Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 541: Treatment of typhoid fever

In typhoid fever and damp heat, the patient mainly showed that the body heat does not go away, sweating is incomprehensible, or sweating is slightly relieved, and then re-burning, chest tightness, abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting, thirst and not wanting to drink more, now Roaqi manifests The symptoms are exactly this.

After Liao Wenen heard it, he was surprised. Did he dialectically wrong again?

He was aware that Roa Qi's symptoms belonged to typhoid fever, but he believed that Roa Qi's symptoms belonged to the wet restraining and protecting Qi syndrome. This symptom is very similar to Ye Chen's dialectical syndrome of typhoid fever and damp heat. The symptoms of the patient are aversion to cold, poor body heat, severe head and body pain, chest tightness, swelling, or abdominal distension.

"Ye Chen, you can check with Luo Aqi again!" Liao Wenen said. Although in this respect, he lost to Ye Chen, it was nothing, on the contrary, it was something that made him happy and proud.

However, when the two dialectics belong to the symptoms of typhoid fever, if there is no real distinction, the prescriptions prescribed are naturally somewhat different.

In traditional Chinese medicine, in many cases, it is just a little difference in the dialectics of traditional Chinese medicine that will cause the patients to recover differently after taking the medicine.

Ye Chen nodded, and after checking Roa Qi again, except for the symptoms that Roa Qi showed was not wrong, now he took the pulse of his pulse and looked at his tongue, and there was no error.

In Chinese medicine dialectics, in addition to other symptoms from the patient, the most important thing is to look at the patient's pulse and tongue.

Many people don't understand why those traditional Chinese medicine doctors always look at their tongue or pulse. In fact, this is exactly the two most important "wang" and "cut" in the process of seeing, hearing and asking.

The ancients didn't have any other medical devices, so they could only use the simplest method to see the situation of a patient through inquiries.

So, now this "look" is to look at the tongue picture of Roa Qi, and "cut" is to show the pulse of Roa Qi. As for the question, Ye Chen had already asked Roa Qi himself to ask clearly, even through these The two Chinese and Western doctors recorded his medical records.

As for the smell, when Ye Chen was outside the tent just now, he smelled the smell from the patient. Generally speaking, when a normal person is not sick, except for sweat which is easier to smell, in other cases, if there is no perfume, the smell that a normal person emits is very flat and has no peculiar smell.

Giving out that body odor, this body odor is also a skin disease, it can only be another matter. Of course, through the observation and inquiry of Chinese medicine, there is nothing wrong. After seeing Ye Chen's inspection, Mr. Liao hurriedly asked, "What do you think?"

"Lao Liao, Brother Luo's condition really belongs to the syndrome of typhoid fever and damp heat. His tongue is yellow and greasy, and his pulse is numb."

"How many pulse conditions?" Liao Wenen had already guessed that he was wrong. Of course, he just saw that Roa Qi's tongue was white and greasy.

"Since this is the case, then you prescribe medicine!" Liao Wenen said.

Although he felt that he had lost to a young man, Mr. Liao felt that he hadn't made much progress over the years. However, he knew that Ye Chen still behaved too enchantingly in terms of Chinese medicine, and at his young age, he had surpassed these old Chinese doctors with decades of experience in medicine.

Ye Chen knew that Mr. Liao didn't care about anything else. He brought that new medical record. On the table next to him, Ye Chen also began to write: "Luo, male, 29 years old. He was infected with the unknown plague for three days."

"First visit: After the patient's wife died of an unknown plague, the patient found himself uncomfortable and was sent to the temporary medical center for treatment. After treatment by Chinese and Western medicine, the Chinese and Western medicines were not obvious."

“The patient’s symptoms include internal heat, high temperature, constant body heat, perspiration, and then re-burning, chest tightness, abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting (mainly retching), thirsty and indifference to excessive drinking, and yellow urine. Inspection: tongue picture: tongue coating Yellow and greasy. Pulse: the number of pulses. TCM dialectics: it belongs to the syndrome of typhoid fever and damp-heat resistance. Therapeutic method: Xuanqi to dispel dampness, supplemented by light penetration."

"Prescription: 12 grams of Magnolia officinalis, 9 grams of Pinellia ternata, 9 grams of calamus, 9 grams of gardenia, 6 grams of Coptis, 18 grams of reed root, 9 grams of woody. 7 doses. Decoction in water, 1 dose a day, 3 times a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, hand it to Liao Wenen who was aside to read it. After Liao Wenen saw the prescription written by Ye Chen, he was also quite satisfied.

Now that Nurse Zhou is still there waiting for the decoction, now after Ye Chen finishes writing, he naturally can't hand it over to Nurse Zhou. However, there is another patient who is waiting for treatment, which is of course not.

When Liao Wenen first brought Ye Chen to the tent next door, there were also two patients in the tent. One is an old woman in her fifties, and the other is her daughter, who should be in her thirties.

From Liao Wenen just now, Ye Chen already knew that the old woman's name was Su Guiying and her daughter was Luo Yuehua, who had already been married to the outer village.

However, because I went back to my natal family to visit my family, I didn’t expect that the plague broke out in Xiaowang Village, so that not only did I stay here at Xiaowang Village’s maiden home, but it was unfortunately contracted by this plague.

Fortunately, she only returned to her natal home alone this time, but her husband and children did not come. It can be said that this is luck in misfortune.

Inside Ye Chen, he also saw another familiar old Chinese doctor, Yu Shaohua from Renji Hospital. He was in charge of two patients, one of whom was Luo Yuehua.

He knew that Mr. Liao was in the other tent just now. Now when he saw the two people coming over, he guessed that the two had already watched the two patients.

After seeing Lao Liao and Ye Chen coming in, Yu Shaohua greeted Lao Liao first, then looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, the patient over there just now, what did you see?"

While on the military plane, Ye Chen had a good impression of Yu Shaohua, a Chinese medicine professor who was only in his forties, and he was familiar with him. Calling his name directly now naturally greeted him as a junior.

"Professor Yu, I just saw four patients. Among them, three had symptoms of febrile disease and one had symptoms of typhoid fever."

"Symptoms of febrile disease?" Undoubtedly, Yu Shaohua was also surprised after hearing this.

He has been in contact with Chinese medicine since he was a child, and he is still aware of febrile disease and typhoid fever. However, he knew that febrile disease had indeed declined in Chinese medicine now.

Among them are the reasons for the decline of the popularity of Western medicine and the decline of Chinese medicine. There is also the reason that typhoid fever has developed rapidly in Chinese medicine. The more important reason is that febrile disease is a difficult Chinese medicine technique to learn.

Febrile disease itself develops on the basis of typhoid fever. For example, Mathematical Olympiad problems are developed from ordinary mathematics.

Therefore, most people can learn the basics of ordinary mathematics, and they can learn the basics of mathematics through accumulation. However, Mathematical Olympiad questions are basically developed on the basis of mathematics.

Under such circumstances, most people know basic mathematics. However, even in the face of ordinary Mathematical Olympiad questions, I am afraid that it will take a long time to think about these questions and how to do them.