Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 439: Scene simulation

When Tang Lianyu was deeply hypnotized with Liu Dabao, Liu Dabao passed him and Xiaobo in the Qinglong Mansion that night, explaining in detail, and even what he thought in his heart at the time.

When most people see this situation, they are naturally afraid of being hypnotized by Tang Lianyu. However, Ye Chen had already figured out why he was only found out that night in a frightened state of madness, and he was pulled out of the elevator. Xiaobo's figure was only found later and found to be dead.

That night, it can be said that Liu Dabao and Xiaobo were together. The relationship between the two is usually the best in Qinglong Building. In addition, Liu Dabao is older than Xiaobo, who treats Liu Dabao as his elder brother.

However, when the two of them entered the elevator that night, the elevator stopped suddenly and they came out of the elevator. They were already confused. They did not know what floor they were on. When they came out of the elevator, the two of them went out again. When a more terrifying figure was chasing behind, the two ran forward desperately.

Even before Xiaobo's accident, Liu Dabao saw Xiaobo who was a few meters away was strangled by a black figure and stabbed his neck with a knife. The blood splashed out of Xiaobo's neck.

When Xiaobo fell and struggled, he desperately asked Liu Dabao to escape. It was exactly that scene. After being seen by Liu Dabao, his brain was deeply hit. When he desperately escaped, maybe he went down to the elevator downstairs and got into the elevator. Recalling the scene just now, even if his No matter how high the psychological quality is, he is just an ordinary security guard.

Therefore, at that time, Ye Chen took the other security personnel down and rescued Liu Dabao, who had become mad, from the elevator.

Except when Liu Dabao said about him, after seeing Xiaobo brutally killed by a dark shadow man, he desperately called him to escape, and even Xiaobo's painful and struggling appearance has been deeply remembered in Liu Dabao's mind.

As for the other Liu Dabao, he was crazy at that time, even if he was deeply hypnotized, he still couldn't tell. Now he was holding his head tightly, and it was obvious that even in such a hypnotic state, he still seemed very worried about what happened that night.

"Doctor Tang, you can wake him up!" Ye Chen said. Seeing his painful appearance, I am afraid that this kind of hypnotic mental method, even if it is effective, will also make the patient very painful.

Tang Lianyu didn’t know if it had any effect, but he didn’t expect that Liu Dabao would become like that. That night, he took out a similar item like a pocket watch, amplified the sound, and hit Liu Dabao with both hands. Applause.

When Liu Dabao opened his eyes and woke up in a dazed state, Ye Chen and Director Yuan looked over and found that Liu Dabao’s eyes were the same as before. Now they see two sloppy and Lian Weiliang who are so close to him. , And retracted back in fear.

"Dabao, Dabao, I am Mr. Ye!" Ye Chen said, looking at him. However, Liu Dabao clearly couldn't remember who Ye Chen was when he was sober. Therefore, it can be seen from this that Tang Lianyu's hypnotic mental method has little effect.

However, the subsequent implementation of the scene simulation therapy for Director Yuan is of great effect. It is possible to know what caused Liu Dabao's disease in the first place.

Therefore, in the next time, Director Yuan looked at Ye Chen and said, "Mr. Ye, why don't we conduct a scene simulation now to see if we can stimulate his brain and wake him up?"

"Then implement it, if not, I will take him away tonight!" It may take a lot of time to treat this disease.

However, if the effect is ineffective at first, or in an unobvious state, it will just waste time. Ye Chen can also be treated with acupuncture and drugs, which is more assured.

There are detailed memories of Liu Dabao under hypnosis. Now Director Yuan only needs to find two elevators, then let Liu Dabao and another person put on the security uniforms of the Qinglong Group, and then bring them to the elevator to simulate what happened that night. .

Now the three security guards Li Anyou are wearing the security uniforms of the Qinglong Group. One of them can be taken off for Liu Dabao to put on. However, as long as Liu Dabao saw other security uniforms, he was disgusted, repulsive, disgusted, and scared, precisely because he was deeply irritated by that night.

