Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 405: Sun Mengjie came here

In the morning, there was still more than an hour before lunch. Ye Chen continued to train five puppies on urine and feces. There was not much training time. However, because of yesterday's foundation, it is easier to train. Except for Erha, the other four puppies seem to slowly adapt to the newspaper.

When Ye Chen finished training, she found Gao Meilin in her work uniform had returned. It's just that now compared with before, seeing her dress, I feel a very capable feeling.

"Ye Chen, where's Zhou Ning?" Gao Meilin asked about her son's situation as soon as she came back. Naturally, she was too worried about leaving to work at the company, which would make Zhou Ning uncomfortable.

"He just drank the medicinal soup and was still resting on the shaker." Gao Meilin hurriedly looked upstairs and found Zhou Ning really asleep there.

When Aunt Fang prepared a sumptuous lunch and the three of them were sitting here for lunch, Gao Meilin looked at Ye Chen and said, "I went to work at the company early today. When those executives and ordinary staff saw me, It was a little unexpected, which surprised them all."

"In the past two months, you often did not go to the company. They thought that the company changed a boss. Now that you go back, their minds are naturally less." Ye Chen smiled.

In fact, if you have absolute control of the company, even if the boss does not often go to the company to work, and occasionally meets in the past, the executives and employees in the company will not be like that.

However, Gao Meilin has not yet reached that kind of strength. In addition, the various problems she has encountered in the past two months fully show that her position in the company is not good enough.

In the morning, after the three of them had lunch together, Gao Meilin still drove to the company to work, while Ye Chen stayed at the villa. Except occasionally watching Zhou Ning, the other time was to train the five puppies outside the yard.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun began to set, and Ye Chen heard the sound of parking outside the villa. At first, he thought it was Gao Meilin who left work so early. So, he just raised his head and took a look, and was about to continue teasing the five puppies there.

However, he did not expect that when he looked up, it was a beautiful woman who came in, not Gao Meilin, but Sun Mengjie himself.

Ye Chen had guessed Sun Mengjie a long time ago and would definitely come to him personally. However, he did not expect it to come so quickly. When he saw Sun Mengjie coming in here angrily, Ye Chen's expression remained the same, even just bowing his head and playing with Fu Dog.

In fact, that night, Sun Mengjie slept in her room all night. In her dream, she felt that she had the most important thing to lose. She couldn't catch it anyway.

When she woke up the next morning, she recovered quickly after drinking the kind of soothing medicine soup prescribed by Ye Chen.

However, when she woke up, she saw the figure of her younger brother Sun Xiaowei, but she did not see Ye Chen's figure, thinking that Ye Chen was just going out because of something. After all, the soothing medicine she drank, knowing that it was the prescription Ye Chen prescribed to her, naturally did not expect Ye Chen to have left last night.

Slowly, she just felt that something was not so simple, because when she asked where Ye Chen was, whether it was her younger brother Sun Xiaowei or other people, her expressions were different, and she couldn't say anything.

Sun Mengjie hurried to the separate villa where Ye Chen usually lived, and found that all the clothes and books about Ye Chen in the room were gone. At that moment, Sun Mengjie seemed to guess that Ye Chen had left here.

During lunch in the morning, Sun Mengjie saw his father, Sun Yaowen, who looked a little haggard. When asked about Ye Chen’s news, Sun Yaowen just said, “He’s gone, he may have left Shanghai!”

As for the reason, Sun Yaowen didn't say it. He knew very well that Ye Chen had a very good relationship with his daughter. Even, thanks to Ye Chen who rescued her that night, otherwise, the consequences would not be known.

However, something like that happened last night. Sun Yaowen knew that when he said it, his daughter would be very upset.

After Sun Mengjie asked several people in a row and finally knew what happened last night, she didn't expect that Ye Chen was forced to find the spy after she was in a coma, but was forced by her father and the housekeeper Sun. Go.

She couldn't say anything about what her father did, and she couldn't say anything about the usually respected Sun Da steward, she guessed it was her father let him.

However, the more that happened, the more angry she felt, recalling the scene in the Qinglong Group, and remembering the scene in the dream last night, she vaguely remembered, wouldn't it be true?

As the saying goes, thinking on the day and dreaming at night, the reflection in the dream, in many cases, is the true self.

