Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3832: Take carbuncle nucleus

The old grandmother was also wearing a set of Hanfu, but on the back of the Hanfu, the pus of the big carbuncle had penetrated out, and it exudes an unpleasant smell.

When the old lady took off the Hanfu, Ye Chen and Aya looked over and found that the big carbuncle on the old lady's back was as big as a fist and bulged out, looking very scary.

Originally, when the old grandmother reached this age, she hadn't had a hunchback, and it was because of the big carbuncle that she was so painful that she couldn't stand up.

"How long has it been?" Ye Chen asked.

"Doctor, it's been more than a year?"

Said the grandma.

"Have you seen other doctors?"

Ye Chen had rarely seen such a big carbuncle, so he was curious, and actually grew so big.

If it is discovered early at the beginning, it can be cured in three or two days with the use of pig bile and a prescription. However, this situation is now more difficult to treat.

Moreover, such a big carbuncle can't sleep at all at night.

One is pain, and the other cannot lie down and sleep at all.

This has also led to the fact that the old grandmother has not been able to eat well and sleep well recently.

"I have seen many doctors, but those doctors dare not treat."

Have you seen the treatment?

Such a big carbuncle may not be cured, even the grandma's life will be lost.

According to Chinese medicine, this is called back carbuncle, which generally refers to back carbuncle ulcer. Infectious diseases that occur in the back, because the patient can touch the lesion with his hands behind it, it is called "back up", commonly known as "back flower", also known as "hand up". Modern medicine collectively refers to purulent infection.

Back carbuncle is endogenous due to damp heat, loss of kidney water, yin deficiency and fire, internal fire toxins, rebelliousness of the yin and defense, inconsistent with the physical principle, yin deficiency in the body, thick taste of overeating, yang qi clearing and floating, heat glutinous Pus.

Modern medicine believes that the cause of dorsal carbuncle is due to low disease resistance or long-term diabetic failure. Staphylococcus aureus invades the hair follicle by virtue of the deficiency, spreads to the subcutaneous tissue along the subcutaneous fat column, and the infected hair follicle merges with the cortical gland. And then form carbuncle.

The typical symptoms of dorsal carbuncle are the redness and swelling of the back lesion of the unulcerated person, the texture is hard, the edge is clear, the pain is severe, the heat and the cold, the thirst, the upset, the nausea and vomiting, the trance, the weakness, the vomiting after eating, Cough, chest pain.

Those who have been ulcerated first ooze yellow and white thick pus; secondly, peach-colored pus, and then light red water, there is a heat phenomenon, the pain decreases with the pus, the surrounding lumps gradually disappear, the rotten flesh comes off daily, and the new flesh gradually emerges.

The situation of this old grandmother is already collapsed, but there is a big carbuncle nucleus. If you rely solely on traditional Chinese medicine, it will take a long time for her to be cured.

Ye Chen's method is to perform surgery on her first, remove the carbuncle nucleus, and then treat it with a prescription, which can better cure the old woman's disease.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen didn't stay here long.

"Doctor Ye, can my aunt's condition be treated?" the innkeeper asked.

"Of course. Because I haven't stayed in the town for a long time, I want to cure her as soon as possible. Now one is to prepare a sharp knife, then prepare fresh pig bile, and then follow the prescription I prescribed. Give it to the grandmother, and within a week, the grandmother's condition can be cured."

A sharp knife?

This is very well prepared.

Fresh pig bile?

Generally, pig bile can be obtained when the pig bile is taken from the pig.

Like in the secular world, many pigs are killed in the middle of the night, that is, fresh pig bile can be obtained from the pork guy the next morning.

However, it is now in the ancient martial arts world.

It's really easy to talk about a pig. Just go buy pigs, kill them, and then get pig bile.

It seems cruel to pigs, but in fact, the pigs were killed for food.

When the innkeeper went to prepare, Ye Chen now prepared, because during the surgery on the old grandma, there might be some pain.

If you are outside the secular world, you can at least rely on anesthesia needles, but this secular world does not.

Ye Chen hadn't used Hua Tuo's hemp.

All he can use is acupuncture, which relieves the pain of the grandmother.

Of course, the pain caused by the carbuncle on her back now, she may have been numb.

These were quickly delivered by the innkeeper.

This is indeed a very sharp knife, because it looks a little disgusting, Aya and A Le both left, but Ewha is watching.

Ye Chen used high-purity alcohol to disinfect the sharp knife and the carbuncle around the grandmother's back, and then began to operate on her.

First cut up the rotten meat around it, and it came out with thick juices, which really looked very disgusting.

"Grandma, do you feel pain?"

The grandma didn't say anything.

After asking Lihua to take the cloth that had just been disinfected with high-temperature hot water and wipe off the thick **** water around, Ye Chen had already seen the big carbuncle nucleus, which looked like a white thing.

After he took it out and put it aside, the big carbuncle on the back of the old woman looked hollow.

Prepare other medicinal powder ointment in advance, mix with pig bile, and then bandage that part.

This is the most basic treatment.

Of course, if it is in other cases, Ye Chen can slowly treat her, but the old lady has obviously been tortured by this carbuncle for a long time.

Moreover, in the case of the grandmother, the reason why this carbuncle nucleus recurred was because the medicine was not prescribed.

Only by really drinking the medicinal soup with the right medicine to clear away the heat and detox, can it be cured.

Furthermore, the body of the old person is not as good as that of the young person, and it is easy to become deficient. Those six evils and six poisons can easily enter the body of the old man.

After doing this, in addition to the prescription for the elderly to drink, in addition, after a period of time, the ointment needs to be replaced on the wound.

"Boss, help your aunt to take a rest, and change her dressing tomorrow. Of course, we will prepare fresh pig bile tomorrow."

The innkeeper hurriedly thanked Ye Chen, after the other party left.

Ye Chen looked at the room still carrying the smelly smell, Ye Chen felt a little sick, but Lihua quickly helped clean it up.

She had been watching Ye Chen help the grandmother remove the carbuncle just now.

"Uncle, why does the old grandma grow so many carbuncle on her back?" Ehwa asked.

"Reason? It should be caused by a physical deficiency. It was originally small at first, but the old lady didn't find a suitable doctor to look at it, and the problem just appeared so serious."

These are all minor illnesses that lead to serious illnesses.

After Ye Chen showed this grandma, he was going to take a look at this small wolf town.

Compared with other small towns, even those small cities in the lay world, this small town is actually not small.