Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4146: Beauty with Angel Face

The next morning, Ye Chen finished breakfast and went on to see a doctor.

Compared with the global live broadcast, it is obvious that seeing a doctor is more important now, because there are more patients, and Ye Chen can't manage that much.

By the time it was lunch, Ye Chen had already seen 180 patients.

This is equivalent to sixty patients an hour.

Of course, Ye Chen may take tens of seconds after seeing a patient, which means that when acupuncture is needed, it takes more time.

Ye Chen finished a simple work meal at the embassy and then continued to see a doctor.

The patient who came was a white man who flew over from Finland.

This white old man is nearly seventy years old because of a woman.

Half a year ago, she suddenly found that her two palms had cracks, pain and itching, and a little blood appeared. Now in winter, the temperature drops, causing her palms to be more painful.

When the opponent removed the gloves he was wearing, Ye Chen could clearly see that the palm of the opponent's palm was dry, desquamated, fresh blood and blood scabs were visible in the cracks, knuckles were stiff, half-clenched fists, flexed but not stretched, no palms Dry cracks regularly, and can't be exposed to water for a long time.

I have seen western medicine, used western medicine, and applied olive oil to the wound, so the affected area is not so serious.

Ye Chen checked the opponent carefully and found that there was a wound on his right calf, which did not heal all the year round, and there was pus around the wound, which was hard to touch and painful.

According to Western medicine, this should belong to eczema.

However, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the situation of the other party is a kind of cracking and sore.

Obviously, the old man's aging and physical frailty, coupled with his location in a place where the weather is cold and dry, caused his symptoms to appear.

If it is in a place where Chinese medicine is available, like his situation.

Ye Chen felt that it was not difficult to treat.

However, there is no one now, he can only use some powders that he has spared.

First open the other party's wound to get rid of the poisonous blood, then bandage, and then put the powder.

Finally, Ye Chen moxibusted the wound on the target.

Then he prescribed a prescription for the other party.

"Auntie, you should go to a warmer place, like southern Europe, take a rest for a while, and then drink the medicinal soup according to the prescription. Within two weeks, your illness will be completely cured."

In fact, because of the long time, many things like cold toxin have accumulated in the wound, causing the rotten meat there to not return to normal.

These are really hard to treat diseases.

In Ye Chen's opinion, many powerful old Chinese medicine practitioners can be cured easily.

However, the prescriptions prescribed by Western medicine treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and even for this type of disease, in fact, it does not have a very good effect.

This one patient.

Ye Chen spent a minute watching it.

Then continue to look at the second patient.

Until more than eight o'clock in the evening.

This time I finally finished it in advance.

Because Ye Chen had to go to give that old Mr. Nelson acupuncture to treat low back pain.

Therefore, he was going to invite these translators to eat hot pot again, and Ye Chen asked them to go to the Chinese shop first.

Ye Chen took Chen Shuya and went to the hotel where Mr. Nelson lived nearby.

When he came there, besides Mr. Nelson, Ye Chen saw a middle-aged couple, Nelson's son and daughter-in-law.

In addition.

Ye Chen unexpectedly saw a white young woman with a stylish dress, a pair of blue eyes and an angel-like face.

This white young woman is so beautiful.

It can be said that the other party is probably the most beautiful of these whites in Northern Europe.

Moreover, she is tall and looks like a noble lady.

Chen Shuya may have seen more, but nothing.

However, Ye Chen looked surprised at first glance.

"Are you Dr. Ye? Thank you so much for treating my grandfather. In fact, I am also a fan of you and Chinese medicine."

The beauty with an angel face came over and said hello.

After Chen Shuya on the side translated, Ye Chen said, "Hello, my name is Ye Chen."

"Hello, I'm Nelson Jenny."

"Miss Jenny, hello."

After Ye Chen passed by, checked Nelson, and then moxibustion for the target.

In fact, like this acupuncture and moxibustion, Ye Chen also used Zhen Qi in the process of acupuncture and moxibustion. This acupuncture treatment is of course much better.

There is no way, because there are no Chinese medicinal materials here.

It can only be sent through other places.

However, by the time it arrives, the patient's condition may already be very serious.

After spending half an hour, Ye Chen finished acupuncture and moxibustion for Mr. Nelson, and was about to leave. After all, other translators were still waiting for Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen and Chen Shuya were about to leave, they didn't expect Nelson Jane to follow them.

"Doctor Ye, don't know where you are going?"

"I am going to have dinner."

have dinner?

The other party seemed curious.

When Ye Chen and Chen Shuya came out, they wanted to take a taxi by themselves.

However, unexpectedly, Jenny had a Volvo by herself.

Let Ye Chen and Chen Shuya get into the car and say, "I don't know where the two are going to eat?"

Ye Chen said the location.

Translated by Chen Shuya.

Jenny drove past the place that Ye Chen said.

Came there.

Ye Chen thought Jenny was leaving.

Unexpectedly, he followed.

She already knew it was a Chinese restaurant.

The translators had just arrived, and they were waiting for Ye Chen to come. Unexpectedly, now Ye Chen came and brought a beautiful white woman.

"Doctor Ye, we are waiting for you to come."

Most of these translators are Chinese or overseas Chinese and international students. They also like to eat Chinese food, but it is difficult to come here.

Now the owner and his wife of the hot pot restaurant have already prepared.

Then bring some white wine.

In this kind of weather, it is really awful to warm up the liquor and drink it.

Now Ye Chen also understands why these Nordic people, especially those Russians, like to drink liquor so much.

It may be for this reason.

The weather is too hot. Drink some wine to warm your stomach.

Of course, it's not vodka or the liquor from China, which is very ordinary liquor.

However, the exported liquor is not the same as the domestic liquor. It is a liquor made from real wheat or sorghum.

"Come on, have a drink first." Ye Chen said.

This wine should be around 35 degrees, a bit spicy.

However, in this weather, it is really comfortable to eat hot pot while drinking these liquors, especially the beef and lamb here are really good.

When she started to eat hot pot, it was obvious that it was the first time for Jenny to eat like this. She used to use western kitchen utensils, but now she uses chopsticks. At first, she seemed very uncomfortable, and she could accept it slowly.

After a hot pot meal, it was already more than 11 o'clock in the evening.

Ye Chen knew it was time to go back to rest.

"You guys should go back soon and rest."