Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4123: Interview high-paid talents

At present, the top ten pharmaceutical giants in the world are basically developed countries such as the United States, Switzerland, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

They all started to develop from chemical pharmaceuticals, and the so-called domestic pharmaceutical companies are indeed far behind them.

Now Ye Chen wants to recruit executives from all over the world. After sending out this news, it naturally started to cause a sensation among many people.

However, Ye Chen temporarily handed over these matters to a headhunting company in Shanghai, and Ye Chen went back to the university town.

When he returned to the university town, although Ye Chen did not go to the free clinic now.

However, the weekly report of the Chinese Medical Association certainly cannot stop, only to write more medical records.

Ye Chen knew that the gene company now had to leave it to Lu Jing, and it was Lu Jing's business to do what Lu Jing did.

Because it involves a lot, it is difficult for Lu Jing to deal with it.

However, what Li Hanke did must not be allowed to continue.

Otherwise, what plague will burst out in the future, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Ye Chen knew very well that the plague on the small island in the Pacific was not caused by the virus leak from the laboratory on that small island.

But now it is globalization. As long as it appears, it will have a global impact.

Ye Chen is most worried about this genetic virus, which is specifically targeted at the yellow race.

This afternoon.

Ye Chen received a call from the headhunter boss.

"Doctor Ye, we have received more than a dozen applications, all of which are from the top ten pharmaceutical giants in the world."

"Are all foreigners?"

"Otherwise, there are Chinese and overseas Chinese."

"You arrange, I will meet with them separately then."

Whether it's Ling Die or Li Gaorong, Ye Chen actually met and talked about it. In fact, he probably knew what was going on.

Of course, if he speaks English, Ye Chen might ask Annie to help.

"Doctor Ye, I arranged for them to fly to Shanghai today, and then meet them at our headhunting company or at the hotel tomorrow."

"Yes, just at the hotel."

Let the headhunting company arrange it, and Ye Chen's job will naturally be much easier.

That night, Ye Chen went to Annie's villa.

Now Annie and Li Xiao are busy with the foundation. Of course, there are staff recruited now, and she is not very busy.

Of course, Annie is very optimistic about Wang Ru. What did she think, Ye Chen asked Wang Ru to go to work in the laboratory.

"My dear, where did Wang Ru go?"

"She went to a laboratory on a small island, and I'm afraid she won't come back once in half a year."

"That's a pity. In fact, she is also good in management. I heard that she was a head of the student union before."

"Annie, I think Wang Ru is a talent in that field. It would be a waste to arrange your job."

While sitting down with Annie, Ye Chen said again: "I am going to set up a western medicine pharmaceutical company and prepare to recruit talents."

Western medicine?

Annie was blinded.

Didn't Ye Chen study Chinese medicine?

"Aren't you studying Chinese medicine?"

"Yes, but now I have found a group of scientific research talents who have achieved Western medicine results. Of course, I have to set up a company to produce and make money, and even treat more patients."

In this regard, Annie felt that it was indeed the case.

Some western medicines for the treatment of heart disease and high blood pressure are expensive to sell abroad, but more expensive domestically.

"Tomorrow you and I will meet those people. My English is not very good."

"OK then."

That night, Ye Chen stayed here.

Early the next day, the two got up and finished breakfast.

Then Ye Chen drove with Annie to the five-star hotel.

In fact, Zhang Chi, the headhunter boss, has all arranged.

"Doctor Ye, I have arranged everything, do you meet one by one?"

"Yes, let's meet one by one, it is also a kind of respect for each other."

After Ye Chen and Annie came to the hotel for a meeting room, Zhang Chi and the secretary arranged.

Soon, a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his forties and dressed in a suit with the appearance of a typical Gaulish came in.

"Doctor Ye, this is Mr. Rodin from France. He was previously the global deputy director of the production department at Bayer."

When Zhang Chi gave the other party's information to Ye Chen and Annie.

Ye Chen thought it was French at first, but he might not understand it.

Unexpectedly, it was in English.

Annie could see clearly and introduced to Ye Chen on the side.

"Mr. Rodin, I don't know why you want to move to my unknown company?" Ye Chen asked.

When Annie started to ask in English.

Rodin began to speak.

In fact, he has long wanted to leave Bayer, but for ordinary companies, he doesn't want to go. He wants to find an opportunity to show his talents.

The position given by Ye Chen is very good in all aspects including salary, so he wants to give it a try.

Ye Chen has come into contact with many foreigners, such as Annie and her parents.

In fact, Ye Chen could tell how these foreigners were.

Of course, Ye Chen is still biased towards the Chinese and overseas Chinese, especially since he used to be a domestic student who went abroad and then took up a post in a foreign country. Now he is ready to return.

That is, people like Ling Die.

"Mr. Rodin, thank you very much for coming to apply. As for whether to apply for you, we have to go back and make a comprehensive confirmation?"

Now the annual salary is tens of millions, which is quite a lot. Naturally, it is impossible to agree to it at will.

Rodin also understands.

After Rodin left, he moved to the next one.

During this period, there were people from the United States, Japan, and other European countries. Of course, there were also a few Chinese.

There are a total of fifteen people, three of them are ladies, all of whom are in high positions and their annual salary is not low.

Ye Chen all met one by one.

Each meeting takes about ten to fifteen minutes. As for the materials prepared by the other party, Ye Chen and Annie are also going to take them back and read them.

Among them, after Ye Chen finished reading, these 15 applicants.

Except for one person, that is, a Chinese lady from the United States, who previously worked for Ruihui Pharmaceutical Company in the United States for more than ten years, and now she is also one of the top leaders.

In fact, Ye Chen is very optimistic about each other's character and ability.

"Doctor Ye, who do you think are satisfied?" Zhang Chi asked.

"Just Ms. Zhou Lan, I think she is very good. As for the other people, air tickets, and hotel accommodation, you have all reimbursed them for them. As for how much money will come, someone will ask you to pay. "

"Thank you Doctor Ye."

In addition to commissions like these headhunting companies, additional support like these can also make a fortune if they can give a suitable scope.

In that case, Ye Chen and Annie did not stay.

However, he certainly couldn't give those people results so quickly, but waited three days before giving them results.

As for that Ms. Zhou Lan, Ye Chen was going to meet and chat with the other party.