Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 434: Bullets in the body

At this time, Tian Feng had just left work. He did not expect that he happened to meet Ye Chen. He was naturally very happy to see Ye Chen. When he saw the three people behind Ye Chen, he asked: "Brother Ye, who are these three? "

"This is my good friend Li Feiyi, this is his parents, I want to take them to the hospital for filming!" Ye Chen said.

"Filming? There should be a lot of people waiting in there now, but with my help, don't have to be so troublesome." Tian Feng met Ye Chen, an acquaintance, and naturally wouldn't leave so quickly.

When Tian Feng took Ye Chen and the four people into the main building of the hospital, Ye Chen already knew that Tian Feng was working at the TCM General Outpatient Department of this second-class hospital. Relatively speaking, every month The benefits are good. However, in terms of reputation and welfare, it is definitely not as good as working in a tertiary hospital.

Brought four people to the thoracic surgery department, and they naturally do chest X-ray pictures. After Tian Feng went in and talked to the attending doctor Yuan Wenlong inside, he asked Ye Chen and the four to wait here first, and waited until the next one let them in.

"Brother Tian, ​​isn't it okay for us to jump in like this?" Ye Chen said.

"If this is not the case, it may not be your turn tonight!" In Shanghai's major hospitals, there are so many patients almost every day. In addition to the citizens in this city, there are also many patients from other provinces, all of whom are far away. I came to Shanghai for medical treatment because there are more large hospitals and more famous doctors in Shanghai.

From this point of view, the development of education and medical care in China is extremely uneven and unfair. However, there is no way, Ye Chen is just a small person now, and naturally can't change those.

Tian Feng talked to Ye Chen there for a while. Soon, when a female nurse inside came out and called Tian Feng, Tian Feng looked at Li Yuanchao and said, "Okay, Auntie, Auntie, we can go in. ."

When entering the chest X-ray room, Ye Chen discovered that this X-ray machine actually occupies half the size of a ward. However, compared to seeing those in towns and villages, it is much more advanced.

"Hello, Director Yuan, my name is Ye Chen!" Ye Chen said to the male doctor in a white coat.

"So you are Dr. Ye, hello, I'm glad to see you!" Yuan Wenlong, the attending doctor of the Thoracic Ophthalmology Department, was also very happy when he saw Ye Chen.

Maybe when other people saw Ye Chen, they just thought he was a young man who looked like other ordinary people. However, he knew that Ye Chen's name was already very famous in Shanghai's medical circles, but there were not many people who actually met Ye Chen.

"Director Yuan, these two are the parents of my friends. I want you to film their backs!" Ye Chen said.

"Doctor Ye, what's the situation with these two old men?" Yuan Wenlong knew that Ye Chen was a master of Chinese medicine. Therefore, in his opinion, these modern medical instruments should be very repellent. However, he did not expect that he would let the two old men come over to film.

"My auntie fell from a height of two meters and caused her waist pain more than a year ago. So far, I have read it for her and prescribed a prescription. I just want to see the condition around her waist and shin. There is also the situation of the uncle, which may be more complicated. Although the waist is also grief, I think there should be something more in his body that should not be there. Although I can feel it when I check the pulse, but I can’t confirm it. Come down, so come and film to confirm it!"

Upon hearing Ye Chen's introduction, Yuan Wenlong was already clear. First, when He Jinhua stood directly in front of the chest penetration device, in addition to how the female nurse asked her to stand, she also wiped some liquid on her back.

He Jinhua felt a little cold behind her, and she was also a little nervous. The female nurse let her relax, and she was ready soon. After Yuan Wenlong started to press the chest X-ray instrument, the chest X-ray instrument that was taller than a human began to move up and down. Ye Chen, Tian Feng, Yuan Wenlong, and Li Feiyi were on the fluorescent screen beside that instrument. Clearly see the condition of the inner tibia of He Jinhua's back.

After a while, after the filming was over, the chest X-ray instrument had finished filming, allowing He Jinhua to come out. Of course, because the filming equipment is filmed by the principle of x-ray, there will definitely be radiation.

This is why those patients suffering from cancer or tumors, after receiving physical X-rays, will not only make the body thinner, but also lose their hair, because X-ray radiation will kill the virus. Down, it will also kill normal cells.

Now Ye Chen's gaze is over, through the fluorescent screen, even if he hasn't seen the film yet, he has seen it clearly. This is exactly the same as the diagnosis and examination results he gave He Jinhua.

This shows that Ye Chen's traditional Chinese medicine is only through observation, smell and inquiry, and it is the same as filming with modern medical equipment.

"Brother Ye, you are still great!" Li Feiyi said from the side.

"Auntie’s situation, I’m correct, you can drink that potion!" Now that I have watched He Jinhua’s situation, if you want to see He Jinhua’s photos, I must take some time to get those photos. I may still not be able to get those photos tonight. come out.

The film itself was used to show the attending doctor, not the patient. So, even if it is not taken out, there is nothing.

Now it was Li Yuanchao's turn, who looked a little bent over and stood there. After the female nurse also applied some liquid, Yuan Wenlong began to take pictures of Li Yuanchao.

When the chest X-ray instrument began to move up and down, quickly, at the fluorescent screen on the side, everyone looked over and saw that in the black and white photo, in addition to clearly showing Yuan Wenlong's tibia and internal organs.

Ye Chen's gaze was staring tightly. At first, it was not very clear. However, when he looked over and pointed at one of them that was not very conspicuous, the others were equally surprised.

"There are so many things in it!" Yuan Wenlong was also surprised.

Because now when they looked at it, it was on a bone not far from Li Yuanchao's usual right back pain that there was something that was not very conspicuous, as if it was carved there.

The bones of normal people will definitely not have those extra things. However, there was such a thing in the bone of Li Yuanchao.

Of course, that place is not very conspicuous. If you don't pay attention, if it is not a more advanced instrument, you will not be able to take the picture if you zoom in by the magnification.

"This should be half a bullet shell!" Li Feiyi said.

In the past, in the military area, he often came into contact with all kinds of bullets, and he could confirm it when he first saw it. However, what made him feel even more surprised was that Ye Chen could be sure of it only by checking his father and getting the pulse. This was what made him indescribably surprised.

"Mr. Li, it's all right!" Yuan Wenlong said while looking at Li Yuanchao who was standing there.

When Li Yuanchao came out, he was also surprised when he saw the display of the fluorescent screen. Back then, he just remembered that there were a lot of stray bullets flying by him during the war, and he never thought that there would be half a bullet carved in the bone.

But why is it only half? What about the other half? It may have been excreted from the body before, or it may have been directly corroded by the body long ago.

However, the remaining half is still obvious. Even Ye Chen can be sure that this is the biggest cause of Li Yuanchao's low back pain and not standing straight in the past 30 years.