Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 509: Treatment of rabies

In the discussion of Chinese medicine, rabies virus belongs to wind evil in Chinese medicine, and rabies is called canine bite. Bitten by a rabies, the first part of the teeth marks, or the skin and flesh rot, the wound is black and purple, the surrounding is light yellow, and then the whole body feels unwell, the whole body is numb, the body is short of breath, sensitive, the muscles of the body are convulsed by the wind, and the sound of the gong is heard, especially Feeling panic.

In addition, patients often dare not drink water, and gradually become afraid to see water, or when they hear the word "water", they can experience intense throat muscle spasm and body twitching, causing severe pain, so it is also called hydrophobia .

Eventually he turned into madness, and died quickly due to respiratory paralysis and myocardial insufficiency.

Rabies patients are afraid of three times, afraid of wind, afraid of water, afraid of hearing the sound of gongs, more than one, and more drool. In addition, it is recorded in ancient Chinese medicine books that several red hairs on the top of rabies patients' heads must be pulled out. The onset usually takes about three months, the shortest is six to ten days, and the elderly can reach more than two years.

Rabies is mostly on the feet and legs of the human body, and there are people who bite both hands. I have just been bitten by an ordinary dog ​​and washed it urgently with raw licorice decoction. The poison will disperse without yellowing. If you use Yuzhen powder, or apply or take it, it will usually be fine.

Only those who are injured by a mad dog are the most venomous. They rush to loosen their hair. Look inside the top of the head. If there is red hair like a copper needle, pull it out. Then take a handful of earth bone skin, about one or two, decoct the soup to wash away the yellow, and take it inside; then use earthworm dung as the last, seal the bite, and let the dog hair out, it will also be fine.

If a person has gone mad like a dog, closed his bowels and bowels, has painful external heat, or has severe abdominal pain, and the front cannot be resolved, he can use the elixir of life to relieve the heat and he can still be saved.

When I heard Ye Chen explain it from the perspective of Chinese medicine, apart from Liao Lao's previous experience in this area, Ding Gui, as an emergency department, was the first to have heard of Chinese medicine on rabies.

He also studied Chinese medicine, but he was inclined to the modern emergency department. On the contrary, his familiarity with Chinese medicine was not as good as those who really studied Chinese medicine.

"Doctor Ye, is there really such a record in ancient Chinese medicine books?" Ding Gui asked.

"Of course!" Ye Chen said.

Ding Gui knew that even though he was much older than Ye Chen. However, the knowledge in Chinese medicine books is much less than that of Ye Chen.

"In Chinese medicine dialectics, rabies belongs to the category of typhoid fever and blood stasis madness. The overall dialectic is that wind enters the blood, and finally causes blood stasis to accumulate (accumulation). The wind is the predominant stage of the disease, and the stasis is the main disease after the onset. Wind poison and blood stasis."

"Among them, the Nei Jing said that blood is chaotic on the top and forgetting, and blood is like madness when blood is on the bottom. The blood stasis is inside, and the person is like madness. Treatise on Febrile Diseases has established a number of therapeutic prescriptions on the etiology and pathogenesis of blood stasis madness. The focus of treatment is on the basis of symptomatic treatment, which changes with the symptoms."

"Among them, the incubation period is mainly for expelling wind and sweating, and the severe period is mainly for dispelling blood stasis and dispelling lumps, mainly including'sweat','elimination', and'xia', expelling wind, dispelling blood stasis, detoxification, and treating rabies. In order to divide the poison into the blood, the blood stasis accumulates heat, and the drainage of blood stasis is a superior treatment method. The blood stagnation decoction corrects the pathogenesis, which is a method for Shunzhi."

"Obviously, Wu Hongwen's situation now belongs to the severe stage, which is the excitement stage mentioned in Western medicine. In this case, the only way to treat the severe stage of rabies is based on the dialectics of Chinese medicine."

"Wu Hongwen no longer remembers when he was bitten by a dog, and he does not know where he was bitten by a dog. Therefore, it is already very difficult to find the wound that year. However, at least it can be judged that he bit him at the beginning. That dog is not the kind of epilepsy dog ​​with rabies, but just an ordinary dog ​​with rabies virus."

When they heard this, Liao Wen'en and Ding Gui were both clear. In fact, the most difficult thing in Chinese medicine is whether it can be dialectical. Dialectics is what makes people convincing, and it is also the basis for treating diseases.

