Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3889: Do not enter the Ejiao market

Early the next morning, Ye Chen finished breakfast in the apartment and drove to the headquarters of the Chinese medicine factory.

The headquarters of the Chinese medicine factory is still here, but there are many branches of the Chinese medicine factory in the country. Ye Chen drove inside and called Ling Die first.

Ling Die just arrived at the president's office.

Ye Chen came upstairs in the president's office, knocked outside the door, and the female secretary Xiao Li opened the door.

"Doctor Ye, here you are."

When Ye Chen entered inside, he saw Ling Die there as expected.

Ling Die still looked no different from before, but the momentum on her face looked different.

The market value of the Chinese medicine factory has already exceeded 100 billion, and hundreds of thousands of workers produce the Chinese medicine for the Chinese medicine factory.

And these Chinese medicine markets are distributed at home and abroad.

Ye Chen sat down. After the female secretary Xiaoli poured Ye Chen a cup of tea, Ling Die looked up at him and asked, "When are you back?"

Ye Chen said about the ancient martial arts world, where is the ancient martial arts world, Lingdie naturally didn't know, but thought it was in some deep mountains and wild forests, like places like Wudang Mountain.

"I just came back a few days ago, is there any problem with the company?"

"The company has no problems."

Nowadays, in addition to medicinal oil for removing dampness, ointment for removing dampness, and powder for hemostasis, there are many other secret recipes in Chinese medicine factories.

Therefore, there are more and more Chinese patent medicines produced by Chinese medicine factories. In this case, many Chinese patent medicines may become essential household supplies.

"Angong Niuhuang pills, our Chinese medicine factory has produced them, and the market response is still very good."

At the beginning, Ye Chen had a prescription for Angong Niuhuang Pills.

It is similar to other secret recipes, but there are some differences.

And now the price of ordinary Angong Niuhuang pills on the market is more than one thousand, or several hundred yuan.

As for the **, the price may be different, even several thousand yuan.

As for the more expensive ones, tens of thousands of pieces, it is purely because the medicine used includes rhino horn.

However, now that there are very few rhinos in the world, it is naturally impossible to use rhino horn powder, but buffalo horn powder instead.

The price is definitely different.

In fact, in Ye Chen's opinion, many rare medicine sources, like tigers, are not used at all, but instead use some substitute medicines.

Over the years, Ye Chen has been advocating the prohibition of pangolins. His Chinese medicine hospital does not use them at all, but uses other drugs instead of pangolins.

Naturally, these pangolins that are about to be eaten or medicinal can be saved.

"How much does it cost?"

"Fifty yuan a box, 100 yuan a box."

In fact, this is the shipping price.

The prices sold by other agents may be higher.

Like the direct-run stores of a Chinese medicine factory, they sell a box of 100 yuan.

A box of one hundred yuan is actually cheaper.

Moreover, Angong Niuhuang Pills play a very important role in some special situations.

In the past, many ordinary people could not afford it because it was too expensive, but it is different now.

Especially at the current price of one hundred yuan, there is not much to buy.

"you decide."

In fact, this one hundred yuan is still very profitable.

The most important thing is to look at the drug effect.

According to Lingdie's thinking, she still enters the Ejiao market.

Because Ejiao has become more and more expensive in recent years.

"I want to enter the Ejiao market." Lingdie Market.

The Ejiao market is basically monopolized by several companies, and the price is thousands of yuan per box.

However, Lingdie's idea is to acquire a small Ejiao market in Shandong, and then develop through that Ejiao market.

Ejiao is naturally familiar to Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen did not approve.

"I don't agree."

Ye Chen said.


The Ejiao market is still very high in terms of consumption among women and the elderly.

"This thing is not as effective as expected."

Ye Chen thinks that the Chinese medicine factory can get to where it is today, but in fact, it cannot be purely for making money.

At the beginning, he saw that too many of these medicines were getting more expensive, and he had the prescriptions, so he deliberately established this Chinese medicine factory.

If Ling Die wanted to say that now, it would be contrary to his original idea.

Of course, in recent years, with the reputation of charity, Chinese medicine factories have really done a lot of good things, and they have also reduced the burden of drugs for many patients.

When Ling Die heard what Ye Chen said, she suddenly became a little clouded.

This Ejiao is very famous.

In particular, Shandong Na Ejiao was still a tribute during the Qing Dynasty, and it was a medicine used by the emperor.

Now Ye Chen actually said that it was not as effective as he thought, which means that it is probably just some advertising effect.

"It's enough to concentrate on making the secret recipe of our traditional Chinese medicine factory bigger and stronger."

In fact, Ye Chen is not short of money now, and he doesn't need Ling Die to do that.

Ling Die already understood.

Fortunately, I told Ye Chen in advance that if I bought the Ejiao company in advance, it would not be so easy to sell it again.

In fact, the market for Chinese medicine factories is huge, and now there may be a trillion-dollar market at home and abroad.

If it develops better and makes more people believe in Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine, then this market will be even bigger.

Ye Chen and Ling Die talked here for more than an hour, and he came out of it.

It turned out that Lingdie was planning to spend several hundred million to buy the Ejiao company, but now naturally he gave up. He called the leaders of various departments of the company and asked them to come to the conference room for a meeting and discuss this matter.

Ye Chen did not stay again, but went to see Li Feiyi and Bao Yutang.

When I went to the security department, I didn't see Li Feiyi. I learned that he had been on a business trip. It should be the security situation of the branch.

Bao Yutang is still here.

Going back to his house with Bao Yutang, when they entered his house, they found that his son looked very big.

This is about to be sent to kindergarten.

"Doctor Ye, long time no see!" Chen Yu said.

"Sister-in-law, long time no see."

Entering inside, I saw Bao Yutang's parents are here.

Because it was almost lunch time, Chen Yu went to cook lunch first.

After Chen Yu made lunch, Ye Chen wanted to go to lunch with Ling Die, but now he can only eat here.

After eating, Ye Chen went to Li Feiyi again.

Li Feiyi is not here, but his wife Zhu Yue, and Li Yuanchao and his wife are all here.

Li Yuanchao and He Jinhua were very happy to see Ye Chen coming over. They kept asking Ye Chen if they had lunch. Ye Chen could only say that they had eaten with Ling Die.

"Sister-in-law, nothing happened recently, right?"


Zhu Yue works as a teacher in the kindergarten here at the headquarters of the Chinese medicine factory.

Except for Li Feiyi who may occasionally take time to visit the branch, other times, the family is reunited.

Now the daughter is also very big, and the kindergarten is almost finished, ready to go to elementary school.