Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4048: More and more people know

More than 30,000 people were checked from top to bottom. If relevant symptoms appeared, they were immediately sent to another island for isolation.

In this way, the number of infected people has risen from a few hundred to nearly two thousand.

This is already very serious. After all, this small country has only more than 30,000 people, and now there are 2,000 people infected.

If they are not detected and treated in time, I am afraid that these people may all be extinct.

In those days, many natives became extinct because of the plagues.

Ye Chen's pressure has increased a lot, but now that the relevant medical staff sent from China come over, Ye Chen will send someone to do it soon as long as he does what he said.

In this case, according to the patients who are currently isolated, according to the initial stage, middle stage, and severe stage to distinguish.

The most serious patients have exceeded one hundred.

As for the dead patients, if the corpses in the containers were not included, there are now more than a dozen cases.

Ye Chen gave the patients medicated soup according to his prescription, and if necessary, he might also give them acupuncture.

Of course, in terms of prevention, Ye Chen feels that Artemisia annua and other drugs do have a good effect.

It's just that there is still a lack of a lot of medicinal materials, which needs to be sent from China.

These need to be bought.

Moreover, it does not take too long to be transported from China by plane.

However, these patients, plus those from Japan, are actually very serious.

Ye Chen had not rested that night.

Director Zhu from Xiehe Hospital approached him and said, "Doctor Ye, I'm afraid this disease is worse than expected."

"What do you suspect?"

"I suspect that those animals may have been infected."

There are still many mice and birds on this small island.

Now mice and birds have been caught for inspection. From these animals, although it has not been possible to detect the virus for the time being, many of these animals have begun to show uncomfortable symptoms.

What does this show?

It shows that this virus is likely to be transmitted to those animals.

Even more serious.

"I have contacted relevant domestic authorities and asked them to pay close attention."

After all, if so many people in China are infected by these things, it will be troublesome.

"In fact, Mr. Xu has already told me that there are two people in the country who have been infected. They are from this small country. I just don't know if they have spread to other people."

Ye Chen and Director Zhu discussed there for more than an hour.

Now that those Western medicines fail to pass the examination, the key is to rely on Chinese medicine.

According to the situation here, Ye Chen called Lao Liao and others in China.

At this time, Lao Liao knew that Ye Chen had flown to a small Pacific country and knew the severity of the virus.

Late that night.

There were patients with internal bleeding and convulsions all over the body. They looked like they were dying and frightened other medical staff.

When Ye Chen passed by, he prescribed another prescription, and then moxibustion to the target, the other party's situation slowly eased, if not for Ye Chen's treatment just now.

This patient, like the previous deceased, has died.

Of course, if you pass this test, the patient may get better slowly.

Ye Chen was busy until early the next day.

When Ye Chen and Yizi went for breakfast, they learned that there was a sea burial, and now Ye Chen and Yizi didn't want to eat the seafood here.

However, as for other meat dishes, they all rely on imports, so that the price of meat dishes here is still very expensive, perhaps two or three times more expensive than domestic ones.

Now Ye Chen, Yizi has breakfast, which is a Chinese breakfast.

"Yizi, if you go back to Japan first, you will also suffer here."

"No, I want to stay and translate for you."

Yizi didn't want to go back, but still stayed, it was rare to spend these unforgettable days with Ye Chen. Of course, the others didn't know the identity of Yizi, they just thought that the other party was really Ye Chen's assistant.

It didn't take long after breakfast.

Another patient experienced convulsions and internal bleeding.

In Ye Chen's past, the patient's condition was relieved through acupuncture treatment and medicinal soup treatment.

In addition to these, Ye Chen also asked the hot spring resort in Japan,

After all, hundreds of people have also been infected.

Although Dr. Zhutian and Danbo were there to take care of the patients, they followed what Ye Chen said. When Ye Chen was there, they felt okay.

As soon as Ye Chen left, they almost became confused.

Fortunately, all this was done in accordance with what Ye Chen said.

Now there are no new infections there, but some patients are beginning to get better.

Obviously, under the treatment of Chinese medicine, the symptoms of those patients can still be reduced until they really recover.

In the afternoon, another plane flew in.

This plane is not from China and Japan, but from the United States.

The plane brought many medical equipment, western doctors and western medicine. These medical staff were also invited by this small country.

Of course, as soon as these people came over, they immediately appeared domineering and they had to take over the quarantine area.

Ye Chen didn't say anything, and was too lazy to say anything.

He is still wondering why there was a big fire on the garbage dump, so he asked them to investigate the relevant personnel from China.

Now it looks a little eyebrow.

"Doctor Ye, these American doctors look very arrogant. They want to take over those patients immediately. They are the best medical skills in the United States in the world." Director Zhu said.

"Then let them take over."

When they came, Ye Chen was much more relaxed.

Even, there is still time to take a walk with Yizi on the beach to see the coconut trees and the endless sea. He thinks it is really good.

He Yizi used to be in Tokyo, but now it's rare to come here.

In the middle of the night, another patient suffered from convulsions. The American medical staff were at a loss and could only ask Ye Chen for help again.

Moreover, people in this small country now know that Ye Chen is a genius doctor, and only Ye Chen, a genius doctor, saved their lives, as for the others.

When Ye Chen came over, he first treated the patient, and then he called the person in charge of the American medical staff and said: "Your Western medicine treats you, and our Chinese medicine doctor is in charge of ours. We don't interfere with each other. After all, life is critical. But I think You still have to find the source of the virus first, I suspect it is on that central island."

Ye Chen is not a competitive person, and he doesn't want to quarrel with these people.

After all, the concepts of Chinese and Western medicine are very different.

However, Ye Chen knew that it was often like that. Whether they encountered these plagues or infectious diseases, Chinese medicine can indeed achieve very good results.