Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 470: Being regarded as a rival

What was brewing at the door just now, Davis has forgotten everything when he sees the appearance of Annie and Ye Chen, and his mind is filled with endless anger, and the breath of being held in the hotel this week. It's like going to burst out again.

When Ye Chen came to Davis, when Ye Chen wanted to take his hand out of Annie’s arm, Annie hugged him tightly, looked at Davis, whose face turned pale and said: "David Si, I'm going to make it clear to you now that we are no longer a relationship between boy and girl friends, but at most ordinary alumni relationships.

"You, Annie, why did you do that? Is it because of him?" Annie speaks English, and now Davis speaks English as well. However, now his anger was sent to Ye Chen as well.

With the people outside the door watching the excitement, Davis pointed to Ye Chen and said, "Boy, I want to fight you!"

Fortunately, private individuals in China cannot bring guns. Otherwise, in the current situation of Davis, if he were in the United States, he would definitely fight Ye Chen with two guns.

Ye Chen's expression remained the same. However, Davis's English meaning is naturally understood. As a man, he also understood Davis' anger. However, he just said: "Excuse me, how do you fight?"

Ye Chen said with a smile. From Davis's point of view, Ye Chen, the little Chinese man, is like a winner mocking him as a loser.

Compared with the figures of the two, Davis' tall and strong body, Ye Chen is indeed much thinner than him in terms of height and weight, and is also shorter. However, if the two really want to fight, Ye Chen's opinion is just like the fight between Cao Kang and Liu Feiyi yesterday.

Seeing more and more lively people, when he was about to cheer, Davis had already rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight Ye Chen at the entrance of the hotel.

Annie was still worried about Ye Chen's safety, and she pulled him aside and whispered: "Davis used to practice Muay Thai in college. I'm afraid you can't beat him!"

Seeing Annie's close concern for Ye Chen, Davis over there was even more angry.

"Teacher Annie, don't worry, although Davis is tall, I really haven't paid attention to it!" Ye Chen said confidently.

Seeing that Davis was Anne’s former friend, Ye Chen came to Davis who was like a furious tiger and said: "Davis, you are really not my opponent! Also, I want to tell you if If a woman tells you like that, then she really won’t love you anymore. Why are you doing this now?"

Ye Chen spoke a little awkward English, Davis heard it very clearly, he ignored it, but thought that Annie should still like him. Even, he also loves Annie very much, so he will not let Ye Chen go like that, he will fight Ye Chen.

"I want to fight you, and the loser must leave Annie immediately!" Davis said. It seems that Davis is really crazy. Now that Ye Chen doesn't fight him, Davis is unwilling to let him go.

When Ye Chen was standing there, when Davis was asked to do it first, everyone saw Davis, who was very thick on his right arm, and hit Ye Chen’s face with his fist. Si, Annie, and other people watching the excitement did not expect Ye Chen to grab Davis' right hand as if gently.

Davis really did not expect that he usually practiced Muay Thai, and one fist can blow a punching bag. In the United States, even facing a few gang members holding a fruit knife, he can easily defeat it. He did not expect that now. To this Chinese boy who looked like a little white face, he actually grabbed his fist gently.

Davis didn't believe it. When he wanted to withdraw his right hand, he found that it was as if being clamped tightly by large iron clamps. He couldn't pull it out at all when he wanted to withdraw it. Other people looked at it in confusion. , Ye Chen smiled and let go of Davis' right hand. Davis could not stand firmly for a while. Due to inertia, he almost fell down.

Seeing the two of them like this, those around them were even more puzzled. When he looked over with more mocking eyes, Davis rushed up like a red-eyed gambler and ran behind Ye Chen, trying to hit Ye Chen hard with his fist on the head, Ye Chen Unexpectedly, Davis, who is now crazy, is really crazy.

If you hit a person on the head like that, it's easy to get an accident, and the lightest one will cause a concussion. Even in a fighting game, hitting the head is often not allowed. In addition to the possibility of directly killing the opponent, the damage to the head and brain is very large.

So, now seeing Davis' crazy look, Ye Chen knew that he could only restore his understanding. No one could see clearly, Ye Chen turned around and hit Davis several times in a row, which was not easy to hurt.

The fist was like a tidal wave. When it hit like that, Davis's huge body couldn't stand it at all, and he fell to the ground quickly, in pain.

At this time, he recovered his senses, thinking that the Chinese boy in front of him would definitely know Chinese Kung Fu, so he couldn't beat him.

"How? Are you convinced?" Ye Chen asked.

Davis did not answer, but looked at Ye Chen unwillingly and said, "I want to speak with Annie alone."

After Annie walked over, Ye Chen stood aside. He didn't deliberately listen to what the two of them were saying. After Ye Chen went to the other side, the two security guards outside the hotel entrance looked at him enviously and said, "Brother, you are amazing, you actually grabbed a beautiful woman with a foreigner!"

The two security guards watched Ye Chen drive over in a famous Bentley car, and guessed his identity is also not easy. However, he did not expect that Ye Chen would fight the tall white man so quickly in twos or twos.

Ye Chen smiled, and said nothing.

On the side of Annie and Davis, when she looked at Davis like this, Annie remembered what she saw on the video site and the photos sent by the school girl from Davis. She would not be pitiful at all. Weiss.

Perhaps, a few years ago, before she came to Shanghai, she might be a little pitiful to Davis. However, now the two have not seen each other for several years, and now Davis has done so many things that I am sorry for her, and naturally he will not feel sorry for each other.

"Annie, why did you treat me like that? Is it because the kid just now knows how to do it?" Davis asked.

"You don't understand, let alone, the same is not what you think!" Annie said.

Even now, she just treats Ye Chen as a student and friend. But now Davis is like that, it seems that he really treats Ye Chen as a love rival.

Of course, maybe these are normal. However, Annie thought of these few times, when she was the most painful and helpless, Ye Chen was with her.

"What don't you understand? Don't you just think he has money?" Davis stood up and looked at her angrily.

At this moment, Annie's temper also came, and she asked angrily, "Really? Then when I was the most helpless, do you know who was with me? It was Ye Chen! When I was sick several times, you know Who is it with me? Ye Chen!"

"At that time, you were in the United States with school girls. Now you have traveled all the way, but you just feel unwilling to chase me for so many years. That's why you have such an idea. In fact, we have already Not suitable anymore."

"Well, I don't want to talk to you more, and I don't want to quarrel with you again, what should be said, what should be noisy, we have finished talking before, we are not suitable, it is impossible to be together!"

"Annie, please, I beg you to give me another chance, I won't be the same as before!" When he heard this, Davis's face became paler suddenly.

What Annie said just now was almost like that, it was indeed because the usual distance between the two was too far. Even if the two of them occasionally contacted each other, the relationship between the two had slowly faded. As for Davis, in addition to being unwilling, it was also caused by men's natural desire to control.