Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4088: Give piano

Recruiting new members of the association is just the beginning.

If they improve their basic knowledge of Chinese medicine and master them like watching, smelling and asking, then other aspects will be much easier.

Ye Chen had eaten hot pot, returned to the room, and planned to continue practicing tonight.

On the second day, it was announced that the main purpose of the next free clinic was to improve the foundation of Chinese medicine for these new members.

Ye Chen held a free clinic in the university town, free of charge, and it quickly spread.

Soon, in addition to the new members who are going to class, more than 300 other new members came to participate.

Because there are too many people, every time it is done in groups of twenty people.

When the first patient came to line up, it was a girl with aphthous ulcers. This is a mouth ulcer, which has repeatedly appeared for four years.

The mother of the young girl knew that medicines like watermelon frost could cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Therefore, this time she heard that God Doctor Ye had free consultation, so she rushed over to queue.

"You come to get the little girl's pulse."

Ye Chen asked the first new member of the association to come over to the girl.

Check both the left hand pulse and the right hand pulse, and then let the second one.

Until the first group of members of the association finished watching, Ye Chen announced the real pulse condition.

If the pulse condition is incorrect, then the dialectic of Chinese medicine must be incorrect.

Like this girl who has oral ulcers, she also needs to check her lips.

It can be known that after the girl’s tonsils were removed four years ago, oral ulcers appeared again and again. Basically, they appeared every other week, and each time they appeared, there were a dozen or so large or small mouths with the size of rice grains or mung beans. Ulcers wounds.

This seriously affects the daily life and study of little girls.

In fact, this situation of the other party is due to heat in the lungs and stomach. If the lung and stomach problems are not really solved, it is impossible to cure them.

"Go back and get the medicine according to this prescription. After a week, this will not happen again in the future." Ye Chen said to the young woman.

"Thank you Doctor Ye."

The young woman took her daughter away.

Right now, Ye Chen was only teaching these members of the association about the pulse condition. As for other aspects, they could only watch from there.

Because there are too many people, there is only one group at a time, so that everyone has a chance.

When it's the next patient's turn, it's the second patient.

The second patient is also a child, but he is only five or six years old and belongs to pediatrics.

Pediatrics is a dumb subject, and it is a relatively difficult subject. The patient's condition can only be dialled through the guardian around the child and the doctor himself.

This little boy’s tongue was ulcerated, which was actually more serious compared to the little girl just now.

He has not been to kindergarten for a year because of the ulceration of his tongue, and he hasn't been to kindergarten for a year. Usually, his parents take each other to other hospitals for medical treatment, which is also a kind of temporary treatment.

Now that Ye Chen came back, he naturally hurriedly brought his son over.

Ye Chen still asked the members of the second group of associations to perform pulse diagnosis.

"Chairman Ye, the child is so young, can he get his pulse?" a new member of the association asked in confusion.

"why not?"

In Ye Chen's view, not only humans, but also livestock.

What's more, a child of five or six years old is already intact.

Trying to feel the boy's pulse at the other party, it really felt it.

After the other party finished watching, other new members of the association rushed up again.

After watching the twentieth, Ye Chen said: "The child is in poor physique, and his lungs and stomach are weak. I will prescribe Chinese medicine and go back to make medicinal soup. However, I will give him as little as possible in the future Hot snacks."

"Doctor Ye, are those at McDonald's edible?"

"It's better to eat less."

Although McDonald's is very fragrant, the physiques of Chinese and foreigners are indeed different. Those who eat every day are fine. However, if the Chinese eat every day, it will be prone to problems.

"Doctor Ye, I understand."

"After drinking this medicinal soup for half a month, if it is well regulated, his tongue carbuncle will be cured.

After the little boy's parents left, Ye Chen knew that there were more and more only-children, and the conditions were good now. These only-children were living in a superior life.

However, because of that, it is easy to cause other diseases.

. . .

Until lunch time, Ye Chen had brought fifteen groups of association members to watch.

At lunch, Ye Chen asked the members of the association to have lunch first.

But Ye Chen went back to the apartment and simply finished eating, and then came back.

Dozens of patients are still queuing.

If Ye Chen saw them alone, he would definitely finish the reading soon, but now the main goal is to let these members of the association know and grasp the pulse condition, so there is no hurry.

After nine o'clock in the evening, after finally reading it, we will continue to start tomorrow morning.

Now when Ye Chen returned to the apartment, Mei Hua really admired Ye Chen. Ye Chen's medical skills were so good that he actually gave so many doctors free of charge, and he taught so many students himself.

"Mei Hua, when you can talk, do you want to go to school?"

Meihua studied at a special school for the deaf and mute. If it were those normal schools, it would be different.

Mei Hua just made a yelling sound, and Ye Chen couldn't hear it when he watched the other party's gestures.

It turned out that Mei Hua still wanted to study medicine with him.

However, learning medicine is not so easy.

Whether it’s Lin Xinting or Xia Qi, I have learned this for a long time.

Meihua used to play Guzheng, and Ye Chen felt that the other party was better at learning art. Like learning to play the piano, Ye Chen felt that the other party had talent.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen said, "Mei Hua, do you like piano?"

The plum blossom has never even seen a piano, but this piano is now very common in China. The cheap one may be several thousand, the expensive one may be tens of thousands, and there are hundreds of thousands of them.

Like the sons and daughters of Ye Chen, the young ladies have asked them to learn piano.

The location of the apartment here is not big, especially the living room. If you put a piano here, it will be very crowded.

Looking at the appearance of Plum Blossom, Ye Chen felt that he really bought a piano for the other party as a gift.

The other party is still young and talented in this respect.

Ye Chen went back to the room by himself and checked the prices of those pianos, ranging from several thousand to several hundred thousand, or even millions.

Ye Chen just made a phone call and someone will deliver it.

At that time, the sofas in the living room may have to be removed before the piano can be put down.

Someone called Ye Chen early the next day.

The piano has been delivered to the door.

Because you can't move it up from the stairs, you can only hang it up through the window.

The three-story building is not very high, but this piano is not cheap. It cost nearly a million and is a pure imported piano.

The three daughters of Han Xiaoxiao already knew that Ye Chen would give Meihua a piano.

Now that the piano is hung from the balcony, and then professional staff install it and adjust the tone, this piano is nothing.

If there is any problem at that time, you can call the store and ask the staff to come up for maintenance and repair.