Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4248: Initial understanding

Under unfavorable circumstances in the past few years, there are often epidemics.

Ye Chen didn't expect that it had just been New Year's Eve, and now there was a plague. Now Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue followed the doctor director to the quarantine area to visit the severe patient.

He discovered that the situation of the village chief Liu was indeed serious.

With high fever, poor breathing, excessive pulmonary fluid, and even internal hemorrhage, Mr. Liu can only rely on medical equipment to breathe.

Ye Chen directly checked the other party's pulse condition and knew that the other party's internal organs were very serious. He was afraid that it would be impossible to treat it with ordinary methods.

After seeing the head of Village Liu, Ye Chen went to see several other serious patients.

It depends on their situation.

Go to disinfection, and then to infected patients.

These patients, who are not so serious, have now more than 200 villagers who have been infected, including those children and the elderly, who mainly have symptoms of high fever and cold.

The medicines used now are mainly western medicines for reducing fever and treating colds.

However, in Ye Chen's view, it was useless at all.

After reading these.

The director asked, "Doctor Ye, do I have to look at other things?"

"Where are the livestock in the village?"

"Some livestock, including cattle, sheep, pigs, and even poultry, are partly dead, and the remaining part has been killed on the spot for landfill."

This is also to prevent these animals from flowing out and spreading to other villages, which will be more troublesome then.

"Then the source of infection was found?"

In fact, it is so easy to find the source of infection.

If that is the case, I am afraid it will be easy to find a cure.

The problem is really not.

The doctor director shook his head.

Now their first step has begun to be isolated, and then treated with western medicine.

However, in Ye Chen's view, none of these works.

Although the medical methods of western medicine now seem to have improved a lot compared with ten years ago.

However, in the face of this situation, it is still helpless.

The only way is to develop new anti-virus drugs to kill viruses according to the conditions of these patients as soon as possible.

But now, they don't even know what kind of virus, or how this virus infects those livestock, poultry, and even humans.

How does this carry out cross-infection?

And what is the method of infection?

Ye Chen suspected that the air here might be filled with the virus, so when they came just now, they put on these more advanced laboratory uniforms.

Even so, Ye Chen knew that if he was unlucky, he would still be easily infected.

As for people like myself, even Liao Bingxue and Xia Qi, who were originally cultivators, these viruses couldn't invade their bodies at all.

Therefore, Ye Chen and the two girls don't have to worry at all.

Now the only way to find drugs as soon as possible to treat these patients, relieve them, and save more patients.

"How many Chinese doctors are there?"

"Doctor Ye, including the three of you, now there are only eight, and the other five are attending doctors from the Provincial People's Hospital."

"We go over."

Came to the village committee, now there is the place of medical treatment and command.

Of course, many doctors and female nurses go in and out here.

When Ye Chen came over, the staff next to him introduced Ye Chen's identity, only to know that the genius doctor Ye had arrived.

"Call the other five Chinese doctors."

Go into a tent.

Not long after, the five Chinese doctors from the Provincial People's Hospital came.

The five learned that the person who came was the genius doctor Ye Chenye, and when they saw Ye Chen they respectfully said hello.

"Doctor Ye, you are here, we are relieved."

"Have you noticed anything these days? Have you compiled a medical record?"

In fact, these medical records are very important.

Like Chinese medicine, many old Chinese medicine doctors have been sorting out the medical records of their predecessors and their own doctors, and then constantly summing up their experiences.

Therefore, many old Chinese doctors are more proficient in medical skills as they get older.

On the contrary, those western medicine doctors prescribe drugs to patients through laboratory test reports, inspection reports, and even inspection data. Otherwise, they would have no way.

They can only use the medical equipment and the results of those laboratory tests.

However, for Ye Chen, he had already finished reading it just now.

If the five old Chinese doctors in front of them have similar levels of Chinese medicine, it stands to reason that some medical records should have been sorted out in the past two days.

"Doctor Ye, I have compiled 32 detailed copies." Doctor Wang said.

"I also have eighteen copies here."

. . .

"You guys bring it here and let me see."

Because Ye Chen had just arrived, although he had already seen the patients again, it would be best if he could be clearer before and after the onset of these patients.

It is best for these patients to personally explain their experience of the disease.

Ye Chen sat there, and not long after, five old Chinese doctors brought them the medical records that they had compiled.

"Thank you in advance."

Ye Chen began to check one by one.

Undoubtedly, at the beginning, these patients did not take it seriously when they had colds and fevers, like sneezing, and a little dizziness. Some may find some medicine for themselves, while others ignore them and wait to be sent to the village doctor. Treatment, more and more patients.

At this time, when the village cadres knew that they couldn't hide it, they could only call the town to inform them.

The town then reported it to the city, level by level, and finally when I arrived in the province, I learned that something was wrong.

From this point of view, the earliest record was three days ago, that is, the third day of the Lunar New Year. It should be the earliest time when Dr. Wang came. At that time, old people had died and many villagers showed similar symptoms after infection.

"Doctor Ye, how is it?"

"According to Western medicine, this is a virus. However, according to our Chinese medicine, it is actually head plague, plague, and it is still related to typhoid fever."

Head plague?


When Dr. Wang and the others heard, his face changed.

How could a person studying Chinese medicine not know about head plague and plague.

Basically in every dynasty, this kind of head plague will appear.

There are so many dead people, even if one village is down, the whole village will die, and it is possible that no one remains.

"I am afraid that this year will be unfavorable, and this situation is also normal." Ye Chen said directly.

In fact, there is no need for him to say that it is on the calendar, and I am afraid that I knew it many years ago.

"Doctor Ye, how do you treat it?"

"Now I will use Artemisia annua, and then I will prescribe a prescription for these patients to see how effective they are after drinking it."

Ye Chen knows that Artemisia annua is very effective in treating plague and even typhoid fever.

As long as it is used for bathing, the effect is very good.

In addition, according to the conditions of these patients, Ye Chen drove a traditional Chinese medicine prescription.

Although it certainly cannot be cured directly, it is still possible.