Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3837: Walk for the sky

That afternoon, when the sun was going down, Mr. Kui and the others came back.

Moreover, Mr. Kui learned an important news, that is, three days later, the river **** worship ceremony will be held in the river temple by the river, which is this year's blood sacrifice.

Mr. Kui sat aside and talked to Ye Chen about what he investigated today.

This **** worship ceremony has always existed since the emergence of this river and lake town.

"Mr. Kui, does anyone think there is a problem?"

"Uncle, in fact, when the leader of Ye passed through this small town, he had heard of some things in the town of Jianghu. He also asked people to stop and ban the blood sacrifice here, but later, after the leader of Ye disappeared, the ancient martial arts became chaotic again. At that time, this river and lake town revived the old ethos. Every year, one to two pairs of virgin boys and girls with suitable birthday characters were selected to be installed in the cage, and then pushed into the water on the day of worshipping the river temple. "

"Then Ye Hao has been banning people over the years, has anything happened to this small town?"

"At that time, nothing happened, the weather has been smooth."

At this time, Ye Chen understood.

"Then who is responsible for the worship of the river temple?"

"I heard that it is the Three Witches of Jianghu Town, and there is another sect villa to assist in the charge."

Moreover, a large sum of money is donated to that river temple every year, and no one knows where the money ended up.

Ye Chen felt more horrified as she listened.

Things like this have existed since ancient times, but people of insight can see that this is actually nothing but money and death.

"Wait a minute, let's go see the river temple."

After getting ready, Ye Chen and his party left the inn and took a carriage to the River Temple in Jianghu Town.

This river temple is not directly on the river, but on an island.

The island can be passed by the bridge by the river or by boat.

From a distance, the river temple looks magnificent, surrounded by incense mist, it seems that the incense here is very strong, and now Ye Chen also sees many men, women and children passing by the bridge to the island.

Ye Chen took Mr. Kui and the three daughters of Lihua to the river temple on the island.

When I got there, I found that it was indeed different from the previous river temple.

The river temple in that small town before, the incarnation of the justice warrior, was to prevent the mutual killing and self-sacrifice of the martial villa.

That is a man, not a god, but it is also protected as a protector.

However, the river temple in front of me is different.

The one who worshipped here was indeed the river god, but this river **** looked terrifying, Ye Chen looked at it, and the river **** there looked like a river **** made very close, and it looked like a man-eating fangs.

Ye Chen stood there watching.

Moreover, there is a list posted outside here, which is written about how much money those people in Jianghu Town donated in this worship to the river god.

From the most nearly 10,000 gold to the least there are dozens of taels of silver.

If it looks like that, you can imagine how much money this has made.

Ye Chen seemed to have guessed who the real beneficiaries were.

Ye Chen also asked Aya to buy incense to burn, but he did not worship the river god, but the virgins who died because of their innocence.

It is recorded here.

From top to bottom, there are one pair or two pairs every year, and there is a pair that adds up.

When he went outside the River God Temple, Mr. Kui said: "Back then, the Lord Ye ordered that this River God Temple was forbidden to do those things. Therefore, the River God Temple was destroyed and used to worship other gods. However, Later, after the Lord Ye disappeared, he returned to the fangled river god."

"We'll talk about it later."

Leave the river temple and return to the inn.

Obviously, now this Jianghu town seems to be busy with the grand event of worshipping the river **** three days later, it feels like preparations before the Spring Festival.

"Mr. Kui, I want you to do three things secretly now."

"Uncle, you said."

"The first thing is to find out the responsible three witches. Second, to find out the sect villas related to this matter. Third, to find out where the donations went?"

"Auntie, don't you want to do the same thing as Leader Ye?"

"I just want to walk for the sky."

Walk for the sky?

Ye Chen saves people by treating illnesses, and now he is also saving people, but saving more innocent children and the hard-earned money of ordinary people in these small towns.

Mr. Kui already understands.

Mr. Zaikui ordered the dead men to do these things separately.

Ye Chen stayed in the inn’s room, Aya and Ale gave him a massage, while Lihua was reading his book. Ye Chen knew that if this matter had not been resolved, it would be impossible for him to leave this town.

If everything happens when and when, it is even more impossible.

In this age, there are still such things happening. One can imagine, is this ignorance or cruel?

That night, Mr. Kui and them all came back.

"Auntie, I've checked it out, look at this."

After checking for several hours, most of them are actually easy to check.

One is about those three witches.

These three witches are also handed down from generation to generation. The current three witches are the sons passed down from the previous generation of the three witches. They do not live in the river temple, nor in the Jianghu town, but live near the Jianghu town. Inside a private mountain village.

"Uncle, this is the address where San Wu lives."

"And this is this martial villa."

It used to be another sect villa, now this sect villa named Wumen does it.

There are probably more than one hundred people in this martial villa, and there should not be many masters of warriors. Among them, the head of the Wumen villa is a master of the warrior class.

In addition to this, there are also many great martial artists.

"Uncle, as for those donations to get money, the three witches announced to the public that all the money was spent on the worshipping river temple. In fact, it only spent less than one percent. The villa is divided, and now there is a lot of money buried in the Wumen villa, and even in the Sanwu’s house."

"These ill-gotten wealth, I don't know how much ordinary people's hard-earned money piled up."

Mr. Kui thinks so.

However, ordinary people believe this, and now there is another sect villa to control it. It is really difficult for ordinary people to handle such things.

"We have to act tonight."

"Uncle, you mean?"

"We are going to Wumen Mountain Villa tonight."

"But that person in charge!"

The opponent is a samurai master, and Mr. Kui knows that he is not the opponent's opponent at all.

"Wait for me to deal with it."

Now Ye Chen's strength is almost the same as the strength of the samurai class, but he is definitely not the opponent of the other samurai masters.

However, he has other help, no matter how great, Ye Chen is naturally not afraid.