Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4218: Abandoned One Heart School

Now Ye Chen and his party went directly to the heart mountain.

Why is it called Xinshan?

Ye Chen didn't know, neither did Wu Lao San and the others, but they heard that Xinshan was a treasured geomantic place, and people had always lived there.

Nowadays, people who are single-minded and sect stay there.

In the foothills of Yixin School.

Ye Chen looked up, and he saw the lights lit up all the way, which looked very dazzling, just like broad daylight.

"What are those lights burning?"

"Pine oil grease and animal oil."

If it is ignited like this every day, then how much has to be burned.

"Head, how to deal with it?"

"Most people stay here, we go straight up."

Ye Chen is not afraid of these people.

Like the old man and the horse husband, they are the mysterious masters of ancient martial arts. Under normal circumstances, unless you encounter a particularly powerful cultivator, it is really impossible to be the opponent of the two.

Except for the Tang Sect members here, Ye Chen and his party went directly to Yixin Sect.

Not long after they got up, someone got down.

"Who are you, breaking into our one-hearted sect privately?" a man said.

"Wu Lao San, who is he?"

"He is the head here."


Is he also the head?

The man in front of him is also the head.

"Old ghost, take him down first."

Old Gui shot immediately, and this man was the strength of the foundation stage, and he was really too far behind the old Gui, and he was subdued by the old Gui in two strokes.

"You'd better not move, otherwise, just throw it down and you will be crushed."

Ye Chen's words directly scared the head of the single-minded school to death.

In their eyes, ordinary people may exist like ants.

However, now the head of Ye Chen looked like an ant.

When more and more people from this sect appeared, they were all subdued soon.

Ye Chen didn't need to do the rest of those things.

When Laosan Wu took the groom and the others to look for it, she found the vault on it.

All the gold, silver, and copper coins in the vault.

So much money?

Seeing the boxes of gold here, the old man and the others were surprised.

"Mr. Ye, they just blackmailed us from ordinary people."

Ye Chen was also surprised to see these things.

However, he is also very strange, these cultivators, what do they want the money for?

"What do they want so much money for?"

"Of course I used it to enjoy."


That shouldn't be blackmailing so many ordinary people!

"What else can you say?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the members of the Yixin School.

These people still don’t know Ye Chen’s identity, and they don’t know who these people are. However, the old ghost horsemen easily subdued them, and even when they could directly kill them, they knew that these people were fundamentally in front of them. Can't afford it.

"Mr. Ye, kill them directly and ask us to eliminate these parasites." Wu Laosan said directly.

They are also forced to become bandits in the mountains by these people.

Now, I don't have a good impression of Yixin School.

"Please let me go, I don't know." A sect member immediately begged for mercy.

"Old ghost, groom, and Gulin, you find out the mastermind in this matter, and then send someone to notify nearby villagers to come here to collect copper coins and silver."

These things originally belonged to the villagers, and Ye Chen didn't need to take all of them.

The three of them did what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen stayed here, and he found that the aura here was also very abundant.

Couldn't it be one of the seventy-two caves in Yingzhou?

Soon, just as Ye Chen thought, this place really belongs to the seventy-one cave sky.

Although it is far behind, the aura here is very abundant.

When Ye Chen stayed in a clean house, he discovered that there were more books here, except for some related to cultivation, but also related to Yingzhou, and even many humanities and geography around Yingzhou.

Geographic map?

Ye Chen checked carefully, and he really saw a map about Yingzhou, but it was not drawn in detail.

Judging from the map, this should be just a very large island in the endless sea. How big is it? Is it really as big as Mr. Liu and others have said, it may not be able to finish it in a lifetime.

Ye Chen didn't know either.

However, judging from this map, this Yingzhou is indeed not small.

While Ye Chen was watching, Tang Linger came over and asked, "Ye Chen, what are you looking at?"

"A map of Yingzhou."

Tang Ling'er also came to look at it, and when she checked it carefully, she found that it was indeed.

She felt that if she could still return to the ancient martial world, the map was really important.

That night, the two rested here.

Wait until early the next day.

When Ye Chen and Tang Linger woke up, there were people at the door.

Ye Chen thought who it was at first, but he didn't expect it to be a young woman.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"I, I'm here to take care of your husband."

Ye Chen and Tang Ling'er got up, put on their clothes, washed them out, and learned from the young woman that the other party was a maid, who had taken care of those who were single-minded.

Of course, she was not voluntary, but forced.

Now when Ye Chen and Tang Ling'er were going out, the members of the Yixin Clan that had been caught were already in the room by the switch.

Of course, there are some ordinary people who are just doing work, that is, young women, and they just change the objects of service.

"Master, we have sent someone to notify the villagers to come over for change. In addition, there are a lot of food, cloth, whether to take out and distribute to them."

"Of course it is divided. These were originally theirs. Now they are all distributed back to them."

Ye Chen just passed by here, he couldn't stay here for a long time.

Although this place is also one of the seventy-two holes of Yingzhou, it is impossible for Ye Chen to stay for a long time.

When more and more villagers heard the news, at first they thought it was fake, but when they found it was true, they rushed over.

Ye Chen counted their numbers and then distributed them according to their own situation.

Of course, they will also consider how much of that kind of food they have given to Yixin.

Ye Chen asked Old Gui and the groom to deal with it.

Ye Chen and Tang Ling'er were walking up the mountain now, and he found that the cultivation here was very good, and it should have been built by ordinary people who were squeezed by members of the Yixin sect.

"Ye Chen, how are you going to deal with these sect members?"

"The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. These people must be abandoned. I don't want to wait for us to leave and restore the original state here."

Tang Ling'er felt that way.

After the horseman and the old man had divided all the money, food, and cloth, and the remaining members of the cultivation world, Ye Chen did not abolish their meridians except for a few who still had human lives.

However, all other meridians were abolished, and it would be impossible to cultivate for a lifetime, because their dantian was directly destroyed.