Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3937: An Indian bitten by a poisonous snake

The place where Garawa lives is much better than the poor kilns where the Indian untouchables live.

However, the mansion where Karina lives is the real wealthy district of Mumbai.

Looking at the past, this area is all rich areas. Compared with the poor kiln, it is really a heaven and an underground.

Because it was late at night, when Ye Chen stayed at Karina's house and was directly assigned to a room, Ye Chen also lived in that room.

The bed inside, even the carpet, looks the best.

It's not that Ye Chen can't live the life of these masters in China, but he didn't want to live it.

After resting until the middle of the night, Ye Chen tossed on the bed, unable to sleep, he also went out, but stayed there.

Here in Mumbai, Ye Chen feels that the pollution here is quite serious, especially during the daytime, the smog makes him a little breathless.

Therefore, if you want to cultivate here, it is definitely impossible.

However, Ye Chen can get up and meditate.

Until the next morning, Ye Chen woke up, got up, and when she went outside, Karina was already up.

"Doctor Ye, did you sleep well last night?"

"still alright."

On the contrary, Ye Chen felt that living here was not as comfortable as the Garava house. It seems that it would be better for him to return to Garava today.

After lunch at Karina's house, the housekeeper sent him to the poor kiln.

When Ye Chen sat down, Galawa hadn't come, Eddie had already come.

"Hello, Mr. Eddie."

Eddie had already eaten breakfast, and because he had promised Master Wal-Mart, he came to help Ye Chen, but from these days, he still admires Ye Chen very much.

Ye Chen sat down and began to see a doctor there.

It was almost lunch time when Galawa came over. He went to the company in the morning. It is said that after the fake and inferior products of those Chinese medicine factories were knocked out, now with Ye Chen’s promotion, Galawa and the agents’ Sales of proprietary Chinese medicines have begun to increase.

"Doctor Ye, sorry."

"It's okay."

At this time, suddenly one person was carried in by two people.

Ye Chen looked at the other party's situation, and it was not a common disease.

"How is this going?"

"Doctor Ye, his son said that his father caught a snake and was bitten by a cobra."

There are a lot of venomous snakes in India, especially cobras. The families of ordinary people don’t know how to use sulphur powder to separate them, and let those venomous snakes crawl into the house. As a result, many people in India are crawled by them every year. The poisonous snake that came to the house killed him.

Of course, most of them are bitten by a poisonous snake while sleeping at night.

Like these king cobras, if they are bitten, they must be sent to a big hospital to get an anti-venom serum. If they are in a big city hospital like Mumbai, they should still have this anti-venom serum.

However, this anti-venom serum is not affordable for everyone, these Indian untouchables, ordinary people can't afford it at all, they can only wait to die.

"Why didn't you go to the hospital to get an anti-venom serum?" Ye Chen asked strangely.

Garawa and Eddie were a little embarrassed.

"Doctor Ye, take it to the hospital. The hospital doesn't have antivenom serum either."

how is this possible?

In those small cities, maybe not.

However, this Mumbai is not the equivalent of Shanghai, China. How could there be no antivenom?

"Really not, and they can't go. No one can treat them."

At this time, Ye Chen knew the seriousness of the situation.

Looking closely at the wound, the poisonous snake bit the opponent's leg.

The tooth print is obvious.

If those courageous enough, they may have their legs cut off.

However, cutting off the thigh, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to stop the bleeding, and there will be a dead end.

Ye Chen checked carefully and found that the other party's snake venom had circulated to other parts, and he was dying.

"Put him here and I will bleed him for treatment."

In addition to releasing a part of the poisonous blood, there is also acupuncture to force the poisonous blood out of him.

Of course, if there are Chinese medicines, Ye Chen can be easily cured. The problem is that the medicinal materials of Boss Hu have not yet been shipped to India.

Ye Chen treated the other party there, bleeding and acupuncture.

It took nearly half an hour before and after, seeing the other party's situation slowly getting better.

"It's fine for now."

Ye Chen had rescued him from death.

In the case of the other party, it is relatively timely.

Like in China, a chef was killing a cobra. The head of the cobra was chopped off and flew to the chef’s neck to take a bite. It was too late to send the chef to the hospital for an anti-venom.

"Send him back to rest first, and then buy medicinal materials for him to drink."

"Thank you Doctor Ye."

The two sons who were bitten by the poisonous snake thanked them.

After they left, Ye Chen continued to see those people.

At lunch time, after lunch, continue to see a doctor in the afternoon.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening when Ye Chen finished seeing the last patient and was about to go back.

After leaving the poor kiln, Eddie went to a Chinese restaurant in the city with Garawa.

When they came to the Chinese restaurant, Ye Chen talked to Garawa about the Indian viper.

"Many people in India play snakes, but the teeth and venom glands of those venomous snakes have been removed, and it's usually nothing. However, if it's those big pythons, it might even be possible for people to eat them."

Although Ye Chen went around in Mumbai a few days ago, he did not see it.

"In the ancient city, many of these snakes play."

It turned out to be so.

After dinner here, Ye Chen and Jialava went back.

Miss Jilan seemed very happy when she saw Ye Chen's return. However, Garawa had already called and told him that Ye Chen and him had gone to a Chinese restaurant for dinner.

When I came back now, Kieran naturally didn't have to make dinner for him.

Ye Chen went into his room, Miss Jilan came in, Ye Chen asked, "Ms. Jilan, what's the matter?"

"Doctor Ye, how is Miss Karina's house?"

"Not bad, her house is decorated very upscale."

"Then why don't you live with her tonight?"

To live with her?

Of course Ye Chen would not go there. He was neither her husband nor her boyfriend. It would be bad to live with her.

Moreover, if it wasn't for going to see belly dancing last night, it would be impossible for me to stay.

"What were you doing there last night?" Miss Kieran asked gossiping.

"I went to see a belly dancer with her."

Belly dance?

"Belly dancing, I also learn a little bit." Miss Kieran said embarrassedly.

"However, I don't like it very much. The lady who danced belly fainted."