Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3778: The benevolence of the doctor

At present, the small towns that Ye Chen passed through in the ancient martial world were Taohua Town, Tianhe, Tanghe, and the vicinity of Han Mansion. As for the others, Ye Chen has not gone yet.

However, the size of the ancient martial arts world was completely beyond his imagination.

If Ye Chen suspects that this is an underground cave, but now it seems that it is not comparable to ordinary caves.

There are the sun and the moon, and there is time, but the time here and the time outside may really be different.

Back to Hanfu, after having lunch in Hanfu, we returned to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall again.

At this time, outside the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, there were people queuing up to see a doctor.

Looking at these patients, they all looked like they were in the dust, they should have come to seek medical treatment from afar, after all, if they were nearby patients, they should have come to seek medical treatment yesterday.

When Ye Chen sat down, the patient had not said that he had any disease. Ye Chen had already passed the'smell', the scent that came from the patient.

He already guessed it.

"Sir, is it itching all over?"

"Yes, Dr. Ye, I have been suffering from this disease for many years. Every time I have herpes and harass my whole body, I can’t help but scratch the pus that flows out, causing my skin to hurt and itchy. I usually don’t dare to wear clothes at home. When the clothes come over, the robe is already glued to the skin on the body."

Even if Ye Chen didn't need to look more, he could see the patient's condition.

Now Ye Chen asked to roll up the sleeves on his hands again, and he saw that they were all red pimples, densely packed in circles, and they looked very scary.

It was scratched by him, but it didn't healed, bleeding out, almost sticking to the clothes.

This is a form of psoriasis.

Commonly known as psoriasis.

Psoriasis, commonly known as psoriasis, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a long course of disease and a tendency to recur easily, and some cases will not heal for almost a lifetime.

The incidence of this disease is mainly young and middle-aged, and it has a greater impact on the physical health and mental status of patients.

The clinical manifestations are mainly erythema and scaly, which can affect the whole body. The scalp and the extensor side of the extremities are more common, and they often aggravate in winter.

It can be said that this kind of disease is intractable, it is very difficult to treat, and some patients may not be cured for up to ten years.

Although it will not cause death, but after a long time, it is really uncomfortable, which seriously affects my life and work.

"Doctor Ye, can my disease be treated?" The patient still couldn't believe it.

He now has this disease almost from head to toe, and his wife and family thought it was contagious. They didn't dare to live with him or share things with him. Almost all eat separately.

He usually stays at home and dare not wear clothes. He feels like a cripple.

Of course, there are many famous doctors in the field, but none of them can be cured.

The cost of the treatment has long been over a hundred dollars, causing the family to fall into disrepair, and I don't know how to describe it.

"This kind of skin disease is the most difficult to treat. If you just use external medicine, it will only have the effect of treating the symptoms but not the root cause. If you really want to cure it, you need to prescribe the right medicine."

Only by truly prescribing the right medicine can this intractable disease be cured.

Of course, the situation of the other party must be dialectized through traditional Chinese medicine through pulse, tongue, and symptoms.

"Sir, you just checked your illness. You are of blood-heat type. I will prescribe a prescription for you to take the decoction, and then use a pair of external washing, which is used to boil water and heat to clean these wounds. Yes. Take it orally and wash it outside, at most half a month, your disease will be completely cured."

"Doctor Ye, what you said is true?"

"Of course, your disease, I have encountered a lot in the past ten years, all of which can be cured."

"Doctor Ye, it's really great. Last year I heard that you were in the free clinic in the Han Mansion and wanted to come to you for treatment. When my family and I came over, you had already left the ancient martial arts world. This time I heard that you appeared in the ancient martial arts world. When I came here, I did not expect that I really met you."

From the look of the other party, Ye Chen knew that the other party was already too poor for treatment.

Such diseases, in the ancient martial arts world, will also be treated to make his family bankrupt.

In the ancient martial arts world, those doctors who treat illnesses also collect money.

And this middle-aged man is usually unable to work because of his illness, so naturally he has no income. He depends on the income of other family members. On the other hand, he has to see a doctor. This way he spends a lot more than his income. How could his family still have money? ?

When the other party came this time, Ye Chen suspected that he didn't have a fare.

And all the way from Taohua Town to Han Mansion, Ye Chen knew that riding a carriage was not something ordinary people could afford.

"Sir, how did you come here? Are you riding a carriage?"

"Doctor Ye, where do I have money to ride a carriage, ordinary people can't afford to ride a carriage."

"Then you came on foot."

If it's walking, it shouldn't be too far in two or three days!

"No, I came here by riding a dog from my house."

Come here?

His fate is outside, and he was looking for water to feed her just now.

"It's really not easy."

Ye Chen asked Aya to give back the fifty copper coins paid by the other party.

"Sir, this treatment fee will not be charged."

"Doctor Ye, how can this work?"

"I practice medicine like this."

Ye Chen looked at A Le again and asked her to give out 500 copper coins to this gentleman.

This money is enough for him to buy medicine.

"Sir, this is for you to buy medicine."

"Doctor Ye, me."

The middle-aged man didn't expect that he didn't need to pay for the consultation, but the other party gave him a sum of money to buy medicine. This Doctor Ye is really good.

After letting the opponent under.

"Doctor Ye, you are truly a doctor with kindness."

The other party was very grateful to Ye Chen and left with the prescription.

Then it's the next patient's turn.

Among the patients encountered next, most of them were mainly intractable diseases. In the ancient martial arts world, the doctors in the ancient martial arts were very difficult to treat and could not be treated, so now I came to Ye Chen for treatment.

In ancient times, many famous doctors appeared.

And like many famous doctors in ancient times, including Sun Simiao disappeared in the secular world, Ye Chen suspected that the other party disappeared in the secular world and then entered the ancient martial world.

If so, there should be a lot of famous doctors in the ancient martial arts world, and even in the ancient martial arts world, there are also ghost schools and ghost doctors. The doctors of those ghost doctors are not low in medical skills!

Therefore, Ye Chen couldn't understand.

Until more than five o’clock in the afternoon, no other patients came to seek medical treatment. Those who came to seek medical treatment in a hurry, and those whose families had financial difficulties, Ye Chen no longer charge the consultation fee, and even let them sit for free. Floor, the room on the third floor, and then go to the medicinal store in the market to buy medicine.

Since the medicinal shops in the market include selling medicine, they can also ask the patient to give out a few copper coins to help decoct the medicine. This is more convenient, and there is no need to decoct the medicinal soup.

Therefore, if it is necessary for the second and third consultation, Ye Chen feels that it is better to stay here in the market and find a place to live, and it is not too late to go back when the condition is better. After all, it is not easy to come from their hometown once.