Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3820: The passage under the dry well

Ye Chen doubted that this bamboo forest was a villa sect back then, but why it looks deserted now? He suspected that this sect villa was either destroyed or moved away collectively.

If it was a collective move, where did these people move?

And where did the needle in the back of the little boy's head got stuck by someone?

Ye Chen followed, and Mr. Kui watched vigilantly from behind. Ye Chen wanted to see the clues left here, but after checking for a long time, Mr. Kui finally said, "My uncle, this should be a martial-arts villa. This should be the place where the head master lives."

"How can I tell?"

"It can be seen from the layout of these houses."

Mr. Kui said.

Ye Chen went inside and found that there were already many spider webs, and there was nothing left in it, like those books and the like.

Ye Chen felt strange, what kind of sect villa this was, it disappeared without a trace.

"Auntie, look at it quickly."

Ye Chen hurried over. Under the action of the torch, Ye Chen saw that there were many bones there.

Human bones and animal bones are completely different. Looking closely now, these are really human bones, and there are many more.

These bones were clearly left after being burned.

It's hard to imagine that so many bones stay here.

"Uncle, I feel that this sect was probably destroyed by people."

"Then who is so cruel?"

"I do not know about this."

If it weren't for this time to follow Ye Chen into the depths of the bamboo forest, Mr. Kui wouldn't know the situation inside.

Obviously, according to the situation inside, there are at least a thousand people or even more people living in the depths of the bamboo forest for a long time.

In such a place, if you don't have contact with the outside world and simply cultivate Guwu's internal strength, in Mr. Kui's view, this sect villa should not be simple.

Now a few hundred meters in radius are all these similar buildings, but I want to find some other books, but I can't find them.

"Uncle, shall we walk back from the bamboo forest tomorrow?"

"Is there no way out here?"

This is hard to believe. After all, with so many people living here, they have problems eating and drinking. In addition to drinking water, they can use well water, and they can also eat rice. There is no rice grown here. They must be brought in from outside. .

And those rice can't walk above the bamboo like they did.

Therefore, there must be a very short road leading to the outside.

If you are walking in a bamboo forest, you may get lost if you are familiar with it.

"Let's look for it first, maybe there is a way out."

The two changed torches again, and after burning, they continued to search.

However, there is no way to the outside except for the abandoned houses.

Because both of them are cultivators, they didn't feel tired.

Ye Chen found that after searching for a long time, there was nothing special. Would he really have to walk back from the top of the bamboo, but he might not be able to go back the same way at that time, which means he might walk to other places. The direction, if that is the case, it will be difficult to find Han Guanjia and Aya Ale.

When Ye Chen and Mr. Kui returned to the fire, the two of them sat there, surrounded by silence, ordinary people sitting here alone, really dare not.

"Auntie, what did you say to that little boy?"

"I'm also surprised, it's obvious that this place has been abandoned for so long, why he was stabbed with the needle when he entered here."

Ye Chen thought that there were other people in it, at least like those martial artists.

However, no one exists at all now.

I don't know how long it has passed. It may be the Ugly Time or the Yin Time. Now there is no other sound except for the calls of those little bugs. That's why I feel the horror inside.

Ye Chen is very strange. So many people live here and can't see the sun all year round. How can they stand it?

"Mr. Kui, you are resting here, I still want to look around."

Mr. Kui already knew that Uncle's strength was higher than him. When Ye Chen got up and looked around with a torch, except for a usable water well, everything else was abandoned and turned into a dry well.

These dry wells have either been landfilled with a lot of rubbish, or they have run out of water.

Among them, there was a dry well that Ye Chen seemed to find strange. This dry well did not look like it was used to lift water. Moreover, Ye Chen discovered that the location of the dry well was in the head of Mr. Kui. People live in the backyard.

Now Ye Chen took the torch and shone it there and looked carefully, and found that there is really a problem here. When he saw Mr. Kui also following, Ye Chen said: "Mr. Kui, there may be a problem with this dry well. Torch, I will jump down and take a look."

"Auntie, why don't I jump down and take a look."

At this time, Ye Chen had already given the torch to Mr. Kui, and when he jumped straight down, he found that the dry well was five or six meters deep.

It's the end now!

Ye Chen carefully inspected the surrounding area of ​​the dry well and found that it was very flat, and it seemed that it should have been built with cut stones.

However, Ye Chen found that some of the stones looked a little different.

Ye Chen tapped with his hand, and soon he found that it was indeed empty inside.

Is there any treasure hidden in it?

"Mr. Kui, there is a voice here."

When Mr. Kui slowly came down and illuminated the torch, Ye Chen hit the place with a fist. Soon, after the stones in that place were crushed, Ye Chen had already seen a big hole.

However, this big hole can only be entered by one person by bending over. The inside is dark and I don't know where it is.

In places like this, the most fear is that there is no oxygen in it, and I'm afraid that no matter how hard they practice, they might die inside.

Even if there is biogas in it, it may be poisoned.

Now Ye Chen and Mr. Kui went one after another, holding a torch, bending over and squatting inside. They walked slowly for about ten minutes, and suddenly found that the cave in front was much higher, and they could stand up and walk.

Looking at this cave, it was obvious that it was dug.

What the **** is this?

Where does it lead?

Ye Chen didn't know, and Mr. Kui didn't know much.

However, along the way, they found that there was no problem with the air. The two of them went further and further, until they suddenly saw a glimmer of light in front of them, Ye Chen knew that it was likely that they had reached the exit.

"Uncle, it seems to be an exit in front."