Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4244: To meet the wishes of the old man

After Xiao Lin left, Lu Jing still wondered who this young man was.

Lu Jing was surprised to learn that this was actually what happened back then.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen returned to his room and saw Lu Jing looking for him. When he thought it was something, he did not expect that someone downstairs was calling his grandpa.

When Ye Chen and Lu quieted down, they learned that an old man in the village next door had a sudden situation and asked Ye Dao to check it out.

It is a year before the New Year, but this season is also particularly easy for children and the elderly to get sick, because the weather is too cold and the temperature is too low.

Ye Chen hurriedly and Ye Dao were going to see what was going on.

After getting on to Lu Jing's car, Lu Jing drove to the next village according to what the middle-aged said.

At this time, the size of this family is already surrounded by the elderly's room.

"Master Ye is here, get out of here quickly."

Ye Dao and Ye Chen got off the car and someone had already seen Ye Dao.

When they saw Ye Chen coming, they greeted Ye Chen one after another.

In the old man's room, Ye Chen had already smelled the lifelessness, which showed that the old man's internal organs had begun to rot, and he might not live long.

However, Ye Chen didn't say anything, and looked at each other with Grandpa, Ye Dao already knew.

After Ye Dao passed by and looked at the pulse, he didn't say anything.

Go outside the room.

A family of adults gathered around and asked, "Genius Doctor Ye, Genius Doctor Ye Xiao, I wonder if my father can survive the 30th year?"

After all, how could I think that this would be the case of the New Year, a festive day.

Ye Dao shook his head and said, "The old man's longevity is over, I'm afraid I will prepare for the future."

Ye Dao had said that, and these villagers knew that there was nothing they could do.

However, these adults still gathered around Ye Dao and asked: "Mr. Ye, please let my father survive the fifteenth New Year anyway. My little sister is still abroad and has not returned yet. I hope she can come back and see The last side of the old father."

Ye Dao and Ye Chen have life medicine.

This hanging medicine can make people live an extra week.

However, in fact, this is to extract the last vitality of the human body as much as possible.

For the old man's situation, I am afraid it will be difficult, and it will be difficult to live two or three more days.

The situation of the elderly is now in a state of being awake and unconscious. When the old man woke up, he had told his family that he had seen many dead relatives who had come to pick him up.

In other words, his situation is almost the same.

"Ms. Ye, my little sister, she."

Ye Dao sighed and prescribed a prescription. He could only say, "This can only last for three days at most. Can she fly back from abroad in three days?"

"I called and asked."

The middle-aged man hurried out to call.

When he came back after the call, he said, "Doctor Ye, the younger sister said that it will take half a month at the earliest, and visas and air tickets are required."

Ye Dao glanced at Ye Chen again, and could only say, "Leave this to Ye Chen, and see if Ye Chen can extend your father's lifespan?"

Ye Dao went outside.

He has seen many such things over the years.

However, there is no way to avoid it.

Ye Dao went out first. When the family invited him to have tea, Ye Chen went back to the old man's house.

The inside of the house is very warm, but the smell of lifelessness inside is very strong. Under normal circumstances, those people are not willing to come in.

Except for the filial piety of these adults and children, no one really looks at him anymore.

Ye Chen sat beside the old man and took out the silver needle to perform acupuncture on the old man.

After the acupuncture treatment was over, the old man slowly opened his eyes and held Ye Chen’s hand. He seemed to be a little confused about who Ye Chen was. In addition, Ye Chen had rarely been in his hometown in the past ten years. The old man naturally recognized Does not come out.

"Old sir, I am Ye Chen from Zhaojiacun, and Master Ye is my grandfather."

Doctor Ye?

"Are you the genius doctor Ye?"

The old man seemed to want to sit up all at once.

Ye Chen supported each other.

"My grandfather and I have just seen your situation, and honestly told you that your internal organs have begun to rot, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"I know, my wife has been here for a while and has been watching me by the bed."

The other party said something terrifying, but he couldn't tell from his face.

Regarding these, many doctors may feel that the patient was speaking confused before he died.

However, Ye Chen knew that this was indeed the case, and that this so-called invisible thing might really exist. It's just that now that science is advocating, these things are not easy to publicize.

"Old gentleman, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Judging from the house where this family lives, it should be just ordinary people.

However, judging from the dressing of the elderly, they should be taken care of regularly, which shows that the elderly can still live well before and after illness.

"I want to meet my youngest daughter, she is married abroad."

Most of the expenses of the old man over the years were given by the youngest daughter.

Although the daughter is not by his side, in many cases, the money given by the youngest daughter is indeed reliable, otherwise he would not be able to live until now.

"Doctor Ye, please."

The old man pleaded.

I am afraid that the drugs under normal conditions are really bad.

However, Ye Chen knew one thing, that is, the inner alchemy he brought back. With a little inner alchemy and some Chinese medicinal materials, the old gentleman should be able to live longer.

"Don't worry, I will let you see your little daughter come back with your own eyes."

Ye Chen came out of the room.

Let an adult follow him back to Zhaojia Village to get medicine.

Ye Chen didn't say anything when he went back.

When Ye Chen prepared the medicinal materials, let the other party drink it to the old man as Ye Chen said, until the old man's little daughter came back.

"Grandpa, I used a little inner alchemy for him."

Of course, Ye Dao knew about this, and he also knew that in Shennongjia there were often inner alchemies like those big pythons who tried to overcome the catastrophe and then failed.

This thing does have good medicinal effects, but in general, Ye Dao doesn't use it.

When Ye Chen and Lu Jing returned to the room, it was the first time that she saw with her own eyes how the grandfather and grandson treated people.

"I want children." Lu Jing said, looking at Ye Chen directly.


"But I'm afraid."

Lu Jing still regretted what she had done back then.

But, like sleeping pills, she didn't know whether she would have sequelae after taking more.

"What are you afraid of?"

After Lu Jing said it.

Ye Chen said: "You don't have to worry about that. When you cultivate to the foundation building stage, all the toxic debris on your body will be discharged from your body."