Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4227: Big Sea Monster

At sea, it is generally difficult to find fresh water, except in the case of islands.

Now they all know that fresh water from the sea is the most precious, and it must not be used for bathing.

"Uncle Lin, can you find fresh water at sea?"

"According to our experience, it is possible to find it."

Since Lin Shen said that, Ye Chen didn't worry about anything else.

When he went back to the room with Tang Ling'er to continue cultivating, now Tang Ling'er is in the foundation building stage, and the sludge discharged from his body has not been completely discharged, and the sludge discharged from continuing to practice makes Tang Ling'er feel uncomfortable. Take a bath after the fresh water is heated.

If there is a way to seawater fresh water in the endless sea, then naturally there is no need to worry about fresh water.

However, this is impossible.

Ye Chen was also practicing in the room.

I don't know how long it took.

He felt that the spiritual energy in his dantian was getting more and more, and when it reached the breakthrough point, Ye Chen did not stop, but continued to practice.

I don't know how long it took.

Feeling the aura in the pubic area surging crazily, more and more aura, like a flood bursting a bank, can no longer hold, and the brain feels a thunderous explosion.

Then Ye Chen felt that the faint lotus-shaped thing at the dantian area became clearer.

Ye Chen knew.

I just broke through in my practice.

From the initial breakthrough of the seventh floor of the rotation period to the middle period of the seventh floor.

This kind of training breakthrough feels really comfortable.

When he opened his eyes, he knew that Tang Linger had just broken through the second floor.

Now when Ye Chen got up, Tang Linger said, "I just broke through again, that feeling is really wonderful."

In order to save water, Tang Linger now does not take a bath anymore, but uses fresh water to wipe his body, which may save a lot of fresh water.

Ye Chen left the room.

Seeing the boat is quiet.

At first, I thought something was going on, but I didn't expect that everyone except Lin Shen was resting.

Of course, that old gentleman is just an ordinary person now, and his physique may be the worst here, but he stayed in his room all the time.

Even, there may be some seasickness.

"Old sir, how is it?"

"I feel sick."

Ye Chen went over and found that the old gentleman was really seasick.

Like seasickness, motion sickness is actually quite normal in this situation.

Ye Chen took out the silver needle and gave it a needle. The old gentleman gradually became more comfortable, and he did not vomit as before.

The old man made tea with the tea leaves brought from Yingzhou. The two of them drank tea in the dark night, that is, under an oil lamp.

The road ahead, I really don’t know where.

Suddenly, Ye Chen felt a sense of danger.

Ye Chen stood up directly.

Now Lin Shen and the others stopped too.

When he saw Ye Chen coming out, Lin Shen said, "Mr. Ye, maybe you have encountered a monster."

This endless sea is so big, there are really a lot of sea monsters that have become refined.

Now they felt that they had indeed encountered a sea monster.

Looking from a distance, I saw something like a small mountain floating there, with two big red eyes, looking terrifying in the dark.

Obviously, this thing is blocking the advance of the three ships.

"Is this a turtle?"

Ye Chen looked over and felt like a turtle.

However, he had never seen a turtle like a small mountain, which may be much larger than a large truck.

"Do it." Lin Shen has already taken out a long iron.

He had seen a lot of sea monsters like these before. If they hadn't avoided it, they would definitely be the enemy, and it would be possible to overturn the ship.

The three in Lin Shen took out ropes to tie their waists, and they were about to jump off.

Now that the ghost is old, the groom is also up.

"Head, do you want to help?" Gui Lao asked.

"Look at it first."

Ye Chen and others watched from the boat.

When the three brothers Lin Shen jumped directly into the sea, the sea monster floating in the sea was still there, but when the other party opened his mouth, apart from revealing the terrifying fangs, a large amount of seawater was swallowed directly by it. Go in, then spit it out again.

The three surrounding ships shook a lot because the seawater became more and more water, and the members of the Tang Sect were shocked to see this scene.

Obviously, this is the first time they have seen such a big monster, the big monster, and it looks really terrifying.

It is possible to fall into the sea or be swallowed directly by the opponent.

Lin Shen and the three had already swam over, preparing to drive each other away first. If the other party refused, then they probably wanted to overturn their boat.

When Ye Chen was watching there, Tang Linger also came out.

"Ye Chen, what kind of monster is this?"

"Like a turtle."

Ye Chen was not sure if it was a sea turtle.

If it is also cultivated to become refined, then it is no ordinary sea turtle.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't like killing. If the other party had no other killing intent, he didn't need to do that.

When Lin Shen and the three men took the weapon in their hands and went to the big monster, when the big monster directly sank, the surrounding sea swayed like ocean waves.

The three were swaying in the sea. If they hadn't tied the rope, they really didn't know what it would be like.

"Pull them up."

Ye Chen asked Old Gui and the others to hurriedly pull the three up.

When they got on the boat, Lin Shen and the others were still a little afraid. The turtle was at least three stories high, and only a small part of it floating out of the sea.

The real is below.

They just saw that under this sea monster are six feet, a big tail, and a big turtle shell above it.

In Lin Shen's view, it was not a sea turtle at all, but he didn't know what it was, and he had never encountered it before.

Moreover, the neck of this thing looks very long, and the other party just shrank in the sea.

"If it is not hostile, there is no need to kill."

This endless sea is so big. I don’t know how many sea monsters there are. Especially when there is sufficient aura, these sea monsters live much longer than humans, and they will become refined over time. .

"I have no intention of killing. If you don't want to bleed, please leave and make a way."

Ye Chen came to the deck, looked at the big monster and said.

While the big sea monster was still floating there, Ye Chen said, "If you want to continue to stop us, don't blame us for being polite."

However, Ye Chen found that the other party seemed to show some pain.

Obviously, this sea monster was probably stabbed by something on its body.

Sure enough, when Ye Chen took a closer look, he was stabbed by something on the neck.

Seeing this, Ye Chen understood it.

"I'll go down and help you out."

Ye Chen was about to take off his clothes and was about to go down. Old Gui and the groom took a look and hurried over and said, "Master, this is too dangerous. Let me go down!"

"I'm going down."

Ye Chen took off his clothes and waited until the sea was not so wavy, then tied the rope and jumped into the sea, and then slowly swam towards the sea monster.