Under such circumstances, Sun Mengjie felt that she must find Ye Chen back. However, because Shanghai is so big, it is not so easy to find Ye Chen again. What's more, Ye Chen may have already left Shanghai.

On the one hand, she made people look for Ye Chen's figure outside, and on the other hand, who had just recovered, she naturally went to the hospital to visit the security guards of the Qinglong Group. It was at that time that Ye Chen arrived later, but Sun Mengjie did not see Ye Chen because he was not in a mood.

That night, I read the phone and sent a text message to Ye Chen's phone, but did not reply to her. Naturally, I don't know where Ye Chen is? However, Sun Mengjie knew that Ye Chen must still be in Shanghai, but where is he? Sun Mengjie still doesn't know for the time being, because she doesn't know about Ye Chen's contact with other people.

With the power of the Sun family, as long as you want to investigate it, it is very easy. Because Ye Chen didn't stay in Shanghai for a long time, and there were not many people who knew and knew well. The first was Lao Liao, the second was Gao Meilin, and there were even several other women who had a good relationship with Ye Chen.

Soon, Gao Meilin also found out that Ye Chen actually lived with the young woman Gao Meilin. The more she thought about it, the more it was not.

When she got off work in advance from the company, and drove over to Xuhui, when she just entered the Gaomeilin Villa, she saw Ye Chen's figure.

When she saw Ye Chen, Ye Chen also glanced at her, but then looked at the puppies at his feet again. The scene on the lawn in the afterglow seemed very warm. In normal times, Sun Mengjie also likes those cats and dogs, but she doesn't have much time to raise them.

Now when I saw those puppies playing around Ye Chen, she was still full of anger. She walked over to Ye Chen, watching Ye Chen still bow her head, sitting on the lawn and watching the puppy At the time, the anger suddenly disappeared a lot.

"What are you doing?" Sun Mengjie asked.

"Tease the puppy!" Ye Chen said.

"Why did you leave without a word that night?" Sun Mengjie asked again.

"Miss, I know you will come to me. What's more, when you fell asleep at the beginning, I was afraid to wake you up and affect your rest!" Ye Chen's simple words made Sun Mengjie's anger just disappear even more. Many, restore the original look. Because she knew Ye Chen, the same Ye Chen still cared about her, but she didn't always stay by her side.

"Then you go back with me now, we will raise a dog in the Sun's villa." Sun Mengjie said.

At this time, Ye Chen looked up at Sun Mengjie, and at Sun Mengjie who had recovered after just a day or two nights. Compared with the previous period, the whole person seemed to have matured a lot in the past two days.

Why do you say that? Many people are the same. Only after they have truly experienced life and death will they become more mature. The same is true of Sun Mengjie now, but Ye Chen also understands the anger on her face just now.

"I can raise it here, why go back?" Ye Chen replied softly.

"You! Don't do this, please? I can ask my father and Sun Guanjia to apologize to you!" Sun Mengjie said.

"Why do you apologize? What they said is right. The photo is also true. I have some contact with Officer Lu. Of course, it can be said that your dad and I have different ambitions and disagreements. When I go back this time, they can tell me Apologies. But what about next time? If this happens again next time, can you guarantee that your dad will not doubt me?" Ye Chen said.

Speaking of it, it was actually because Ye Chen did not really fit into the Sun family in Sun Yaowen's eyes. Except because he didn't really join the Azure Dragon Gang, he usually stayed in the Sun family. Apart from living and eating, he just lived with him. The relationship between Sun Mengjie and brother is good. As for the other Sun family matters, Ye Chen ignored them. Coupled with his many contacts with Lu Jing, he was secretly photographed again.

Even if Sun Yaowen and Sun Guanjia didn't doubt, everyone else would. So, under such circumstances, Ye Chen knew, what's the point of going back to Sun's villa by himself?

"I don't want to know what you said, but I just want to ask you, why on earth are you reluctant to leave? Is it because you like this young widow, or think she is better than me?" Women who quarreled, many times, There is no need for a reason. Sun Mengjie is the same now. When she saw that Ye Chen was unwilling to leave, she naturally thought that Ye Chen was the reason why she liked the glamorous widow Gao Meilin.