Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3950: disclose

There are legends about this fairy cable in China for a long time, but I don’t know whether this fairy cable came from India to China, or China itself has it in ancient times.

Unexpectedly, now Ye Chen actually witnessed it with his own eyes.

Because now these people are performing gods and goddesses there.

Here, there are already many people watching inside and out.

"My dear, it's Shen Xian Suo performing." Karina said.

"It's the first time I have seen it with my own eyes."

Because there were too many people inside, Karina couldn't see it at all.

"Sit up."

When Ye Chen squatted down, Karina sat directly on Ye Chen's shoulder, and when she looked over, she could see very clearly.

There, Ye Chen saw a bucket, two red-headed Asans, and a child.

In addition, people around are performing music there.

The music sounds pretty good, and all those people's eyes are on Asan who is performing a goddess.

When Ah San was playing the flute, there was a rope in the bucket that slowly seemed to grow out.

"That rope has grown out," Karina said.

I saw the rope. It seemed that under the performance of Ah San, the rope became longer and longer. When it was nearly two or three meters high, the Indian kid grabbed the rope and climbed up.

However, the child also climbed up to three meters, and then slowly climbed down.

When Ye Chen looked over again, the rope did not grow up.

"Karina, what did you notice just now?"


Ye Chen knew that there was a problem with these music, and there was a problem with that rope.

Even, he felt that under the barrel, there might be one or two people operating there.

However, these are the means for these people to make money, and now it should be less and less. This is a kind of magic, and Ye Chen didn't bother to expose it.

When Karina was put down, Karina was very happy, and directly took out five thousand rupees and put it on the basin of Asan who came to collect the money.

"Thank you miss, thank you sir." said the performer Asan.

Others may just give one hundred rupees, how can they be as generous as Karina.

"There is a problem with your music just now," Ye Chen said in a low voice.

Sure enough, the face of the performer changed a bit.

His eyes couldn't hide from Ye Chen.

"Your music is hypnotic."

In fact, there is a feeling of confusion.

Ye Chen certainly wouldn't be hypnotized, like Karina might be hypnotized.

The performer was indeed surprised.

However, Ye Chen did not stay anymore, pulling Karina away from here.

"Honey, what were you just talking about?"

"Nothing said."

The suburbs of Kolkata, which is now the old city, are actually the same, dirty and messy, completely different from the high-rise buildings in the city.

If Karina hadn't come here because of Ye Chen.

Now here, until the afternoon, Ye Chen and Karina went to a high-end western restaurant in the center of Kolkata, where they finished their dinner.

Then Ye Chen didn't plan to go back to the five-star hotel with Karina.

"Karina, let's go to an ordinary hotel, are you used to it?"

"of course can."

Karina is not as squeamish as he thought, but she doesn't like to deal with ordinary Indians very much.

After taking a taxi back to the vicinity of Chinatown, Ye Chen took Karina to the hotel, and first went upstairs to put Karina's things away. Of course, he should take valuables with him.

Then go to the old woman's house.

Now the grandmother was still at home, and when she saw Ye Chen and Karina coming over, she greeted them.

"Doctor Ye, have you had dinner?"

"Grandma, we've already eaten outside, so don't bother you. I will come over to tell you something this time."

"The first thing is that Ye Chen wants to find a place in Chinatown for medical treatment. In fact, it doesn't matter where it is, as long as there is an open place."

Give free consultation?

"Is it just to treat those people for free?"

"Yes, grandma."

"Doctor Ye, you are really a good person. Dr. Ye, when do you start, I can call other people now."

"Grandma, don't worry. Another one, I just want to restore the development of Chinatown. I think your husband and your son can buy shops in Chinatown first. More and more Chinese will come in at that time. Do business."

"Doctor Ye, are you serious?" The old lady couldn't believe it.

Restored the glory of Chinatown back then, it was five or more years, and it has been 50 or 60 years now.

If you can really recover, the old lady thinks it is really good.

"Of course, the boss Hu who came over yesterday is from the southern Fujian side. He has already bought several shops, and more bosses there will do business here."

Those who have money don't want to make money, let alone being next to their own home.

The grandmother was an immigrant who followed her parents to do business, so she was naturally business-minded.

"Doctor Ye, thank you for this news."

After Ye Chen had finished talking with the old lady, although the old lady was still very enthusiastic to stay with Ye Chen, Ye Chen and Karina did not stay anymore, but went back to the hotel.

When returning to the hotel, Ye Chen saw Karina who had been restored to her original appearance.

Sure enough, it is the kind that is full of beauty and beauty.

The beauties of the Kshatriya class in India can actually kill the whites in seconds. Looking at Karina, it feels like a mixed-race beauty.

However, Ye Chen still asked: "Karina, your double will be known sooner or later. What if someone finds out?"

After all, Karina's family also arranged a fiancé for her. This is a family marriage. If the two are discovered, not only Karina will suffer, but Ye Chen will also suffer.

Of course, Ye Chen was not afraid of these things at all.

"I don't like that Kumar at all. Anyway, I will never marry him in this life."

"Then you are going to come back to Shanghai with me then."

"I don't know yet."

Karina's career is in Bollywood, India. Although she can also go to Hollywood to develop her career, most of her career is in Bollywood.

If she followed Ye Chen to Shanghai because of Ye Chen, it would mean that she would give up her family in India and her career.

It is really impossible for an average woman to do this for a man.

"Then you will be here for a while, and wait for a while before returning to Mumbai."

Ye Chen certainly doesn't need money. Even if the house in India is expensive, he can buy it. He can give Karina a few houses, even if Karina won't accept it.

What's more, Ye Chen couldn't come here often.