Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4067: Poor Village

It can be seen that Xia Qi's family is indeed very enthusiastic.

Ye Chen had dinner, it was already late at midnight, and they were speaking Mandarin with dialects, so communication was still possible.

After Ye Chen went to take a bath, he was then arranged to live in a separate room.

These are all old houses with limited conditions, and Ye Chen didn't say anything.

However, now the weather is hot, and without air conditioning, you can only use a fan.

Early the next day, Ye Chen woke up very early.

He thinks that this place is a bit like his hometown, but, unlike his hometown, the mountains look more like this.

Although Zhaojia Village is outside Shennongjia, it does not seem to have as many mountains as here. Under such circumstances, it is indeed difficult to develop.

"In fact, our village was still a poor village before."

Not only in the village, but even in the counties are poor counties.

There is no other way. Various conditions restrict development. Those who are able to work in Chengdu can still make money, and those who are unable can only stay in their hometown.

In this case, even farming is difficult, and only pigs can be raised.

Therefore, many people in the village raise pigs.

However, each household raises two or three pigs at most. Xia Qi's school tuition was also earned by her parents and grandparents from raising pigs.

When Ye Chen got up, he used the mountain spring to wash, which was not bad.

At breakfast, I ate local kimchi.

Korean kimchi is very famous. In fact, Sichuan also has them. Of course, these two types of kimchi are different.

When Ye Chen and Xia Qi came back, they didn't bring anything back. It was definitely not appropriate. Ye Chen and Xia Qi were going to the town to buy some tobacco and alcohol to share with Xia Qi's uncles and relatives.

"Xia Qi, I will go shopping in town with you later."

"buy what?"

"Of course it's a gift."

Ye Chen wouldn't go to someone else's house empty-handed, not to mention that this family greeted him so warmly.

After Ye Chen talked to Xia Qi's parents, they thought Ye Chen didn't need to buy anything. Of course, as long as Ye Chen didn't dislike Xia Qi's home family.

When Ye Chen rode a motorcycle with Xia Qi to Daqiao Town, he found that the driving was better during the day, but the mountain roads were not easy to walk.

Although it is six or seven kilometers away, it is still more dangerous to drive along the cliffs.

Ye Chen felt that if the villagers didn't move out, it would be better to open a road.

When he came to Daqiao Town, Ye Chen found that there were still more people in Daqiao Town during the day.

"Today is a market day, so there are still many people in the town."

However, the total number of people in the entire town is only a few thousand. If it is New Year's time, there may be more people. Now it seems that it is really not good compared to Ye Chen's hometown or other small towns.

But now there is everything in the town.

Ye Chen went to buy alcohol and tobacco.

"These alcohol and tobacco are real, right?" Ye Chen asked.

"Sir, these are all true. The Tobacco Bureau above sells them uniformly. We will not sell fakes."

In fact, there are a lot of fake wines.

In particular, some fake wines are still made with industrial alcohol, so that those people may not even die if they drink it.

Ye Chen watched it all, although he rarely played with baijiu, he could really tell if it was true.

This shop does have fake wine.

Therefore, what he bought was an ordinary tens of dollars, and he bought two boxes directly.

As for those cigarettes, I bought a lot.

After buying both tobacco and alcohol, Ye Chen and Xia Qi went around.

Since she went to study in the county seat, she seldom went to the fair in the town, and now she feels a bit different.

When Ye Chen and Xia Qi were walking around the town, they saw the street stalls selling weird and strange things similar to their hometown.

Of course, Ye Chen could see the mountain herbs sold by the barefoot doctor at a glance.

"This is Polygonum multiflorum." The old gentleman said.

In fact, Ye Chen was really surprised when he bought the disappeared Codonopsis from the old man.

However, in Sichuan, when he saw this piece of Polygonum multiflorum, he knew it was real, and he didn't feel anything.

Ye Chen didn't buy it.

After spinning around with Xia Qi, then go back with Xia Qi.

When going back, Ye Chen asked, "Xia Qi, have you ever thought of giving back to your hometown?"

"I thought about it when I was young, but then I didn't think about it."

When she was young, she did think about it.

However, when she grew up, she was different. She couldn't manage her own affairs. Wherever she managed so many people, she felt that she should take care of her family first.

Like my parents, grandparents, uncles, those who are able to help their family.

"I don't plan to go back to my hometown after that?"

"Return, once a year."

Now Ye Chen bought her a house in Shanghai, but she did not ask her parents to live there.

In fact, the customs in my hometown and big cities are different.

At this point, Xia Qi didn't know if Ye Chen could understand.

Therefore, Xia Qi felt that when she had money, she would build a new house for her parents in her hometown.

Back to Xiajiacun.

After Ye Chen carried those things up, he took them directly to Xia Qi's parents and grandparents. As for how to distribute those things to other villagers, that was their business.

Because Ye Chen didn't know.

Xia Qi's parents and grandparents didn't expect that Ye Chen actually bought so many cigarettes and these liquors.

These cigarettes cost dozens of dollars a box, but now a large box is actually good.

This may add up to tens of thousands of yuan.

They thought that Ye Chen was a bit of a waste of money, but, as Xia Qi said, Ye Chen is not bad for this amount of money. If it wasn't because it was too far away, Ye Chen could just drive a car.

Xia Qi took Ye Chen around in the nearby mountains.

Ye Chen found that the environment in the mountains was particularly good, but he felt that there would be many other wild animals, such as wild wolves and leopards.

"You mean wolf?"

"My grandfather said he had seen wolves when he was a child, but now I heard that there are many wild boars."

Ye Chen found that the environment here is much worse than Tao Caiwen's home village.

Tao Caiwen’s home village has at least mountain fields, but there is no mountain field at all here. The mountains are full of trees. You can only rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, plant trees, or make money from mountain products. In addition, you raise pigs.

In addition to these, if you don't go out, there is really no income.

However, when Xia Qi took Ye Chen to the mountain, he discovered that there were actually many mountain herbs.

"There are a lot of mountain herbs here?"

"Yes, but ordinary villagers don't understand. Since I was a child, I have known a lot from my grandfather, so later I wanted to apply for the University of Chinese Medicine."

Ye Chen thinks that the Internet is so developed now that it is possible to sell mountain herbs online.

However, it is not very convenient to get to Daqiao Town from here.