This is like a person, whether he or she usually does something illegal or not must be assessed according to the law. The emergence of the so-called symptoms in Chinese medicine cannot be related to the six evils of the external sense and the five evils of the internal sense. The rabies virus we are talking about now is precisely related to wind.

"According to the judgment of ancient Chinese medicine books, I can be sure that Wu Hongwen's condition, butt, or lower body, will be congested." Ye Chen said.

Among them, in traditional Chinese medicine, in the severe stage of rabies, the patient has a symptom of bleeding and accumulation of blood, which means that the two places below Wu Hongwen bleed, and there is blood congestion blocking those two places.

Liao Wenen, Ding Gui, and Wu Hongwen's wife all felt a little weird after hearing it. However, when Wu Hongwen’s wife took off Wu Hongwen’s pants and Ding Gui, who was wearing medical gloves, personally inspected it, she found that it was exactly that symptom. Even Wu Hongwen didn’t usually know about it. Now these people Hearing it, seeing Ye Chen's expression was even more surprised.

Ye Chen, Liao Wenen, Ding Gui, and Wu Hongwen's wife, when they went outside the emergency room, the female nurse and Wu Hongwen's daughter were left in the ward. This ward belongs to emergency department patients, and naturally it is not used for patients to be hospitalized.

"Director Ding, hurry up and arrange that Mr. Wu in a dark and quiet ward." Ye Chen said to Ding Gui. Because the three fears have too much impact on the patient, the general ward is really not suitable for him to recuperate.

Facing the treatment of rabies patients, Ding Gui may not know how. However, arranging the ward can be done after he hastily left.

Ye Chen, Lao Liao, and Wu Hongwen's wife Zhang Yinglan came to the emergency department office next to him. After Liao Wenen asked a female nurse to bring a new medical record, Ye Chen began to ask her husband about the latest situation through Zhang Yinglan. For example, Wu Hongwen's age, and the symptoms after the recent rabies attack.

Ye Chen sat at the table and after asking all the questions, he began to write in the medical record: "Wu, male, 48 years old. More than a month before and after the onset of rabies. First visit: The patient was bitten by a dog many years ago. I didn't pay attention and didn't get the vaccination. A month ago, the initial state of rabies suddenly appeared. The patient developed low-grade fever, headache, general laziness, nausea, irritability, fear and anxiety."

“It’s just that the patient took it as a cold and didn’t pay attention. After being reminded, he went to a large hospital and found it was confirmed to be rabies. He was given a vaccination. The symptoms disappeared. The patient thought he had recovered.

"Half a month later, the patient had symptoms of rabies again, and his condition became more serious. After examination, he has entered a state of severe rabies (excitement period)."

"Examination: The patient is sensitive to wind, water, light, sound, fear and fear, and his consciousness is sometimes sober, sometimes nonsense, and the lower body shows a state of blood accumulation. Tongue: dark tongue. Pulse: tight string. Chinese medicine dialectics: patient In the excitement period of rabies, it belongs to the accumulation of wind and pathogenic blood. Chinese medicine treatment: dispelling wind, breaking blood, promoting blood circulation, and promoting stagnation.

"Prescription: 20 grams of ginseng, 20 grams of Qianghuo, 10 grams of Doraemon, 20 grams of Bupleurum, 10 grams of Fructus Aurantii, 20 grams of Fructus Aurantii, 20 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 20 grams of Yun Ling, 10 grams of Licorice, 60 grams of Sanguis elm, purple bamboo root 500 grams. 7 doses, decocted, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing the prescription, handed it to Liao Wenen next to him. After reading it carefully, Liao Wenen hurriedly found a female nurse, immediately followed the prescription to decoction, and then took it to Wu Hongwen to drink it.

Now after finishing it, it will take about fifteen minutes. However, Ye Chen couldn't be the same. After all, he had never treated such patients before.

However, he knew that as long as Wu Hongwen drank the medicinal soup according to the dialectic and treatment of Chinese medicine, it would definitely be fine.

But what makes Wu Hongwen's wife Zhang Yinglan puzzled and admired is that this young man who is younger than her daughter can really cure her husband?

"Mrs. Wu, don't worry, the patients who have undergone treatment will recover safely." In this situation, she can only choose to trust Ye Chen and this hospital.

Because of the current situation, even if the husband is sent to other hospitals, other hospitals are also afraid to accept her husband again. At that time, Wu Hongwen can only leave the world in pain and can't last long.