he gave birth to another son. After the age of three, he was found to be dementia and madness. Many famous doctors diagnosed that it was caused by internal causes, and the long-term treatment was ineffective.

Through what Ye Dao said, Ye Chen could see that Dr. He's healing and saving lives was to conform to the law of nature, accumulate virtue and do good, why did he suffer such misfortune?

Maybe it's too mean to ghosts and gods, so it's the only way to kill innocent people.

Although all beings are equal, no matter who is noble or inferior to me, they should be treated with forgiveness and love, so that a person's path will prosper and last.

At this time, when Ye Chen applied the needle to the twelfth needle, he did stop.

The situation of this little boy is different from that of Sun Xiaowei.

Sun Xiaowei was in a coma for too long because of poisoning.