Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3919: Blood card

In Ye Chen's eyes, there is no distinction between high and low, some are just divided into good people and bad people.

Gallawa didn't understand Ye Chen's approach, and Ye Chen knew it well.

However, if Garawa really thinks from a different perspective, he may not think that way.

After Garava went out, Ye Chen stood in the room and looked outside. In broad daylight, the poor people's kiln can naturally be seen clearly, and the mansion house where the rich lived is actually separated by a wall.

The more people there are, the greater the competition, which is really like that in Ye Chen's eyes.

Therefore, these ordinary talents will live so hard.

The Galawa family cooked lunch, or curry and rice, which seemed to have no appetite, and Ye Chen knew that ordinary Indians like to grab it with their hands.

However, he felt nauseous when he thought of the Indians here going to the toilet.

They may really not be able to change this way of eating.

"Mr. Garawa, I was at the poor kiln in the morning and found that those people were drinking tap water directly, why not drink hot water?"

Hot water?

I am afraid that except for China or those Chinese, other foreigners like to drink cold water directly.

However, if the water resources are not polluted, such as mineral water, mountain spring water is not a problem.

However, those who are polluted now drink water directly, I am afraid it is really bad.

"We are all used to drinking frozen water, like our family drinks bottled water, which is very clean." Galawa said.

These waters are all first-grade water, much cleaner than the Ganges water the other party gave Ye Chen to drink.

If Ye Chen simply eats a little bit, he can't stand these curry dishes, and he has no appetite.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang again. It was the call from the hotel, saying that Master Wal-Mart came to see Ye Chen for treatment.

In that case, Ye Chen was going to the five-star hotel.

"Mr. Garawa, can you send me to that hotel, I'm going to treat Master Walmart."

"Doctor Ye, I will take you right now."

In Garawa and the bodyguard drove Ye Chen to the five-star hotel.

At this time, Master Wal-Mart has come here and waited.

When I saw Ye Chen, the other party was really enthusiastic.

The other party also knows that his genetic disease has not been cured for so many years after seeking medical treatment in Europe and America. Now this young man says that it can be cured. Of course, that is his only hope.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, Wal-Mart had already come.

"Doctor Ye, I have opened a house here for a month, and I have lived here this month. I hope that Dr. Ye can cure me."


Ye Chen followed Wal-Mart in, and when he went to Wal-Mart's room, Ye Chen saw the other beauty again.

This is a girlfriend Wal-Mart knows, but he can't let his parents know.

Because the other party's family also belongs to the Vaisha caste, if you want to be with the Kshatriya caste like Wal-Mart, you belong to Gaopan.

Perhaps, there is nothing wrong with the woman's family, but it is absolutely impossible for Wal-Mart's family to agree.

Therefore, the two are usually secretly together.

The other party knew that Ye Chen had saved the other party's lover, and now he treated the other party again, and was very grateful to Ye Chen.

"Master Wal-Mart, is your girlfriend from the Kshatriya class?" Ye Chen asked.

Looking at the other party's skin color, Ye Chen felt a little bit different.

Because Ye Chen had already heard that men and women of the Kshatriya class tended to have a white skin color, which can be seen from the appearance of the other side.

The young woman didn't look like it.

"No, she is from the Vaishya class, and her family is in business. We were classmates at the University of Mumbai. We were studying in the UK before."

"Then you guys now?"

"It is impossible for my parents and my family to agree in this life unless I immigrate to the UK in the future."

Master Walmart knows it very well.

However, he also knew that his family belonged to the military and political clan in India, and that he inherited it from generation to generation. If he left India and immigrated to India, he would give up these things.

Now that Wal-Mart is called back by his parents from England, he doesn't know what he will be like in the future.

In India, whether the marriage of men and women is decided by parents and family.

Unless he is truly far away from this family.

"Then you really like it?"

Ye Chen asked again.

"of course."

"You didn't dislike each other?"

"No, I am knowledgeable, different from those people." Walmart said.

In this regard, Wal-Mart’s attitude towards Garawa is indeed somewhat different from his parents’ attitude towards Garawa.

In that case, Ye Chen didn't ask those more questions.

After carefully checking Wal-Mart, Ye Chen could confirm that the other party's hidden illness, in fact, the marriage with the other party's family might still have a great relationship.

"Your disease is hemophilia in Western medicine, and it is also a very special kind of hemophilia in your family."

According to Western medicine, hemophilia is a group of bleeding disorders with inherited coagulation dysfunction. The common features are the generation of active thromboplastin, prolonged clotting time, and lifelong tendency to bleeding after minor trauma. Severe patients have no obvious trauma. "Spontaneous" bleeding can occur.

However, Master Wal-Mart's situation is not very serious.

However, if every episode, even, some more expensive coagulation drugs should be used regularly for treatment.

According to Chinese medicine, this disease is not like this.

Traditional Chinese medicine often belongs to the categories of "blood syndrome", "traumatic injury" and "accumulated blood" based on its clinical manifestations. Umbilical cord bleeding continues, it is the earliest manifestation of hemorrhage in hemophilia.

According to the clinical hemophilia with bleeding as the main symptom, it should fall within the scope of the "blood syndrome" of Chinese medicine.

In this case, the other party should avoid acupuncture and moxibustion, because acupuncture and moxibustion is bleeding, and then the blood cannot be fixed at all.

However, Ye Chen is different from other doctors in that he has Reiki, and he uses Reiki to treat patients with acupuncture, which is definitely different.

"Doctor Ye, how can I treat my disease?"

"I will prescribe medicine for you first, and then acupuncture treatment."

However, there is no Chinatown here, so I'm afraid it is a bit troublesome.

"Is there a pharmacy where I can buy Chinese herbal medicines?"

Ye Chen knew that there were many counterfeit Chinese medicines there, but that was just those Chinese patent medicines, like those Chinese medicinal materials, Ye Chen had not seen them.

Therefore, if you really want to buy those Chinese medicinal materials, you may need to fly to Thailand to buy them.

"Doctor Ye, I don't know what Chinese medicinal materials are needed. I will have someone bring them back from abroad immediately?"