Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 45: High medical expenses

When Ye Chen and the taxi driver sent Lin Kun to the affiliated hospital, many doctors in the emergency department of the affiliated hospital were already familiar with Ye Chen because of Li Mingfeng.

Now, seeing Ye Chen and another stranger rushing in a middle-aged man, Ding Gui, the attending physician on night shift tonight, hurriedly asked: "Doctor Ye, what's wrong with this patient?"

"The other party is a taxi driver with heart failure. I have treated him with silver needles just now. The condition is not as serious as before." Ding Gui hurriedly asked Ye Chen and the two to put Lin Kun on the bed in the emergency department. Then began to treat Lin Kun.

While Ye Chen and the other taxi driver were waiting there, Ding Gui in the emergency room opened all the medical equipment and performed a comprehensive examination and treatment for Lin Kun, and found that Lin Kun was undergoing an examination. It was very dangerous. It was probably because Ye Chen took the treatment in time that allowed Lin Kun to survive. Now he is sent to the hospital and after some simple first aid, Lin Kun will no longer be in a critical situation.

Ding Gui had already known that Ye Chen was a young man with good medical skills, but now he really confirmed that Ye Chen is indeed a talent in this respect.

"Doctor Ye, thanks to your action just now, otherwise, the patient would be dead before being sent to the hospital."

"Deputy Director Ding, I was coming back in his taxi. I didn't expect this to be the case." Even if something happens, Ye Chen will not be held accountable by law, but Ye Chen will feel sorry.

Therefore, in the face of that situation, he still has to make a move if he should make a move.

"The patient's condition has temporarily stabilized. However, if you want to treat the disease well, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money." Ding Gui continued to look at Ye Chen and said.

"Then let's go in and talk to each other." When Ye Chen and Ding Gui entered the emergency room, Ye Chen had already smelled the unpleasant smell of western medicine, and Lin Kun on the hospital bed had already woke up, and he recognized it. The young man in front of him was just a guest he had pulled.

While in the car, Lin Kun felt heart cramps, and he endured it. Unexpectedly, when the pain got worse, he could only stop the car slowly. At the end, he passed out. I don't know what happened later?

Now, when he was sent to the hospital, Lin Kun knew that this young man must have rescued him.

"Brother driver, you passed out just now, I can only take you to the hospital."

"It's okay, young man, thanks to you really." Lin Kun said as he looked at Ye Chen gratefully. When I was in the car, I was still thinking about a young young man like Ye Chen, who was still out to play with a young woman in the middle of the night.

"Brother driver, you are fine for the time being. However, the Deputy Director Ding has told me just now that if you want to continue treatment in the hospital, you may have to pay a lot of treatment fees."

"A large amount of treatment fee? How much does it cost?" Lin Kun naturally frowned when he heard this. He was so desperately soliciting customers, naturally also for the money and for the family to live a good life.

If you need to spend a lot of money to save lives, the family will also go bankrupt.

"Well, based on the fact that other patients have the same situation as you in the past, the treatment fee will be about 300,000 yuan. If you can't get out of your home, the hospital will cost at least more than 200,000 yuan." The hospital is not a charity, naturally The patient may be treated for free.

According to Lin Kun's current situation, it is already a very serious situation. If he is to be treated well, he must want a lot of money.

Lin Kun had fainted several times before at home, and knew that he was sick. However, when he heard that it was two or three hundred thousand, he suddenly felt that the sky was falling down.

Of course, Ye Chen stood by and didn't say anything yet. He felt that it was actually possible to treat Lin Kun's disease with his method.

However, this disease is a bit serious. If Chinese medicine is required for treatment, coupled with his acupuncture-assisted treatment, even if the cost of the medicine is not two or three hundred thousand, it will make his aura a waste.

"Doctor, this is too much money. I don't have that much money in my family. I want to leave the hospital." Lin Kun already wanted to get out of bed because he was really scared.

At this time, Ye Chen said: "Brother driver, don't worry about the medical expenses for the time being, I can help you out, and you won't have to return it to me in the future."

"You? How can this be done?" Lin Kun naturally couldn't believe it. He and Ye Chen had no relatives for no reason, and the other party was just an ordinary guest he had brought him. Now the other party sent him to the hospital. It's pretty good, do you have to pay so much for the treatment?

Ding Gui felt that Ye Chen was really generous, and he was willing to pay so much money if he didn't know him.

"Brother driver, rest assured, don’t worry about the rest." When Ye Chen asked Lin Kun Anxin to treat his illness in this affiliated hospital, he went outside and called 300,000 directly to the toll office of the affiliated hospital. Come to pay for Lin Kun's treatment.

When he got down to the first floor of the hospital, Ye Chen thought that Lin Xinting had returned to the dormitory to rest, but unexpectedly, the other party was still waiting. Seeing Ye Chen coming out, he hurriedly asked, "Doctor Ye, how is the taxi driver?"

"It's okay for the time being, but if you want to get a good treatment, you need a lot of money." Lin Xinting's family background is also not good. Hearing Ye Chen's words, she naturally understood what it meant?

In fact, this is basically the situation in China now. Most ordinary people encounter serious illnesses, and they lose their lives when they are treated, and they can only lie in hospital beds and wait for death.

Another way is to meet good-hearted people and give them treatment fees. Of course, this situation is very small.

At this time, Ye Chen also remembered the words that Lao Liao said to him. However, Ye Chen knew what could be done with his current situation?

"Then what should he do?" Lin Xinting asked.

"I'll give him money temporarily." When Lin Xinting looked at Ye Chen, she felt that Ye Chen's back was even taller, and she didn't know what to say.

While she was yawning, Ye Chen asked her to go back to the dormitory to rest first. After all, Lin Xinting and his physique are different, and Ye Chen is a cultivator, so even if he doesn't rest tonight, there is nothing.

After Lin Xinting left, Ye Chen came to the baby care ward again and saw that the jaundice on the baby boy who was sleeping peacefully in the crib had gradually disappeared, and now there is a small part, nothing else.

This shows that Ye Chen's prescription is very good, and when he wants to come tomorrow morning, they will all be dispersed.

It was so late tonight, and Ye Chen couldn't go back to Sun's villa to rest. Therefore, Ye Chen just leaned against the crib and squinted to rest.

The next day, when Ye Chen hadn't woken up, Gao Meilin, who was going to visit her son from the advanced ward, saw Ye Chen actually fell asleep next to her son.

Gao Meilin quickly learned about Ye Chen's situation last night from a nurse. She thought that Ye Chen stayed here all night because she was worried about her son's illness.

Immediately, Gao Meilin's impression of Ye Chen was naturally better, and she was touched by her heart.