Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 437: Psychotherapy

Coming to the downstairs of Hongjia Building, Ye Chen asked Li Feiyi to get off the car, and then called Li Anyou. He learned that Li Anyou was working at Qinglong Group. Now that he heard the call from Ye Chen, Li Anyou understood that Ye Chen was going to do it. what.

When Ye Chen drove to the downstairs of the Qinglong Building, he soon saw Li Anyou wearing the security uniform of the Qinglong Group approaching him, and there were two security guards behind him.

"Doctor Ye, hello!" Li Anyou, Lian Weiliang, and the sloppy three greeted Ye Chen.

"Hello, let's go to the Pudong Mental Center Hospital now to see the situation of Liu Dabao!" The three of them got into the car. Among them, Li Anyou was sitting in the co-pilot of Ye Chen, and talked about what Ye Chen gave him. Five million has been given to Xiaobo's family of five people.

There is even a thank-you letter from Xiaobo and their five family members. Ye Chen naturally believed Li Anyou's approach, otherwise, he would not be able to directly deposit so much money into his bank card account.

"In this way, I will feel more at ease!" Ye Chen said.

Compared to a human life, that one million yuan is really nothing. However, Ye Chen knew that after Xiaobo and the others had an accident, the family would definitely need other people to support them, and everything needed money. In this case, that one million would be regarded as a compensation for them, plus the compensation from Qinglong Group, enough for them. Family members continue to live steadily.

"Also, Doctor Ye, Qinglong Group compensates us a lot more!" Li Anyou said. Ye Chen guessed that it must be the time Sun Mengjie went to see him and remembered what he said to him.

"Then Dabao's situation, have you checked it out?" Ye Chen asked.

"I went to see him and found that his condition is the same as before. Also, Dabao's wife is really lazy and does nothing at home!" Now Liu Dabao's wife and children let Li Anyou watch temporarily.

Li Anyou did not expect that Li Xiaohua was not at all nervous about her husband's situation. Usually, apart from eating, watching TV and playing on the computer, he didn't watch anything. Even, many times, he ignored Xiaobao's situation.

"Then Xiaobao recovered from his illness?" Ye Chen asked again after nodding. It is really unfortunate for Liu Dabao to marry such a wife.

"The first two days have been completely healed, but every day I clamored to see his dad! Now I am out to work, fortunately, I can let other roommates who are not at work see!"

While the two were talking, half an hour later, Ye Chen had already drove to the parking lot at the entrance of Pudong Mental Center Hospital. Four people got out of the car and Ye Chen led them into Liu Dabao’s separate ward. .

Just when I came to the door, I saw Liu Dabao's hands and feet tied to the hospital bed inside. In addition to a male doctor reading the newspaper, there was another female nurse inside. Now I saw Ye Chen bringing these three people here. At that time, the two also reacted.

When seeing Liu Dabao being **** like that, Li Anyou immediately asked angrily: "What's the matter with you, tied him like this?"

"Mr. Ye, we don’t want to! But now his condition is getting worse. If he doesn’t tie him up, he will hit the wall and abuse himself, even jump off the building. Now there are no more people inside and more people to prevent him from suicide. Measures can only tie him up!" the male doctor explained.

Ye Chen ignored these. It can be seen from this that Liu Dabao was in the psychiatric center and received treatment for a week. The condition did not get better at all. On the contrary, it got worse, indicating that the hospital's medical skills in treating mental illness are still not good. .

"Go and call Director Yuan over immediately!" Ye Chen said coldly, looking at the female nurse.

When the female nurse was scared and hurried out to go outside, Ye Chen came to Liu Dabao and looked at the tied hands and feet. They were all deeply marked by the tight ropes.

"Why tie him so deeply? Do you want his life!" Ye Chen asked.

Liu Dabao was **** like this, in addition to being unable to move, it also caused great harm to the human body. It may even be that Liu Dabao's illness has not been cured, making him disabled.

When the male doctor wanted to say something, Ye Chen had already untied Liu Dabao's rope, looked at Liu Dabao's eyes with fear, and kept shrinking behind the hospital bed. Obviously, he was afraid to see those Li Anyou in security uniforms.

It can be seen from here how much harm was done to Liu Dabao at the Qinglong Building that night.

When Director Yuan was called by the female nurse, he saw Ye Chen bringing three security guards over. He knew that this week, without treating Liu Dabao well, it seemed that he could only let the other party pick up the person. .

"Mr. Ye, you are here!" Director Yuan said with a wry smile.

"Director Yuan, I'll give you a week. Now I see Liu Dabao's situation is more serious than last week. Is your hospital just vain?" Ye Chen asked.

"Mr. Ye, you should know that mental illnesses are more difficult to treat. What's more, this is only a short period of one week. Many of my medical plans have not yet been implemented. Therefore, the situation is now like this!" Director Yuan Look at Ye Chen and explain.

If it is someone else, he still doesn't want to bother. However, he paid the large amount of medical expenses to Liu Dabao from Ye Chen, and the feeling that Ye Chen gave him. Ye Chen is not an ordinary person, so he will be so patient to explain.

"Then what method did you use to treat him before?" Ye Chen asked.

"We used some western medicines for psychiatric treatment in Europe and the United States, as well as physical therapy methods such as electric shocks!" Director Yuan looked at Ye Chen and said.

In fact, those so-called western medicines, in addition to sedating the patient, mostly caused Liu Dabao to fall asleep after taking it, and had no effect at all.

As for physical therapy methods such as electric shocks, they are not as effective as the treatment of diseases such as vegetative people. Instead, they may bring some other side effects. After all, no matter how low the voltage is, it is also charged.

Ye Chen didn't want to know what electric shock methods were. Now he saw that Liu Dabao's treatment had no effect. For him, it was just a waste of time and money.

If other people encounter this situation, they would rather spend some money to keep the mentally ill here for a lifetime. However, Ye Chen couldn't do that. He knew that even if he was in trouble, he still had to cure Liu Dabao's illness.

Ye Chen was about to knock Liu Dabao unconscious, and then directly go through the discharge procedures for him. When he was taken away, Director Yuan looked at Ye Chen and said: "In fact, our hospital has two better treatment methods, which have not yet started. Give treatment to Mr. Liu."

"What kind of treatment is that?" Ye Chen asked.

"One is the hypnosis treatment method, which allows him to recall the original cause of the disease under hypnosis, and slowly wakes him up to the original crazy state. The other is the simulation scene treatment method, which is a psychological treatment, and there are no side effects!" Director Yuan looked at Ye Chen and said.

In fact, this week, apart from applying to the superiors to borrow the space, those two elevators are prepared to imitate the incident of Liu Dabao in the Qinglong Group Building that night, and let Liu Dabao experience it again, perhaps to make him sober in that situation. come.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen was already coming to pick up someone and was about to leave the hospital.