Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3828: Market

Ye Chen looked at the scenery outside the window. He still didn't know how far he was from the next town.

However, Aya and Ale talked and laughed along the way. They felt that it would be better if the eldest lady followed the uncle together.

This time following my uncle, they felt that they had really seen a lot on the road, which increased their knowledge a lot.

"Uncle, there was someone blocking the car ahead."

Someone stopped the car?

Is it seeking medical treatment again?

After the carriage stopped, when Mr. Kui got off the horse to ask people, he soon learned that it was someone seeking a doctor.

"Uncle, don't you see?"

If you watch it, I'm afraid the journey will definitely be delayed. I won't be able to reach another town tonight. I can only stay nearby and I can leave tomorrow.

"Of course someone needs to see a doctor."

Ye Chen got out of the car and followed Mr. Kui to the two young men who were kneeling on the ground for medical treatment. Ye Chen hurriedly pulled them up.

"I don't know who you seek medical treatment for?"

"Doctor Ye, we seek medical treatment for our old mother."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Haunted dragon."

Ye Chen knew what was wrong with this?

Skin diseases like this can really kill people.

"Then take me over."

The two young men were walking in front, and Ye Chen asked them to get into a carriage and ride to the neighborhood.

This is not a village, but a market.

The so-called market is actually that the surrounding villages are too far away from the nearby towns, so it is not convenient to buy things, and a small town-like place is formed around the village. This is actually a market.

This market may be a street or a road, with some houses sitting on both sides, and things from the town can be bought here.

The place where these two young men live is behind this market.

They followed Ye Chen, got off the carriage, and looked at this place. Ye Chen found that the ancient martial world was like a peach blossom field everywhere.

However, in fact, it is also a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. The truly powerful people will live a good life everywhere, and these ordinary people will always live the lives of ordinary people.

Ye Chen and his party came over and naturally attracted the attention of many people.

After Ye Chen followed inside, he reached a room and smelled a smell of medicine.

"Doctor Ye, since the old mother was suffering from this disease, our brothers have carried her to the nearby town to see the doctor. However, they have not been optimistic, but it has become more serious. Recently, they have used some special remedies, hoping to relieve the old mother. Pain," a young man said.

Ye Chen nodded. In fact, he saw the herpes on the shoulders of this old woman. He already knew what was going on.

There is no need to look at it at all, this old woman should be entangled by this thing from the shoulders, back, and even legs.

Things like this are called waist-wrapped dragons and body-ridden dragons. Even in the outside world, the mortality rate of this skin disease is particularly high.

Waist-wrapped dragon, also known as waist-wrapped fire dragon, snake disk sore, flying snake and herpes zoster, is an acute inflammatory skin disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. It is called "waist-wrapped fire dragon" in Chinese medicine. Loincloth fire pill", commonly known as "spider sore" and "snake pill".

Its main characteristics are clustered blisters, distributed in a cluster along one side of the peripheral nerve, accompanied by obvious neuralgia. The first infection manifests as chickenpox, and the virus can be latent in the posterior root ganglia of the spinal cord for a long time. The weakened immune function can induce the varicella-zoster virus to reactivate, grow and reproduce, spread to the skin along the peripheral nerves, and develop herpes zoster. Patients with shingles generally receive lifelong immunity to the virus.

Ye Chen had already treated this disease, and he had been exposed to a lot of serious and non-serious diseases.

However, in places where medical skills are not good, when patients encounter this situation, it is really better to die than life.

I can’t sleep if I don’t eat well.

Ye Chen checked the old woman and found that her condition was very serious. The fluid from her sores had adhered to her clothes, making her clothes and body stick together, which made her very painful.

"How old is your mother?"

"Doctor Ye, our mother is 76 this year."

Seventy-six years old?

"What about you?"

"I am thirty-two and my brother twenty-eight."

If that were the case, both of them were born in their forties. They belonged to old women who had children, and they belonged to advanced-age women. The most important thing was that this old woman left her with sequelae when she was in confinement. As I get older, my body is more prone to become weak and weak, which leads to the current skin disease.

"Doctor Ye, how is my old mother's disease treated?"

"Is there a medicinal store nearby?"

"You have to go to a small town. There is no medicine shop in this market."

"If that's the case, then I can only use my secret formula to cure your mother."

The so-called waist-wrapped dragons and waist-wrapped snakes all have snake heads and tails. As long as you find the head and tail of the snake and burn it, the disease will be much reduced.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to prescribe a prescription for the other party, but there was no medicinal shop in this market, so Ye Chen first treated the old woman.

After asking the two of them to prepare things, Ye Chen found the head and tail of the waist-wrapped dragon. After the light was directly burned, the old woman soon felt much more comfortable and no longer itchy.

It was still afternoon, and Ye Chen was going to see if he could find some suitable mountain herbs nearby for the old women to wash.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to buy medicinal materials in a nearby town today. I will first see if there are suitable Chinese herbal medicines nearby for your mother to wash."

Ye Chen searched around for a long time before he found a few of them. They brought them back and asked a young man's wife to boil the water as he said, and then apply the coating to the old woman.

After doing this, it was already past noon. When the two brothers wanted to leave Ye Chen here for lunch, with so many people here, he didn't want to bother the brothers.

"Is there a place to live in this market?"


Sometimes, because the road is too fast, but it is a little far from the town, that is, resting in the market.

When Ye Chen and Mr. Kui went to the small inn in the market, it was actually some farmhouse-like place outside in the folk world. They stayed first and then had lunch.

After lunch, I will rest here temporarily.

Even if Ye Chen didn't need to rest, these horses also needed to rest, and they also needed to drink water and eat grass.

When the sun went down in the afternoon, when Ye Chen went to see the old woman again, she found that her condition was much better.

I have to say that Ye Chen's medical skills are indeed amazing. In the eyes of the two brothers, Ye Chen is indeed worthy of the word genius doctor.

"I'll leave this prescription for the treatment of waistband dragons here. Whoever has this situation in the future can copy it here."

Ye Chen wrote it down on a wall, and he asked Mr. Kui to carve it down.

The wall itself is white, but now that Mr. Kui has used internal force to write down the prescription for the treatment of this skin disease, as long as the wall is still there, the prescription there will be here. Of course, it will take a long time. This prescription will also be spread.

When many people in the market heard about it, they came to copy it, and they all seemed very happy.

Soon thereafter, there was a name left here called Shenyi Pavilion.

A passing pavilion was built here. This pavilion is called the genius doctor's pavilion, which is the place to commemorate the place where the genius doctor Ye left the secret recipe for healing people.