Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3946: :Rheumatic bone pain

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Indian time, when Ye Chen began to feel the sun was going down, Ye Chen was going to visit the old man with Hu Datong.

"Take you to see the old Chinese."

Hu Datong heard that there were Chinese in India, but he didn't know where he was. He didn't expect that Ye Chen had just come to Calcutta, and he knew the old Chinese so quickly.

The two left this hotel, and of course they brought their precious gifts before leaving.

In India, there are actually a lot of thieves, and these hotels do not have any cameras. If they were stolen, they really couldn't find them.

Hu Datong followed Ye Chen, and Ye Chen went to buy a few kilos of local fruit with him.

In fact, they are bananas.

Compared with the fruits in Vietnam, it is almost the same.

When the two went to Ye Chen to see the old man in the morning, they came there, Ye Chen had already seen the old woman.


"I thought you were not coming back?"

The grandmother knew that Ye Chen was from China and she was a doctor. She promised to see her when her family came back tonight.

Therefore, the grandmother has been waiting outside the door.

"Boss Hu, this is an old Chinese from his hometown of Meizhou. I've been here in five years."

"Hello, auntie." Hu Datong said.

Hu Datong also looks forty or fifty years old.

It's appropriate to call the other aunt.

As for Ye Chen, he always seemed to be twenty years old. Hu Datong discovered that Ye Chen had not changed in these years.

Take Ye Chen and Hu Datong in with the grandmother.

When I got here, the old woman's husband, an old man of Bengali ethnic group, also came back. It seems that the other party is also 70 or 80 years old.

However, the other party's complexion is a little dark, and his eyes are like trying to step in.

Countries like South Asia are classified according to caste class.

If the untouchables in the past could not do business, but now the untouchables in India can do business and can study, but compared with other castes, such as Kshatriya and Brahman, it is still far behind.

"Grandma, is your husband Vaisha?"

The grandmother naturally understood the caste class Ye Chen said.

"He is from Kshatriya."

Kshatriya origin?

If that were the case, Ye Chen was surprised.

Why is his complexion so dark?

In fact, Ye Chen didn't know that this is not to judge a person's caste solely by skin color, but by surname.

Like in some countries in South Asia, although the skin color is somewhat dark, it still belongs to Kshatriya.

This is because the white people of the Kshatriya class in the past married local indigenous people and gave birth to offspring. Some of the skins were dark, which is also normal.

"He is indeed from the Kshatriya class, but what about it is of no use," said the grandmother.

"Hello." The old gentleman greeted Ye Chen instead.

He usually speaks English and Bengali. As for Chinese, he still learns from his wife, but he doesn't learn much.

As for his children, they have gone to college.

The family are back.

The old man specifically called to get them back.

Ye Chen and Hu Datong went to sit down, and the old lady asked him to prepare black tea and coffee for Ye Chen and Hu Datong. It was obvious that the old lady was really enthusiastic about Ye Chen.

Ye Chen has never been to Meizhou, but he has been there many times in Guangzhou. As for those Hakkas, Ye Chen also knows.

On the contrary, Hu Datong knew better about the Hakkas, including the people from Meizhou.

Although Hu Datong lives in Vietnam all year round.

It may be because Hu Datong talked about the situation in the old woman's hometown of Meizhou, the old woman was a little excited, and felt that it would be difficult to go back in this life.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to go back in this life." The old woman sighed.

When people are old, it is really difficult to go to other places.

The main thing is that she is now Indian, and it is more difficult to go back.

"Grandma, if you want to go back, it should not be difficult to fly back to Guangzhou and then to Meizhou," Ye Chen said.

Of course, this round-trip cost is not easy, and the round-trip air ticket cost for one person is not low. If there are a few people, it will cost at least tens of thousands of yuan.

Looking at the living conditions of the elderly is not too good, it is indeed more difficult.

"I heard that Guangzhou is very beautiful."

Although Calcutta is known as the Guangzhou of India, it is indeed far behind Guangzhou in China.

"Yes, if you have time, you can check it out."

The grandmother's children and grandchildren really want to go.

In fact, children and grandchildren like grandmothers, especially the generation of grandsons, don’t look like the Chinese anymore, but very much like these South Asians.

To say that they carry Chinese blood, it is really unbelievable.

"Doctor Ye, we have made dinner, let's eat together first!"

Is it Indian food?

Ye Chen and Hu Datong felt uncomfortable thinking of those Indian curries or Indian curries, but the old man was so enthusiastic that they could not refuse.

When he sat down in the courtyard, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that the old man made Cantonese food.

For example, Meizhou cuisine is a kind of Cantonese cuisine, and the most famous dish in Meizhou is probably Meicai Kourou. Here, Ye Chen can actually see it.

"Grandma, is this the pork meat you made?"

"I did it."

She has never forgotten her cooking skills. Although she occasionally eats Indian food, she doesn't like it either.

She still likes the Hakka cuisine in her hometown.

Like the now-appearing Mei Cai Kourou, Yong Tau Fu, etc., they all seem to be all Hakka cuisine, Cantonese cuisine.

Ye Chen was worried at first that it was Indian food, but he didn't expect it to be the old grandma's home food.

"Boss Hu, we are blessed with this meal."

When Ye Chen greeted them to eat together, they waited until they finished eating.

Ye Chen waited for the grandmother to rest for a while before giving her treatment for rheumatic bone pain.

In fact, one of the advantages in India is that it is easy to buy fake Western medicines, and these fake Western medicines are not very expensive.

However, in addition to this, compared with domestic medical treatment, it is really very different.

For Kshatriyas like them, although they can go to see a doctor, they still have to wait in line, and seeing a doctor is particularly troublesome.

Now when I heard that Ye Chen could bother to treat her grandma, her family naturally supported her.

An hour later, Ye Chen began to give the old woman acupuncture treatment.

In fact, Ye Chen has treated a lot of patients with rheumatism and bone pain like this.

Rheumatic bone disease is caused by wind-cold dampness pathogens invading the human body. After wind-cold dampness pathogens invade the human body, they will block the muscles and veins.

This belongs to the wind cold invading the human body, so Ye Chen needs acupuncture to get rid of those wind cold.