Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 481: Sun Xiaowei's eczema

Sun Xiaowei seems to have been used to scratching like that. Ye Chen and Lu Wen stared at him, but he didn't notice it, and he was talking and laughing.

Ye Chen didn't know if after the college entrance examination was over, he went to find those friends who were friends and friends to go to those nightclubs to have fun, and provoke unclean things, so that he seemed a little uncomfortable now.

When he entered Lu Wenyi's apartment, when Lu Wen brought the dishes to the kitchen to prepare, Ye Chen looked at Sun Xiaowei who was about to go to the computer and said, "Xiaowei, you come first."

"Ye Chen, what's the matter?" Sun Xiaowei asked strangely.

"What's the matter with your hands? Why do you always scratch your thighs? Is it itchy there?" Ye Chen looked at him and asked. In this case, Sun Xiaowei is naturally used to it, and he scratches his left hand while playing with the mouse on his right hand.

If it is hot and sweaty, it is very uncomfortable. Now that Ye Chen found out and asked about it, Sun Xiaowei looked a little embarrassed. When Lu Wenyi came out of the rice cooker with the rice cooker, it was also strange to see Sun Xiaowei.

He just found out when he saw Sun Xiaowei in the morning. However, Lu Wenyi didn't ask, thinking he was just scratching it.

"I, I'm nothing!" Sun Xiaowei said. However, just after he finished speaking, he started to scratch it gently.

"You wouldn't be taking advantage of the time when I left Sun's house, and you went quietly to find those friends, friends, go to the nightclub and find those women to play! I tell you, those women, what is going on, you know very well. If so You will regret being infected with AIDS for the rest of your life!" Ye Chen looked at him and said.

"No, absolutely not. I have been playing games in my room during this period. Basically, I haven't been out. I just came to find Lu Wenyi today." Sun Xiaowei said hurriedly.

He knew those things a long time ago, plus, Sun Xiaowei was different from the children of other families, so he didn't have that bite at all. However, now that I am like that, I can't tell the suffering.

"Then what's the matter with you? I took off my pants and watched you scratching like that. I felt uncomfortable when I saw you!" When Sun Xiaowei took off those jeans, Ye Chen and Lu Wen saw left On the side of the thigh away from the buttocks, there is already a palm-sized skin lesion with itching and running water.

Ye Chen took a closer look and found that this should be eczema, not like the symptoms of those venereal diseases. However, if this is the case, he would be surprised, and itchy all the way, Sun Xiaowei is still wearing such narrow jeans, it is more likely to hurt that place.

"Your symptom is obviously eczema, when did it start?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's been a few years, probably every year in this season. It used to be around the navel when I was wearing a belt. Now I don't wear a belt, and there is no around the navel. It's on the left thigh and buttocks!" Sun Xiaodong said.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" This situation is obviously similar to those of psoriasis attacks. It often recurs repeatedly, and itching is always scratching, even if it is damaged or running water, it is still like that. .

"You are not in Sun's house. I think this is a minor illness again. I'm used to it, so I won't tell you!" Sun Xiaowei said.

"Then did you use any external medicine?" Ye Chen asked.

"I used dermatitis and prednisone." Sun Xiaowei said.

"Tell me earlier that I don't need to be tortured like this!" Ye Chen said.

When Lu Wenyi found out that it was nothing else, he took the rice cooker to put the rice, and then began to wash the vegetables. Ye Chen carefully observed Sun Xiaodong’s location and after asking about his situation, he could be sure that his symptoms clearly belonged to him. eczema.

However, this type of eczema is repeated and seasonal, indicating that Sun Xiaowei's own body eats too much fruit and food such as moisture, and it is also related to seasonality.

Thinking of the two patients he had treated at the Shanghan School Exchange Meeting, Ye Chen felt that they should have cured the disease.

The illness of those two people was much more serious than that of Sun Xiaowei now. Moreover, Ye Chen thought of the effect of dampness-removing medicated oil. He felt that dampness-removing medicated oil should be much better than those of dermatitis. However, there is no selling at all on the market now.

After finding a blank sheet of paper from Lu Wenyi’s computer desk, Ye Chen quickly wrote on it: "Sun, male, 18 years old, itching and running water around his left thigh and buttocks have been around for many years. Recently, it is a seasonal increase. Frequent. First visit: The patient’s left thigh and buttocks have palm-sized skin lesions and itching for several years. After stimulation with dermatitis, prednisone and other drugs, it became more serious. Now there are erythema and papules around the patient. Itching, upset and insomnia. , Poor mouth, dry stool, yellow urine."

"Examination: There are large flushing, swollen and erosional skin lesions of 8 cm x 10 cm on the left thigh and buttocks, and the diseased body has scattered flaky erythema papules, some of which have been scratched and appear bright red and erosion, or with yellow exudative crust. Tongue appearance: tongue quality Red, white and yellow. Pulse condition: slippery pulse string."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: eczema is a form of dampness accumulating heat and toxic evils. Treatment: clearing away heat and removing dampness, purging blood and reducing toxins."

"Prescription: (1) 10 grams of gentian, 10 grams of scutellaria, 30 grams of raw gypsum (first decoction), 10 grams of gardenia, 30 grams of Imperata cylindrica, 30 grams of raw land, 15 grams of paeonol, 15 grams of red peony root, and 10 of Sichuan Army Gram, 30 grams of white fresh peel, 15 grams of Sophora flavescens, 30 grams of Radix Isatidis, 10 grams of papaya. 7 doses, decocted in water, 2 times a day."

2): Use licorice oil to adjust the dampness powder for external application on skin lesions."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he looked at him and said, "Now I will go with you to buy medicine!"

Seeing his uncomfortable look, he must not be able to sit for a minute, Sun Xiaowei hurriedly stood up, Ye Chen talked to Lu Wen in the kitchen and walked downstairs.

When I got into Ye Chen’s car, the Fortune Dog Ah Wu stayed at Lu Wen No. 1 apartment and did not follow. Now when Sun Xiaowei was sitting in the passenger seat, Ye Chen said: "I have found you just now. My college entrance examination score is less than 300 points, so prepare yourself mentally!"

"Three hundred points? This is in line with my normal level, super level." Sun Xiaowei said.

However, he wondered how much did Ye Chen take the exam? When asked about Ye Chen's performance, he was more than twice as good as him, Sun Xiaowei no longer knew how to describe Ye Chen.

He knew that he was different from Ye Chen. Whether it was brain reaction, memory, or diligence, they were not as good as Ye Chen. Ye Chen got such good grades on the test, so naturally it was nothing.

Ye Chen looked at him and said, "I have already filled in the application for clinical studies at the University of Chinese Medicine. As for what you want to study in the future, please think about it yourself, or go back and tell your sister clearly!"

"I see." Sun Xiaowei said.

Ye Chen drove to the big pharmacy nearby, took the prescription and entered it, and asked the pharmacist to pick up the Chinese medicinal materials. He also bought licorice oil and Qushisan. Ye Chen asked about the big pharmacy here, and sure enough, there was none. That kind of dampness medicated oil is sold.

After the female pharmacist picked up the medicinal materials, Sun Xiaowei also planned to buy an electric decocting pot. Obviously, this kid wanted to make medicine at Lu Wenyi's apartment. If this is the case, Lu Wenyi used to drink medicine, and he still has the decocting pot there, so he doesn't need to buy it again.

Sun Xiaowei paid for the medicine, took the big bag of medicinal materials, and when he got into the car with Ye Chen, he looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, I recently discovered that my dad has some problems."