Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3757: Stomach

For example, those genealogies have recorded clan emblems, such as those nobles in Europe, and some large family ancestral halls in China have their own clan emblems.

The clan emblem of the Tang sect is naturally from the Tang sect, a circle, and then two sharp swords intersecting, and this clan emblem is very similar to the character ‘Tang’.

Ye Chen continued to look at it, the more he looked, the more surprised.

Isn't this the jade pendant he wears?

There is also a picture of this similar jade pendant above.

All the books in the past were printed with engraving. Obviously these were printed in stone carvings, but they were very clear, and Ye Chen could see them very clearly.

The statue of the jade pendant is similar to the jade pendant he wears.

However, now he doesn't need to compare them.

When Tang Zongcheng's wife brought the fruits for Ye Chen to eat, Ye Chen said, "Thank you, Auntie."

When Ye Chen finished reading the genealogy, the middle-aged woman said: "He will use this genealogy to show off, but who else is practicing martial arts now?"

The people of Tang Sect were very famous before, but now who knows.

"Auntie, this Tang Sect was really good before."

Ye Chen said.

Genealogies like these are generally very valuable items, and you must protect your genealogy in any case.

Therefore, it will not be rashly shown to outsiders.

Now Tang Zongcheng showed it to Ye Chen, naturally because he trusted Ye Chen, and the genealogy now seems less important than before.

The genealogy of the printed version of the book is always available.

Like some families pay more attention to, they will revise it again in ten or twenty years, because later characters will be added.

Like here, it only records the twenty-first generation, but in fact it has reached the twenty-third or even the twenty-fourth. As long as the genealogy is revised, later descendants will be added.

Of course, the genealogy only records sons, not daughters, because all daughters are married and belong to another family.

However, the married woman will record it.

In ancient times, women were of low status, even without a name.

Therefore, from the genealogy, it only records that women’s surnames are Chen, Zhu, etc. The specific names are not known. Unless the status is particularly high, it is possible to record the name and life history on it.

After Ye Chen handed the genealogy back to Tang Zongcheng, Tang Zongcheng took it back.

Ye Chen was going to sit down here, and then left Tangjiawan to Chongqing International Airport to fly back to Shanghai.

Coming here hasn't gained much, just let him know the real existence of this Tang Sect.

When Ye Chen was drinking tea there, he suddenly saw her aunt holding her stomach and looked a little bit painful.

"Auntie, how are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm sick, it's all right."

"Auntie, I'm a doctor, I'll take a look for you."

The middle-aged woman didn't know that Ye Chen was a doctor, but thought that the other party was a tourist here, and Tang Zongcheng had heard that Ye Chen was studying Chinese medicine just now.

Of course, Ye Chen's grandfather is very well-known.

However, it didn't reach this side, mainly because Ye Dao was usually too low-key.

I am afraid that even though Tang Zongcheng had heard of Doctor Ye, he might not have thought that Ye Chen would be the grandson of Doctor Ye.

When Ye Chen checked the middle-aged woman, she found that her stomach pain was a little serious.

"Has it been a long time?"

"I have been eating for more than ten years. When I was young, I liked to cook rice in hot water, and my stomach became uncomfortable. During the New Year, I might eat too much food."

In the past, middle-aged women like to cook rice in hot water because of their farm work, but the rice in hot water is not like cooking porridge by themselves.

She didn't understand either, but found it convenient to eat that way.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, her intestines and stomach could not bear it, and this kind of stomachache would appear.

Chewing is the first step in the process of food digestion. However, soaking rice in soup and swallowing it wholeheartedly increases the burden on the stomach.

Excessive soup will dilute the gastric juice and affect digestion. Stomach pain often occurs in adults and children.

As the saying goes, "Soup and rice can't be chewed."

It is a bad habit to mix soup and rice together. Over time, the digestive function will decrease and cause stomach pain.

The food we eat must first undergo preliminary digestion in the mouth. Hard teeth cut and grind large pieces of food into fine powders and granules. At the same time, the salivary glands continuously secrete saliva, which is fully mixed with the food. The amylase in the saliva decomposes starch into sweet and refreshing maltose, which is convenient for further digestion and absorption by the gastrointestinal tract.

When people eat solid powdered food, they chew for a long time and secrete more saliva, which is good for lubricating and swallowing food. Soup and rice are mixed together to eat, the time required for chewing is short, and the saliva secretion is also less. The food is not chewed in the mouth, and then swallowed into the stomach with the soup.

This not only makes people \"not know the taste\", but the taste nerves on the tongue are not stimulated, and the stomach and pancreas produce not much digestive juice, and it is also diluted by the soup, so that the food eaten cannot be digested and absorbed well. , Over time, it will cause stomach problems. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat rice with soup frequently.

"Auntie, your intestines and stomach have been injured. It hurts your gas. You need to drink medicine to get better. As for those stomach medicines that relieve pain, regular drinking is not good for your body."

The so-called "stomach qi" in Chinese medicine generally refers to the digestive function of the stomach and intestines. For normal people, adequate stomach qi is a manifestation of body health.

For patients, stomach qi affects the ability to recover.

It has its own unique advantages in regulating stomach qi. It takes "harmonizing the viscera" as the principle, taking care of the spleen and stomach, and invigorating the spleen and stomach. According to the principles of syndrome differentiation and treatment in TCM, the principle of "warm the cold, warm the cold, replenish the deficiency, reduce the pain" and "generalize the pain" to make the stomach soothing.

There are certainly a lot of western medicines for relieving stomachache, but if you take it regularly, you will be dependent, and it will treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Now Ye Chen feels that she should drink the Chinese herbal soup for conditioning, and when her aunt's stomach is restored, then she won't have stomach pain again.

"Young man, do you really know how to heal?"

Seeing that Ye Chen was too young, he didn't look like a doctor at all, let alone a Chinese doctor.

"Of course, I have followed my grandfather to learn Chinese medicine since I was a child, and it has been more than 20 years."

Seeing the middle-aged aunt, I couldn't believe it, but Tang Zongcheng really knew that Ye Chen did not say false.

Moreover, now Ye Chen took out the silver-white box that he took out, took out the silver needle from it, and now gave the middle-aged aunt a few needles, and the other party was fine.

With the encouragement of her husband, Ye Chen gave the middle-aged aunt acupuncture and took out the silver needles and put them back into the silver-white box. The middle-aged aunt found that her stomach pain had really disappeared.

I have to say that this young man really knows how to heal.

"Auntie, the key to your stomachache is to treat it. I will prescribe a prescription for you. Go to the medicinal store in the town to get the medicine and make the medicinal soup, and then drink it. It takes less than half a month, and there will be no more stomachache in the future. Up."