Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4302: Deformed Goldfish

In many people's minds, Ye Chen is definitely a hero.

Heroes like this are still very popular in the United States.

That night, Ye Chen came to the hospital to see the innocent wounded who were injured because of him.

Of course, these people will be compensated then.

When Ye Chen came back from the hospital to the Chinatown Hotel, he knew that Annie, her two children, and her parents had arrived in Shanghai.

After the phone call with Annie, Ye Chen felt that if they were not completely safe, they still wouldn't go back here.

Moreover, now Annie's parents can also live in Shanghai for a period of time.

When Ye Chen was about to rest, he found a private message on his account.

The message is from a rich man in New York.

The other party invited Ye Chen over.

Because this is related to this anti-aging drug research.

Ye Chen guessed whether it was one of the five heads of the rich fund.

He agreed.

The next morning, Ye Chen flew directly from Chicago to New York.

For more than two hours, Ye Chen came to New York again.

Then take the car to the place where the rich man lives.

It was actually on Long Island in New York.

When he came to the villa, Ye Chen rang the doorbell outside, and soon a servant came out to welcome Ye Chen in.

"Are you Doctor Ye?" the servant asked.

"Not bad."

It didn't take long.

When Ye Chen saw a white man walking, he looked a little bent over, and holding a crutches, his face looked a lot of wrinkles. Ye Chen didn't know how old he was.

However, from the perspective of the other party, the other party is already very old.

"Hello, you said Mr. Thomson?"

"Doctor Ye, it's me."

Thomson invited Ye Chen to his yard.

Then from the yard, Ye Chen found a lot of those transparent fish tanks, the fish tanks were full of goldfish.

However, these goldfish now look very strange, different from those normal goldfish.

Are these goldfish variants or deformed?

"Doctor Ye, do you think these goldfish are weird?"

"Is this deformed?"

"No, at first, they were all normal, but then they became like this after feeding those anti-aging drugs."

Anti-aging medicine?

Ye Chen was surprised.

For a long time, those scientists basically used mice, monkeys, orangutans for experiments. After confirming that the animals were okay, they then started using them on some volunteers or testers, and finally confirmed that there were no other side effects or After the adverse reaction, the market began.

Now, Ye Chen looked really scary when he saw these deformed goldfish.

"Mr. Thomson, I don't know how old you are?"

"I'm eighty-one."

Are you old at the age of eighty-one?

What's more, the other party is still a billionaire.

"Have you used those anti-aging drugs?"

"No, I don't know how to be a guinea pig."

In any case, it is impossible for him to try those anti-aging agents first, even if he supported the research center and spent 200 million US dollars.

Unexpectedly, the drugs currently being researched would actually be like this.

"In addition to the biopharmaceutical research center that you exposed, there are many other anti-aging drug companies. I bought them all and tried them with these goldfish. Now they are all deformed, and some have died. "

These goldfish are really terrifying now.

The eyes became particularly large.

The belly becomes swollen.

The normal goldfish do not have these problems.

In other words, even if these goldfish are used with anti-aging agents, these side effects will still occur.

Ye Chen was really surprised.

"Mr. Thomson, why didn't you expose it before?"

"Because of that investment, I have already given up, and, I didn't expect that they would dare to experiment on those people."

After investing for so many years, not only did not get a good anti-aging agent, this investment can be said to be a waste of water.

Two hundred million dollars can't get back a penny.

After he learned that the drug had side effects, he gave up continuing to invest.

I didn't think that these drugs were still being studied, and they were used on other rich people. Now Thomson only knew about the news.

"Now there are many anti-aging-related drugs abroad, and many have been approved for marketing, ranging from a few hundred dollars a bottle of pills to thousands or tens of thousands of dollars."

Before, Ye Chen didn't pay much attention to this market, and he didn't know it would be like that.

Now, I heard the other person say that.

After he opened the online information to check, Ye Chen found that it really was.

He called Gao Meilin again.

Now Gao Meilin had a rest. When she learned about the anti-aging drugs, Gao Meilin came out of the room and immediately called Liu Xuehui.

There is indeed a lot of demand for this in the market now, and many of them are imported from abroad.

After Ye Chen made the phone call, he didn't think much about it.

"Mr. Thomson, wouldn't you invite me this time to see these deformed goldfish?"

These look a little disgusting.

Ye Chen really didn't want to watch more.

"No, I already know that your medical skills are particularly good, so I want to ask you, in my case, is it true that taking any medications can really act as anti-aging drugs and even extend life!"

The richer, the more afraid of death.

Now this rich man Thomson is the same.

He wanted to drink it well, so he was so supportive of these anti-aging drug companies.

In fact, in addition to that anti-aging drug company, he invested in several companies, but basically they were all in trouble.

At this time, Ye Chen already understood that the other party was still for himself.

"There is or there is, but it is more difficult."

It seems that this market is really big.

And Chinese medicine has studied this aspect for thousands of years, and it has really researched a lot. However, in fact, most of them are ineffective.

If it were so effective, it would be impossible for the ancient emperors to leave the world so quickly.

However, birth, old age, sickness and death, the law of life, is impossible to avoid.

"Mr. Thomson, you should know the life law of birth, old age, sickness and death. If you really want to pursue this, I think you are still living and improving in all aspects of eating. Moreover, these deformed goldfish here will also affect Your mentality and heart might as well be moved away."

The good things and the bad things actually affect a person's mood.

Over time, it is impossible for a person to age without prematurely.

Mr. Thomson was a little surprised when he heard Ye Chen say that, and asked: "I don't know how old Dr. Ye is this year?"

"I'm about thirty years old."

Ye Chen is about 30 years old now, but looks as young as 20, so this billionaire is even more surprised.