Now Ye Chen asked Li Anyou to help. After forcing Liu Dabao to put it on, he took him out of the hospital ward and found two elevators that were temporarily unavailable for other people. The time added was night, even time and that. When it happened late in the Qinglong Group, it was almost exactly the same.

Ye Chen played his own role as Mr. Ye. As for Xiaobo's role, another one would follow tonight, who was also played by Lian Weiliang in a security uniform.

His figure is about the same height as Xiaobo's figure before his death. He wears that security uniform and a security hat. When the light is not very bright, without careful identification, it is really similar.

"Weiliang, do you remember clearly how the passing language is?" Ye Chen looked at him and asked.

"Doctor Ye, I almost remember!" Lian Weiliang said.

In fact, this is similar to acting. It's just that, now Lian Weiliang is acting for the first time, and he even has to act that night in the Qinglong Group.

If it was someone else, he would definitely not want to experience it again. But now, in order to make Liu Dabao's illness better, he can only do that.

That black figure should have been played better by Ye Chen, because Ye Chen's speed can walk fast, and even come and go without a shadow. However, now he wants to play his role, so he can only imitate Li Anyou.

Now Ye Chen, Li Anyou, and even Weiliang all represent one role, and they all know how to do it. The other sloppy security guard, Director Yuan and Tang Lianyu, are watching the situation of these people in the monitoring room, especially to see. In this simulation state, Liu Dabao was stimulated by this situation this time, how effective is it?

Both Director Yuan and Tang Lianyu are very interested. It can be said that Liu Dabao's situation is an obvious case of being stimulated to become a mentally ill patient. If such a simulation scenario can be used to stimulate and treat Liu Dabao. Naturally, there is a greater research role in the psychological treatment of the two in this regard.

Soon, all will be in place. Like that night, Ye Chen drove the Bentley and stopped downstairs. Then he hurriedly went into the hall downstairs and saw Liu Dabao, who was not in a good condition, and Lian Weiliang who played Xiaobo.

Ye Chen remembered the incident very clearly that night. Seeing the two of them here, Lian Weiliang sat lazily and smoked, stood up and looked at Ye Chen and said, "Young people, idlers are exempt, and they have their own work permits. ?"

Ye Chen asked, "I belong to the Sun family. Come and find your President Sun."

"We don't know you. If you don't have a work permit, you can't enter, and what's the relationship between you and President Sun?" Lian Weiliang asked.

Originally, Liu Dabao asked some things that night, but now Liu Dabao's crazy state naturally wouldn't say it.

. . .

Ye Chen asked the two of them to follow in and look for President Sun from the stairs. Both the language and the actions were almost the same as the situation that night. However, Liu Dabao, who was being pulled by Lian Weiliang, was still the same, and he didn't even know what he was doing.

However, this scene simulation has been going on all the time. When Lian Weiliang was stabbed in the neck by a dark shadow man Li Anyou and pulled him severely, Lian Weiliang shouted there, "Dabao, run away." , Run away and ignore me!"

In order to make this scene more realistic, Tang Lianyu even found some expired blood bags, and asked Lian Weiliang to break the bags of blood when he played Xiaobo, and the blood shed from his neck and the security uniform. It's all the blood that makes people look more real.

At that moment, he seemed to be a little touched by Liu Dabao. Apart from running away frantically, everything else was the same as what he recalled under hypnosis before. It was also when he ran downstairs and saw the elevator opened, he rushed into the elevator. Inside, when he desperately pressed the elevator number downstairs in the elevator, it can be said that this was exactly the same as the situation and actions he encountered that night.

However, when he pressed the elevator and the elevator started going down, he seemed to see the black figure who killed Xiaobo staring at him again.

When he yelled desperately and squeezed into the elevator, Director Yuan, Tang Lianyu, sloppy, and the other two security guards who were in the monitoring room were all staring in a daze.

In addition to making them feel unspeakable, it also seemed to understand that Liu Dabao became such a crazy state that night.