Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4024: Yang Li's parents

Yang Li's son didn't want to leave here at first, and when he heard that he could go to the grandma and grandfather's side to play, he didn't make trouble.

Yang Li has already taken all of her and her two children's clothes. As for the rest, she can't be taken away if she wants to.

Does Xin Zhao still have valuables in that safe?

Yang Li didn't know, she didn't dare to take it.

"Is that all?" Ye Chen asked.

"My clothes and my two children's clothes are here."

Ye Chen still went back to the villa to look for it, and when he found that it was valuable and could be moved away, that is the safe.

But what is in this safe?

Ye Chen didn't know either.

He has a lot of strength, but this is a combination lock, it can't be opened without a password.

Ye Chen directly contacted Lu Wenyi in Shanghai.

"Wenyi, can you see if you can crack this code lock?"

For computer geniuses like Lu Wenyi, it is certainly not a problem for password locks.

He carefully checked through the video, and then searched the Internet to find out what type of code lock was and how to open it.

Lu Wenyi hasn't done these things for a long time, and now he feels excited.

"Ye Chen, wait, I will crack this code lock soon."

Yang Li and Jin Duoduo were still waiting outside.

When Jin Duoduo came up, he knew that Ye Chen was going to open the code lock.

"Ye Chen, what are you?"

"You see Yang Li is like this. If there are valuable things in it, I can live with her and the two children."

Yang Li thought about it and thought so.

For about half an hour, at Lu Wenyi's prompt, Ye Chen entered the password several times, but the previous few times were all wrong.

This time, follow the password prompted by Lu Wenyi again.

"Crack!" With a sound, the combination lock finally opened.

When I opened it, Ye Chen found that the safe had three layers, the upper, the middle and the lower. The upper layer contained Renminbi, a large stack, which should have several hundred thousand.

The middle layer is the foreign currencies, which should be US dollars and British pounds.

There are hundreds of thousands here.

On the bottom layer are some jewelry and some jade.

Ye Chen didn't know how much it was worth.

However, it should be worth millions at least.

Add up to two or three million.

Yang Li should still be able to live with the two children.

"Take all of them?" Jin Duoduo asked.

"Bring the bag and all put it away."

After all these are installed, and then the safe is locked again, there is nothing in it.

Ye Chen and Jin Duoduo went outside, and Yang Li took the two children in the car.

"Doctor Ye, Duoduo, are you in there?"

"Lily, don't worry about it. There are at least two or three million in here. Save a bit. You and these two children will definitely have no problem living with you."

"Where did you find it?" Jin Duoduo was also surprised.

"Xin Zhao's study under the bed."

To Ye Chen's surprise, Yang Li didn't know the safe that her husband had hidden.

I have to say that this is a kind of sadness.

"So much money?"

Yang Li was also surprised when she saw so much cash.

"Lily, I originally wanted to give you a sum of money, but it seems that I don’t need it now. You can save the money tomorrow with someone you can trust, and then take it out when you want to use it. As for these gold and silver jewelry, wait until yours After all the cash is spent, I can exchange it for money."

Yang Li took it, looked at the money, and didn't know what to say for a while.

In the past few years of marriage, she has never worried about money.

But, basically, she rarely goes out to spend.

However, in this situation, the aristocratic kindergarten that my son is in, I am afraid that he will not be able to attend. She has just called and talked to the head teacher.

Just say that the child will not go to school.

This is a must.

Even with the money, Yang Li knew that she could only do that.

"Doctor Ye, Duoduo, thank you so much," Yang Li said.

When there is no money, she really doesn't know what to do.

Now that she has the money, she has the confidence to continue living.

"You still have to collect these money. In the case of Xin Zhao, I am afraid that he will not be able to get out in this life. All his property will be confiscated, and even compensation will be paid to the victims. If the money is still in your name, I am afraid It will be implicated at that time."

Yang Li also knows this.

It must be the case if there is no divorce now. If it is divorced, it may not be pursued like that.

Ye Chen drove away from here, Yang Li knew that it had nothing to do with her anymore.

According to the address Yang Li said.

Ye Chen drove for nearly an hour and finally came to this Yangjia Village.

Here are all Bai people.

Ye Chen could tell from the construction houses where Bai villagers lived.

When Ye Chen stopped the car, Yang Li called her father.

Before long, Yang Li's parents came out.

Ye Chen, who was in his fifties, did not see the difference between the other party and the Han.

"Lily, why are you here? Where is Xin Zhao?" Old Man Yang asked.

"Dad, let's go in first."

Yang Li married a rich husband, which many villagers in Yangjia Village know.

However, it is indeed not Xin Zhao who sent Yang Li back now.

Yang Li just took down those clothes, those cash ones, she didn't take them down, she was afraid of scaring her parents.

When entering inside, Yang Li's parents, elder brother and sister-in-law and others all came out.

"This is my college classmate Jin Duoduo, and this is Duoduo's boyfriend, Doctor Ye Chenye." Yang Li introduced to her family.

However, Yang Li's words changed the expression of her maiden family.

"Xin Zhao has an accident."

What happened to Xin Zhao?

Yang Li's parents couldn't believe it, her elder brother and sister-in-law, younger brother, and sister-in-law couldn't believe it.

So how could something happen to the rich brother-in-law?

"Lily, what happened to Xin Zhao?" Yang Li's mother asked.

"He is involved in the big wealth organization and has been arrested."

These people also know the big wealth organization.

However, I always thought it was legal, so how could I think of these.

"Get caught?" Yang Li's eldest brother was even more surprised.

"This is MLM." Yang Li said again.


These Yang family members looked at each other, still couldn't believe it.

"Then how are you and Xin Zhao now?" Brother Yang Li asked.

"We are about to divorce, and Xin Zhao will never get out in this life."


Can't get out?

Bai people generally don't get divorced easily. If you get divorced, you can imagine what it means.

Moreover, Yang Li wanted to find a Bai people to marry again, which might be difficult.

Yang Li's parents couldn't help crying when they heard it, and then looked at the two grandchildren and granddaughters. The two elders didn't know what to do.