Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 532: coordination

Now the person in charge of the Ministry of Health is Sun Ruoshan, the Deputy Minister of Health. He studied Chinese medicine in his early years and later also studied Western medicine. However, his ability is not in medical skills, but in public management.

Therefore, he was promoted from the dean of a People's Hospital in his early years, and he has been promoted to one of the deputy ministers of health until now.

After the outbreak of the plague in Xiaowang Village, after the country convened an emergency meeting, the Ministry of Health held the meeting again and finally confirmed that Sun Ruoshan would be responsible for this matter.

He personally came by military plane, not only because of his own responsibilities, but also because his medical skills in Chinese and Western medicine were still based. When the southern plague broke out six years ago, he was also one of the chief officers. So I have more experience in this area.

However, he did not expect that after bringing the secretary directly over, he did not expect that the situation here was worse than he thought, and it was even more complicated than the plague that broke out six years ago.

Six years ago, the plague first appeared in big cities and then began to erupt in Guangfo. The plague came with great momentum. However, when a patient with this similar disease is found, he will be immediately sent to the hospital for isolation, treatment by a doctor, and care by a nurse.

Even so, the plague that broke out in big cities six years ago killed many people. As for the infection, more than 10,000 patients were cured. However, they were lucky to be cured by the new medicine developed.

Now that Sun Ruoshan came to this small mountain village, he found that it was completely different. This is not to send the infected patients to a large hospital immediately for isolation and treatment. In the case of lockdown and rest, the infected patients are treated directly in this Xiaowang Village.

There is no complete medical equipment like that of a big hospital, there is no complete Chinese and Western medicine library, and the doctors involved in the treatment are not classified. There are only two categories, Chinese medicine and Western medicine doctors. The treatment is not obvious.

As a result, when the members of the Chinese and Western medicine expert groups from the other three places came, the local doctors were unable to help the patients. Instead, many doctors and nurses infected themselves.

In addition, the contradiction between the doctors here and the different treatment concepts of Chinese and Western medicine. When everyone is dissatisfied with everyone, the contradiction caused, so that Sun Ruoshan can only bring these experts, doctors, and nurses to have a temporary meeting.

When Ye Chen came to the small playground of the Xiaowang Village Primary School, he saw that these doctors and experts were probably over 40 years old. The female nurses were basically over 30 years old, except for their older age. , More because they are nurse experts in nursing.

Among them, nurses, not girls, were involved in the plague six years ago, and their mental preparations were much richer than other young nurses.

It can be said that Ye Chen is the youngest among these doctors, and Liao Bingxue is also the youngest among the female nurses.

Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue stood in the back. There were those big tree branches around the primary school playground, and they were not exposed to the sun when they were covered by the leaves. Moreover, even if there is sunlight in it, Ye Chen feels that the temperature here is still below about 20 degrees Celsius.

In this case, they feel that it is neither hot nor cold.

"Everyone, calm down first!" said Zhou Changhai, the male secretary of Sun Ruoshan.

Looking at Ye Chen's gaze, he already saw an old man with gray hair, a pair of reading glasses, and a normal suit standing haggardly at the front.

"Let me say a few words!" Sun Ruoshan said.

It was the first time that Ye Chen met this Deputy Minister of Health. The other doctors, or female nurses, should have known Vice Minister Sun.

"Everyone, we must make it clear that our purpose of coming here is to find out the source of the plague, prevent large-scale spread, and find prescriptions to treat patients. Now, there are conflicts and frictions among many people inside. Next, how do you treat the sick and how to reassure the people in the village?"

The doctors below were silent after hearing this. They knew that Sun Ruoshan was talking about them. However, the situation here is like that now. Chinese and Western medicine are mixed together, or doctors from different places are mixed together. Without a clear division of labor, plus, the treatment of patients with traditional Chinese and Western medicine doctors in the early stage has no obvious effect. If the local Chinese and Western doctors do not convene this temporary meeting in time, it will be more serious.

Ye Chen listened for a while, and he still admired the deputy minister. At least, if this happens, even if he is in a high position, it is his responsibility. However, the other party also came with a risk.

That Vice Minister Sun talked for more than ten minutes before and after, this temporary meeting was over, and then the chiefs of the four places, the heads of the TCM expert groups and the heads of the western medicine expert groups were called to him. Temporary office for discussion.

After all, there are more people here now, who are more responsible than before. These Chinese and Western medical experts, even though they all know their responsibilities and missions.

However, if there is no clear division of labor, or coordination, even if he, Vice Minister Sun, is here, it is of no use.

After Liao Wenen, Zhang Jinsong, Wu Haiping and the others followed, Ye Chen, Liao Bingxue, and other Chinese and Western medicine experts were outside.

Now Vice Minister Sun Ruoshan has sent someone to bring the white coats over. Ye Chen, Yu Shaohua and the others put on the white coats directly outside. As for Liao Bingxue, she knows that she can either be grandpa’s assistant or go. Be a female nurse and take care of other infected patients.

In the current situation, Liao Bingxue knew that Grandpa shouldn't use her as an assistant. Therefore, she personally followed the person in charge of a female nurse and ordered a set of nurse uniforms, wearing nurse uniforms, and wearing a nurse cap. Her identity is now the same as those of the female nurses in the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region. of.

Before leaving, Liao Bingxue glanced at Ye Chen, and Ye Chen also glanced at her. When he entered this Xiaowang Village, Ye Chen knew that among them, they had a chance to be infected with that kind of plague, but he didn't know what they were infected with.

Because female nurses are to take care of those infected patients, it can be said that if they have been in contact with those germs for a long time, they are undoubtedly more likely to be infected.

Six years ago, in the southern plague, among those who passed away, the most common infections were the patients, and then the female nurses. As for the doctors, there were the same, but there were fewer female nurses.

After watching Liao Bingxue leave, Ye Chen still prayed that she had better not be infected with those plague bacteria. Now he is also a little confused, let alone Liao Lao.

Now Mrs. Liao and the others are going to a meeting. I don't know how long it will take. Ye Chen and Yu Shaohua and the others originally wanted to go to those tents immediately to see the patients who had been infected.

However, it has not been coordinated yet, and those patients are treated by specialized doctors. Now they are in the past, afraid that they will soon cause dissatisfaction and conflicts from other doctors.