Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4300: Those who are not good will not come!

Ye Chen didn't expect that so many people had already used this anti-aging medicine.

This is still the Chinese in Chicago, what if it is elsewhere?

What Ye Chen worries most is that some people in China have also used this medicine.

It seems that this matter has to be notified domestically.

Before Ye Chen and Annie left, after asking these old people to check their heart, if you want to see him for treatment, you can find him at the Chinatown Chinese Center.

Now Ye Chen and Annie are leaving here, heading back to the farm, and calling the country.

Soon, the country will know this news.

Like these anti-aging agents, some people actually have money, the more they are afraid of death.

In the United States, one dose may be 200,000 US dollars, but in China, it may be 400,000 US dollars.

Because I am rich, because I am afraid of death.

As for ordinary people, they can't afford it without the money, so it must not be spread.

Back at the farm, Ye Chen asked Annie to inform his uncle.

Soon, Annie learned that this anti-aging drug had serious side effects, especially the side effects on the heart. She was also sighing over there. Fortunately, she was not fooled by this anti-aging drug. Otherwise, she is now in trouble. Up.

In fact, from many medical incidents, Ye Chen cannot say that the United States is better than China.

After all, if these anti-aging agents are given to those people without confirmation, it is obvious that they are treated as mice.

. . .

This matter became more and more widespread, and more and more Americans and other people around the world were paying attention.

Ye Chen has already posted this news under his global account, just like the last time Ye Chen said that there is no news of a fire in South Korea.

Obviously, this will certainly offend some people.

However, Ye Chen was really not afraid.

In the afternoon, he drove to the Chinese Center in Chinatown alone.

Many patients who have been given anti-aging drugs have found that their heart is indeed experiencing problems. It is still uncertain whether it is related to anti-aging drugs. However, judging from their common characteristics, they are indeed given anti-aging drugs.

Ye Chen showed these patients one by one, and then they went to buy traditional Chinese medicine to go back to the treatment. As for whether they could return to the best condition, Ye Chen was not sure.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

A group of people suddenly appeared outside the Chinese Center.

"Doctor Ye, please go out with us."

At first sight, these people are unkind.

Ye Chen followed directly, but Boss Dong, they didn't look right.

However, these people have guns and come prepared.

Ye Chen followed them into the car, and these people took Ye Chen out of here.

After more than an hour, they stopped.

Soon, Ye Chen saw some staff in white research uniforms.

"Doctor Ye, hello."

"You are?"

"I am George, the head of the Anti-Aging Drug Research Center."

Head of Anti-aging Drug Research Center?

It really was them.

Ye Chen was trying to find these people, but unexpectedly, they brought himself up directly.

Now Ye Chen not only publishes in the Overseas Chinese News, but also publishes the news on Ye Chen's own accounts around the world. For them, the impact is very large.

"Mr. George, I have discovered that the anti-aging drugs you have researched have very serious side effects on the heart."

"I know." The other party said directly.


The other party knows, still do that?

Isn't the other party afraid of death?

You know, if you dare to do this in the United States, you may be fined until death.

"However, I need the money to continue research, so I can only take money from these rich people."

Scientific research like these requires a lot of funding.

In the beginning, the other party also received investment from multiple investment institutions, and even from multiple wealthy individuals. However, funds will always be used up.

And now anti-aging agents, they have actually experimented on mice and monkeys, and they do have side effects on the heart.

However, they are still propagating in the circle of the rich, which has led to the first batch of rich people to use those anti-aging drugs.

Ye Chen felt that these people were too ruthless. In order to do experimental research, he naturally didn't take the lives of those rich people seriously.

"Don't you know you are committing a crime?"

Ye Chen asked.

The other party didn't say those, but said: "Doctor Ye, you can only apologize to us in the newspaper, and delete the posted information from your personal account."

"What do you want?"

Ye Chen asked coldly.

"You wait and see."

Ye Chen was sent here by them.

He didn't dare to kill Ye Chen directly.

But Ye Chen went outside, stopped a taxi, and went back to the farm.

Back at the farm, Ye Chen was already Annie, and Annie's parents had said this.

When Annie's father heard it, her expression changed.

The identity of the other party was not easy, and now Ye Chen was threatened by the laboratory for exposing this incident.

When Annie's father contacted many people, Ye Chen said: "Uncle, those people may be really crazy. Now I am worried about your safety, so I want you, Annie, and two children to leave. Leaving here, go to the consulate first, and then fly back to Shanghai."

Although he is in the United States now, Ye Chen knows that it is not safe for Annie's family and his two children.

Moreover, Ye Chen knew that this matter would definitely not be that simple.

He will definitely not leave before checking it out.

"Honey, what about you?"

"I want to stay in the United States to find out, and this matter is probably more than that."

Annie also wanted to stay with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen still asked them to leave here immediately.

When Ye Chen arranged to send them to the consulate to confirm that Annie and Annie’s parents and the two children were safely in the consulate, and then they would fly to Shanghai soon, now the biopharmaceutical research laboratory and company have already Exposed.

Now Ye Chen and the other workers are left on the farm.

Of course, these workers do their own things, and they don't know that this matter is so serious now.

Ye Chen returned to Chinatown again.

Obviously, now that Ye Chen is abroad, he can use only Chinatown and his foreign fans.

Back to Chinatown in Ye Chen.

Soon, other Asians, and even blacks, appeared here, and they just got news about the side effects of the anti-aging drugs they used.

Among them, a few heart aspects have been very uncomfortable.

When he saw these people, Ye Chen knew that they were indeed rich or expensive, otherwise, they would not be able to afford such expensive anti-aging drugs.

Now Ye Chen checked them and found that they were all alone, that is, the heart was overdrawn to give these people some youthful mentality.

However, heart failure occurs now.