Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4310: Gold Rush!

When Ye Chen opened his eyes and woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning the next day.

The main reason was that he didn't stop when he was cultivating.

And Yisha thought that Dr. Ye was resting, so she didn't dare to interrupt.

I tried to open my eyes and found that it was dawn outside, but I didn't feel very good.

It’s only now in October. Soon, the cold air from the Arctic entered Siberia, and then traveled further south from Siberia.

Obviously, this side is Siberia, when it will be the coldest side here, then the patient's condition may be more serious then.

Now Ye Chen needs to understand clearly, what caused this epidemic?

After Ye Chen washed out and went outside, Yisha had already come over. She was wearing a later autumn outfit and a mask today. After coming over, he looked at Ye Chen and said, "Doctor Ye, the weather forecast now says that a cold wave will form in the first half of a month, and it may be a tenth-degree cold wave. The weather is extremely cold, and we and the patient may have to move here. But. At that time, more patients may be infected."

Obviously, this is now an isolated area. If you are far away from here, you may need to go further south. Even then, the cold current is as cold as the north.

It's just a place further south, and there is no problem with electricity in all aspects.

However, here, when the cold current arrives, all the wires are frozen or even disconnected, so there must be a power outage around that time.

"I have breakfast first, then I will see the patients, and then I will see what is causing these patients to get sick."

Ye Chen simply finished breakfast.

Going to see those patients with Yisha.

Whether it's the white people or those who come from China, they all point to one place.

"Isha, do you know where?"

"I know, it's six to seven hundred kilometers away from us."

Six or seven hundred kilometers?

This is really far away.

However, for such a big Russia, six to seven hundred kilometers is not much.

Moreover, Ye Chen asked these patients, they were all hesitating and unwilling to speak out.

It seems that I have to go to that place.

When he asked Yisha to find the person in charge, when the person in charge learned that Ye Chen was going six to seven hundred kilometers away, the person in charge said, "Doctor Ye, actually those people went there to pan for gold."

Gold panning?

In fact, there are gold rushes in many parts of the world.

Countries like M developed because many Europeans thought of digging for gold there.

While Russia is so big, there must be a lot of resources, and there should be a lot of gold mines.

Unexpectedly, those people now know that it is normal to go there to search for gold.

In the face of gold, no one seems to be able to resist the temptation.

"Well, you send someone with me over. Like any virus source, we have to check it out. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cure the disease."

The person in charge agreed.

In addition to a few vehicles, soldiers and locals followed.

It's so far from here to there, and it's dark early in the afternoon.

It is more difficult to drive when it is not on a concrete road, and you may even have to stop halfway to rest.

Yisha wanted to follow, but Ye Chen did not refuse.

After preparing food, even guns.

A total of eight people, three off-road vehicles, and diesel fuel.

Then go to the place where the accident happened.

. . .

On the way.

Ye Chen found that the farther north, the more deserted.

In the beginning, Ye Chen could also see some developed land, plant some crops, and then some houses.

Gradually, most of the land is undeveloped, and you can see that it is either weeds or trees.

Going further north, there are no taller plants, but some very low weeds.

These weeds are suitable for the arrival of cold currents, and other plants may have frozen to death in the face of these cold currents.

Moreover, this cold current will last for a long time, and many plants simply cannot bear it.

It's also the first time for Isa to come to these places.

As big as Russia, she has actually not been to many places.

When the car is driving at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per hour, it may take a long time to think of that place.

Sure enough, after less than ten hours of driving, it was already dark.

Can't drive rashly.

Can only stop.

When Ye Chen and others got out of the car, he found that the place was really open.

At a glance, I can't see people or other animals at all.

However, the local who came with me reminded that there will be many wild wolves here at night, and there may be wolves.

In that case, you can only hide in the car.

Ye Chen and the others took out stools, simple chairs, from the car.

Then start to make food.

Before I came, I knew it was harder to go.

Of course, Ye Chen has been to most places for the money.

Europe, the Pacific, Africa, India, etc., have been to many places.

Yisha was surprised. She didn't expect Ye Chen to go to so many places.

"Basically, I'm strange in many places, and I've seen strange diseases."

"Doctor Ye, is that all cured?"

"It's indeed cured."

A swelling middle-aged man next to him couldn't understand what Ye Chen said at first, after all, he spoke Chinese.

However, under Yisha's translation, Dr. Ye actually exists as a genius doctor.

The middle-aged man Moros asked: "Doctor Ye, your medical skills are so good, I wonder if I can have children?"

Russia is so big.

However, population growth has always been negative.

Basically nothing has changed, and the population has been hovering over 100 million.

On the contrary, the population of the most populous provinces in China is nearly 100 million.

Is it that they don't want children?

Of course not.

Moreover, because it has something to do with the local food and even the environment, the cold snap has a long time.

Now this veteran, Moros, married at a very young age and never had children.

Now that he is in his forties, he is naturally a little unwilling.

However, there is no way. He has been to the big hospitals in Moscow, and he doesn't know who the problem is.

"I understand your idea of ​​wanting children. However, it is necessary to determine who your husband and wife are, or both have problems. Moreover, you are now in your forties, and your wife should be about the same age. If you want children, I'm afraid I will have to hurry up these years.

When the middle-aged man Moros heard it, he was really excited.

"Doctor Ye, I will call my wife when I go back this time."

Ye Chen talked a lot with them again and told them that many Western medicines can't cure them, but Chinese medicine can treat them.

However, it may take longer.

Like these years, I don't know how many infertility he has treated, but in the end they all succeeded in getting pregnant.

Wait until ten o'clock in the evening. ,

It's really dead at night outside.

Except for the sound of wind, no other sounds can be heard at all.

Ye Chen had already returned to the seat in the car.

However, he couldn't sleep, it was just warmer in the car than outside.