Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 500: Make another money

In the past, Gao Huan's situation was that he didn't hold it, but now he doesn't hold it. For him, his self-confidence is naturally much more, completely different from the original.

After Ye Chen could confirm his current condition, he looked at him and said, "Mr. Gao, your condition is almost better. However, your current symptoms are related to your kidney qi, and your kidney qi is insufficient, so you still need to replenish your kidney function. "

When Gao Huan asked Gao Huan to take out his prescription, Ye Chen wrote under the first consultation of the prescription: “Re-check: All symptoms of the patient are reduced, but the yang is not strong. Then add 15 grams of dodder to the original prescription. The deficiency of nourishing the kidney."

"Prescription: 6 grams of Bupleurum, 20 grams of white peony root, 10 grams of raw licorice, 2 grams of centipede powder (red), 6 grams of purple scramble, 15 grams of angelica, 10 grams of honeybee hive, 15 grams of dodder seeds. 30 doses, decoction Take one dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he gave it to Lao Liao who was aside to see. After Liao Wenen took the prescription and looked at it, he did not expect that Gao Huan's previous symptoms would be like that.

Of course, Ye Chen had already told him that time.

"This prescription is pretty good," Liao Wenen said.

Ye Chen's treatment in Chinese medicine was mainly based on his previous experience in Chinese medicine books and his own diagnosis.

There are many books on this subject in ancient Chinese medicine. Ye Chen now also believes that what the ancients said is that the life gate is declining, and the essence and qi are cold, which is more common in society now. The main reason is that people nowadays, the scope of activities has increased, the communication has increased, and there are more and more depression caused by depression.

On the other hand, if there is no restraint in indulgence, it will lead to this situation. It is also possible that more young men and women will become infertile, leading to more innocent children being abducted and sold. Ye Chen naturally didn't know the social situation. However, thinking from the perspective of Chinese medicine, he is very clear.

In traditional Chinese medicine, because the yin organs are controlled by the tendons, the liver veins travel around them and are nourished by them for use. If the liver tree loses its streak, depression and blood stagnation, yin and blood are consumed, and impotence due to insufficient kidney qi, it is usually treated with agents that soothe the liver and regulate qi, nourish blood and soften the liver, and invigorate the kidney.

According to Gao Huan's situation, Ye Chen prescribed exactly the prescriptions. Every medicinal material, which seemed ordinary, was prescribed for Gao Huan's symptoms everywhere.

When Ye Chen explained to Liao Lao, even Gao Huan, who didn't know Chinese medicine, was able to understand it a bit.

"There are many reasons for impotence. In treatment, we should distinguish between deficiency and excess, and then distinguish the existence of fire. Deficiency should be supplemented, but in reality, it should be solved. If there is fire, it is clear, and if there is no fire, it is warm. You cannot rule all diseases by one side alone." By the way, Ye Chen told Lao Liao, as well as Gao Huan.

If other people suffer from impotence as well, if they drink the medicine according to the prescription Ye Chen gave Gao Huan, the effect will definitely be there.

However, it is certainly not possible to really prescribe the right medicine. In that case, it is definitely impossible to recover so quickly.

This is also the essence of traditional Chinese medicine. It is necessary to dialectical symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine and to prescribe the medicine based on the symptoms, so that the right medicine can be prescribed, and the patient can treat the symptoms and the root cause.

Now Ye Chen has read it to Gao Huan and after prescribing the prescription, he knows that Gao Huan should not be long before, and he will be able to recover like other normal males. However, he still exhorted: "Mr. Gao, while you are taking the medicine, I suggest you better not have intercourse. When your illness is completely healed, then there will be no problem."

"Doctor Ye, I understand." Even so, Gao Huan was obviously embarrassed when he was mentioned by a young doctor.

"Your daughter Niuniu's illness is cured? Why didn't you come with her?" Ye Chen asked.

After Gao Huan heard it, he naturally admired a responsible doctor like Ye Chen. In fact, the condition of my daughter Niuniu, after Ye Chen's return visit, and drank two doses of the four days, she was already completely cured. She is now in the kindergarten class, plus, now he secretly came to see the doctor. . Therefore, I don't want my parents to follow along and discover anything.

"Doctor Ye, Niuniu's disease was completely healed on the third day after that time, and she is now in kindergarten!" Gao Huan said.

"It's fine." Ye Chen said. Now Gao Huan has finished the treatment, and in the afternoon, he will go back to work at the company headquarters. However, he has already prepared the treatment fee.

"Doctor Ye, this is the treatment fee paid to you. I hope you don't feel too little." After Gao Huan took out the bank card and told Ye Chen the password, he told Lao Liao to go out and leave.

Looking at the figure of Gao Huan leaving in a hurry, he should be buying medicine, decocting the medicine, and going back to work immediately. Even so, Ye Chen guessed that the current men, it seems that the pressure is really not low, not only to make money, but also to satisfy his wife.

Ye Chen didn't expect that he made another medical bill so quickly. He guessed that there was at least half a million in that bank card. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to use the bank card as a treatment fee.

After all, in too many cases, it is impossible to take out the cash. Last time, Gao Huan had already told him that if Ye Chen cured his heart disease, he would pay Ye Chen 500,000.

Although the 500,000 yuan is not much in Ye Chen's opinion now, he knew that to treat this disease, in Ye Chen's opinion, two prescriptions were prescribed, and there was no need to pay such high treatment fees.

However, Gao Huan's mental illness is totally worth the effort in Gao Huan's view. After Ye Chen put the bank card in his trouser pocket, Liao Wenen looked at him and said: "Nowadays, many men have this kind of hidden disease. They go to the andrologists to see them. Essence, or prescribing Western medicine for rare cases, or directly prescribing Viagra drugs, will not cure the disease at all. If your medical skills in this area are so good, I am afraid it will make you a multi-millionaire in a short time."

The reason why so many children are abducted and sold is that in many cases, it is the man or the woman who has problems. Even in this respect, the main group of people still comes from the rich group.

In that case, the wealthy do not want to be looked down upon by others and cannot afford to hold their heads up. Therefore, they must have offspring, either illegally buying children, or legally raising them from the government.

However, no matter what the situation, many people hope that they have their own bones and blood. This is why Wu Lan's youth is so old. Every time I think about that incident, I still feel very depressed and brooding, causing the present Dirty irritability appears this intractable disease.

Ye Chen couldn't really understand that kind of people's mood. But it can be seen, even in books. Now that Mr. Liao said that, he probably guessed it too.

"Old Liao, it is impossible for me to sit here and see them every day. Maybe one day, I will develop such a general medicine. As long as this symptom can be cured by drinking it, there will be no So many children have been abducted!" Ye Chen said.

In the afternoon, Ye Chen originally wanted to go back to Gao Meilin's villa, but he did not expect to come to the affiliated hospital again because he was seeing Gao Huan.

Now Ye Chen and Liao Wenen are here, talking until the afternoon after get off work, when Liao Wenen asked him to go back to the Liao's National Medical Center for dinner, Ye Chen remembered what he had said with Tian Feng.

"Lao Liao, I want to go out to have fun with those friends." When Ye Chen said about his going out with Tian Feng, Lao Liao naturally knew.

However, he did not expect that this kid did not join the typhoid sect, but met some friends inside. Now he is going out to play, Liao Lao will definitely not object, but smiled and said: "Since you are out, it is better to bring Bingxue with you. Right!"