Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4256: Fog

The old lady was talking to herself, Ye Chen couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Anyway, judging from the look of the old lady, I was afraid it was really scared.

"Young people, don't go to Death Valley, you won't be able to get out anymore."

As for Death Valley, the old lady knew it when she was very young, and her parents often reminded him when she was young. Later, I heard that someone broke into Death Valley and couldn't get out.

Like those who have lost their cattle and sheep, when they reach the entrance of Death Valley, they are basically afraid to go in again.

In the 1960s and 1970s, there were a group of people who were not afraid of evil. After entering, they never saw it again.

Ye Chen didn't expect that he just wanted to investigate the plague. No matter where he thought, there were still those evil places. It seemed that he had to go there in person.

Of course, he has to prepare enough food this time.

Ye Chen did not go there immediately, nor did he tell more people, for fear of scaring the villagers.

After all, Ye Chen came here to treat these villagers, although Ye Chen had been looking for the source of the plague.

In the past, he checked those patients and it was indeed much better.

Ye Chen brought the rations he had brought from the military, and also some military supplies.

Like a dagger, it was given to him by an officer.

In addition, like boiling hot water, military use is also more convenient.

Bringing these things, Ye Chen, Liao Bingxue, and Xia Qi, once again boarded the military vehicle and headed towards Death Valley.

"Doctor Ye, do you want us to go in with you?" said the soldier who was driving.

The other party knew that Ye Chen's identity was not simple, especially when he heard that the brother-in-law, who was also the head of the Ace Army, was the attending doctor who treated so many patients.

If something happened to Ye Chen inside, it would be really troublesome.

"No need to."

Too many people may not work.

Before the three of Ye Chen got their things, before Ye Chen left, the officer gave Ye Chen a pistol and a dozen bullets.

The military will make a note of it, when Ye Chen runs out of guns and will return them.

Ye Chen thanked them, and went over the mountain with the two women.

In the case of ordinary people, coming in may feel a little altitude sickness, but now Ye Chen and the three are feeling well.

In addition to feeling that the air here is indeed thinner, the others just feel that there is a very barren feeling here.

Turned in again from the entrance of Death Valley, came to the place passed by last night, and found that the fire was still there.

However, the dead wolfhound has disappeared, and I don't know if it was taken away by the wild wolves or was eaten by other prey.

Although it is a big winter, there are really a lot of prey out looking for food.

The three of them continued to go inside.

Stop when you are tired and sit down by a stone.

"Ye Chen, how do I feel that there is no one here at all."

This really seems to be no one.

As for those plants, they did exist, because in winter, they all withered, and those trees had no leaves.

Now the three of them took out military rations, and then drank some of the clean fresh water brought in by military pots.

In this kind of weather, I don't feel too thirsty.

Moreover, if it is really too thirsty and there is no fresh water, Ye Chen feels that he can pick up some clean and no melted snow from the side, which can be used to boil hot water and drink it.

Therefore, in this case, in Ye Chen's view, there is no danger at all.

Rest there for half an hour, and then continue to go in front.

Along the way, the more I discovered the barrenness of Death Valley, I couldn't see anyone at all, let alone see anyone in it.

However, after a while, Ye Chen saw a bone in front.

When I got closer, I found that it was the bones of wild boars, and they were still in a frame. They were eaten by animals like wolves.

Going further, he found more and more animal bones like this inside.

Ye Chen has nothing yet.

Liao Bingxue and Xia Qi had never seen this scene before, and now they really feel a little scared.

"Ye Chen, look over there!"

Looking ahead, I actually saw a skull.

The two women were really scared.

Although I studied medicine, I have seen it in school before.

However, when I see it now, I don't know why there is an inexplicable fear.

Ye Chen looked in the past and found that this human bone was not complete, and it seemed that it was some time, it should be many years ago.

Why is the skull left here?

Ye Chen didn't understand.

You can only take pictures with your mobile phone first, and then find a place to buy these bones directly, so that the other party can also enter the soil for safety.

He knew that only by returning to Gelang Village or Liujia Village and asking if anyone had disappeared over the years can he determine who the bones belonged to?

As he moved forward, Ye Chen found that there was no sunlight and night was coming.

Although the military flashlight is brought when it comes, it can be used for up to three days even if it is turned on all the time. If there is no electricity, it has not been charged by solar energy.

However, this flashlight is not very useful for Ye Chen.

The three of them found a place, and then they found firewood, which burned the same as last night.

Surrounded there and took out the rations to eat again.

"Ye Chen, I now understand why this place is called Death Valley. Once there is no sunlight, it immediately feels gloomy." Xia Qi said.

Even if she is now learning the cultivation technique, one person can defeat a few gangsters, but Xia Qi really dare not let her come here alone.

"Unusual places, naturally there may be some unclean places, I want to check, is the plague really related to this place?"

Ye Chen remembered that when he went inside in the Mongolian desert, he actually encountered this situation.

Of course, there is an oasis in the desert without people.

However, here is in the valley of the plateau.

The geographical location is different in all aspects, but there are also similarities, that is, no one dares to come over.

And Ye Chen knew that the more so, the stranger it was.

When the sky became darker and darker, and even the moon was invisible, the icy cold of the night came.

Now the fire is burning very fast under the influence of wind.

Ye Chen could only get some raw trees, so that they could burn for a long time.

Xia Qi was scared and couldn't help but get closer to Ye Chen.

When Liao Bingxue and Xia Qi were close to him and fell asleep, Ye Chen added firewood there from time to time.

However, Ye Chen didn't expect that besides the dark night, icy cold, and cold wind, there was a lot of fog unknowingly, and even the fog got bigger and bigger, and he couldn't see it.

When the fog was all around, Ye Chen found out that except for him pulling Xia Qi and Liao Bingxue, and the fire in front of him, he was completely invisible.

Except for some unknown calls outside, there is really no other thing to see.