Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4140: Northern Europe is a bit cold

Before, these subordinates, and even the middle and high-level managers of insurance companies, saw Jiang Yu alone and a lot of wealth, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Some even wanted to catch Jiang Yu.

Wherever he thought, Jiang Yu didn't even look at it.

Now, they knew that Ye Chen was the largest shareholder of the insurance company, and they knew that the man behind Jiang Yu was so powerful.

Entering the room.

Jiang Yu called his parents. Now it is early morning in China, and the parents and children have rested.

"Mom, Ye Chen and I just got off the plane."

"Just safe."

The couple were indeed worried that Ye Chen would take a plane abroad for so long.

There are still many critical plane crashes, and the safety is really not as high as taking a train.

The two chatted for a while.

It's 6 o'clock in the evening now, it's still early.

I have just come here now. Although I have eaten something on the plane, I must go out to eat first.

Jiang Yu found that after practicing with Ye Chen, he often felt hungry. The most important thing was that he was not afraid of getting fat after eating.

"Unfortunately, there is no Chinatown here, but there should be restaurants opened by Chinese. We will go out and have a look."

After putting things in place, Jiang Yu said in the group that everyone is free to move around, but you must abide by the laws here. If you have anything to do, contact her immediately.

Of course, the security here is still good.

As long as there is no mess, nothing will go wrong.

Ye Chen and Jiang Yu went outside.

Ye Chen discovered that this Nordic city is indeed different, as you can see from the buildings.

"Sister Jiang Yu, where are we going?"

"Let's take a look, I haven't come out alone with you in a long time."

Before, Jiang Yu went out with Ye Chen alone.

However, afterwards, he was busy with his own business and did not come out alone again.

Now when he is here, Jiang Yu feels that Ye Chen belongs to her alone.

In a taxi, Jiang Yu spoke to the taxi driver in English, and the other party actually understood it.

Fortunately, you don't need to find translation software to talk to Swedish.

However, the taxi driver said that there is no special Chinese gathering area here, but there are Chinese restaurants.

Then the other party stopped and charged the fare.

Ye Chen and Jiang Yu did see a restaurant opened by Chinese.

When he came there, Ye Chen found that there were not many people at this time.

When the two enter, the owner and his wife should be Chinese or overseas Chinese, and so are the waiters.

When I saw Ye Chen and Jiang Yu come in, I thought they were also Chinese here.

"What do you want to eat?" the waitress asked.

"I'll look at the menu first."

When Ye Chen opened the menu and looked at it, it turned out to be South Fujian cuisine.

In other words, the boss should be from southern Fujian.

There are really a lot of immigrants, or doing business abroad to make money.

Therefore, Ye Chen didn't feel surprised, because he really saw a lot in those Chinatowns abroad before.

"Sister Jiang Yu, these are South Fujian dishes."

Mainly seafood-based.

Of course, there should be a lot of seafood here in Sweden.

The price should not be very expensive.

Jiang Yu ordered a lot of dishes.

After the waitress took it and left, Jiang Yu said, "I may be busy with my affairs in the next month, what about you?"

"I'm going to do that global live broadcast and plan to hire some part-time translators."

Ye Chen wanted to find a few translators, who knew English, French, Swedish, and even Japanese and Southeast Asian languages.

Like these, in fact, you can recruit by going to the relevant forum.

"Let me help you advertise on the forum."

"Yes, I will find a batch of patients first."

Because it is not Chinatown, there is no Chinese gathering area.

Ye Chen can't mess around.

Of course, there are Chinese and tens of thousands of Chinese, but the branches are all over Sweden, not here in Stockholm.

Moreover, Ye Chen didn't know how many Chinese people believed in Chinese medicine?

Ye Chen knew that all of these needed time to arrange.

When the waitress brought the dishes, it was the wife and wife who brought them here.

"Are you new immigrants here?" some dark and thin boss asked.

"No, we just came here, the company's business." Jiang Yu said.

The couple really thought they were new immigrants?

This is because there are too few Chinese and business is not very good.

If there are many Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chinatowns like those in other countries, plus other tourists, business will be good.

Of course, immigrants here without relatives or friends do seem very deserted.

"Boss, is your business not good?"

"It's okay, the balance is balanced, but the Swedes here don't like to eat Chinese food."

do not like to eat?

That is also normal.

Just like Ye Chen didn't like those western food.


"They think it may not be clean, they may think we are eating weird things, they think we will eat mice, even cats and dogs."

The boss said helplessly.

Since there is such a thing?

Although it is indeed possible to eat mice and cats and dogs in China.

But if people here don’t eat, how could anyone do it?

"They all like to eat Western food that looks very high-end. In fact, it is expensive and not delicious. It is not as delicious as our chef's craftsmanship." The proprietress said.

The couple have obviously been here for a long time and know very well about it.

Ye Chen was naturally also interested.

After asking a lot of questions, the couple also spoke out.

Ye Chen felt that during this time in Sweden, he could come here for dinner.

Anyway, the couple will also make hot pot.

"We were on a business trip for a month, and it seems that we ate here this month."

"Thank you so much."

There are two stable customers, which is very good for the couple.

The couple also introduced a lot and reminded them not to do anything.

After all, here is different from China.

Of course Ye Chen understood.

However, if that is the case, Ye Chen wants to develop Chinese medicine here, and even live broadcast globally, I am afraid it will be a little difficult at that time.

Have eaten this big meal.

After Jiang Yu settled the bill, the two came out from inside and then went around the city.

These large foreign cities have small populations, but it seems that the buildings are more distinctive.

Of course, now that the two of them are walking outside, there are really few people except that they are a bit cold.

This season, it is really cold here.

At night, the temperature is already below zero.

Before I came, I brought my winter clothes in advance. Of course, when I got off the plane, the insurance company employees felt that winter was here.

"It's better to go back." It was too cold outside, and Jiang Yu wanted to go back to the hotel to rest.