Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 549: Treatment of epidemic hemorrhagic feve

At the beginning, when Professor Hu heard Ye Chen's dialectic of the siblings, he really couldn't believe it. However, carefully recalling the symptoms of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, then the symptoms of this sister and brother are really like that.

Therefore, when he saw Ye Chen, he tightly grasped Ye Chen's hand and said, "Ye Xiaoyou, may I ask, how do you see it?"

When Dean Hu asked like that, it showed that he had begun to believe in Ye Chen's dialectics of Chinese medicine.

"Dean Hu, this is based on my experience and self-feelings, as well as the symptoms shown by the brothers and sisters."

After Dean Hu listened to it, he pondered for a while, looking at Ye Chen's age, he still couldn't believe it. However, now is the time when life is at stake. Naturally, there should be no hesitation. When he was about to leave, Dean Hu looked at him and said, "Then you can help this pair of siblings and open a new medical record. ?"

"Of course." Ye Chen said to Dean Hu.

When asked Liao Bingxue to find him two new medical records, Ye Chen wrote in a new medical record: "Luo, female, 23 years old, infected with the unknown plague for five days."

"Five days ago, the patient was infected with an unknown plague and developed aversion to cold, fever, no sweat, headache, body pain, orbital and low back pain, dry mouth, flushing of the face, slight redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, and was diagnosed as influenza by two local doctors. After treatment with Chinese and Western medicine, the effect of the medicine is not obvious, but the condition is more serious."

"The patient now has fever, irritability, delirium, cold limbs, constipation, and short urine. Examination: tongue: red tongue, yellow coating. Pulse: pulse count."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: it belongs to the syndrome of epidemic hemorrhagic fever and toxin invagination. Treatment: clearing away heat and cooling blood, detoxifying and calming the mind."

"Prescription: 30 grams of honeysuckle, 10 grams of raw gardenia, 10 grams of forsythia, 10 grams of skullcap, 10 grams of Citrus aurantium, 10 grams of raw rhubarb, 10 grams of coptis, 6 grams of Glauber's salt, 6 grams of ground dragon, half of fresh lotus leaves .7 doses. Decoction in water, 1 dose a day."

This is a new prescription for the elder sister of the elder brother. Ye Chen gave it to Dean Hu after he finished writing it. He then opened a new medical record for the younger brother: "Luo, male, 15 years old, infected with the unknown plague for seven days. "

The content that follows is basically similar to the symptom content written by her sister. This is because it belongs to epidemic hemorrhagic fever. The patient has gone through the same stage, but now the younger brother’s symptoms seem to be more serious.

"The patient has cough and wheezing, hemoptysis, chest tightness, oliguria, and constipation. Examination: tongue picture: red tongue and yellow coating. Pulse state: big pulse."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: it belongs to the syndrome of epidemic fever, hemorrhage and lung-heat congestion. Treatment method: cooling blood to remove blood stasis, and diuresis."

"Prescription: 20 grams of Tinglizi, 12 grams of Plantago Seed, 12 grams of Trichosanthis, 12 grams of Peach Kernel, 10 grams of Rhubarb, 8 grams of Glauber's Salt, 8 grams of Platycodon. 7 doses. Decoction in water, 1 dose a day."

When Ye Chen finished writing and handed it to Dean Hu, Dean Hu hurriedly took it. After reading it, he was naturally very satisfied.

Now Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue greeted them. They came out from the inside and watched Ye Chen head to the next tent. At first, Dean Hu wanted to show the two new medical records to his colleagues. However, thinking of this, he stopped and asked, "Miss Liao, how is your grandfather as a disciple?"

President Hu asked Liao Bingxue, naturally, about Ye Chen's previous medical practice. When Liao Bingxue briefly told Ye Chen's experience of treating illnesses and saving people in Shanghai, President Hu was naturally different.

He can be sure that the young man's Chinese medicine skills are very good, and even those vegetative people that are more difficult to treat and mania can be cured. Now Ye Chen should not be wrong.

When he asked Liao Bingxue to take those two new medical records over as temporary prescriptions for decoction, now Dean Hu felt that his back was chilled.

. . .

When Ye Chen recorded the 70th infected patient, it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening. At this time, he did not continue to record. Instead, he went back to Liao Wenen and saw Liao Wenen walking around outside the tent.

"Back?" Liao Wenen looked at him and asked.

"Lao Liao, I saw Sister Bingxue in the afternoon." When Ye Chen said the number of the tent where Liao Bingxue was staying, when Liao Bingxue had nothing else to do, Liao Wenen was naturally relieved.

Now Ye Chen and him went inside and checked the Roa six brothers who drank the new prescription he prescribed. It has been nearly nine hours since 12 o'clock in the morning. Unexpectedly, the effect of the two people after drinking the medicine. It was even more obvious that even the nurse Zhou felt that the two people were different from taking the medicine.

From this point, Liao Wenen can be sure that Ye Chen's prescription is to prescribe the right medicine, so the effect will be so fast. As for the situation of Yu Shaohua and Yang Yixian, the same is true. Now after Ye Chen finished checking, he looked at Lao Liao and asked, "Lao Liao, have you eaten dinner?"

"Waiting for you to go together!" Liao Wenen said.

"Then we will pass now." As for Nurse Zhou, she is also taking care of patients in shifts. After all, the physique of these female nurses must not be able to bear the 24-hour duty.

When another female nurse came to work with Nurse Zhou, Ye Chen and Liao Wenen came to the place again, disinfected, replaced the white coats, and then went to the temporary dining hall center.

When the two arrived there, they found that during this time period, many doctors and experts came over one after another. Some of them were still frowning. It could be seen that the patients they were responsible for had not yet been able to stabilize the patient’s condition. Come down.

Ye Chen and Liao Wenen each got an ordinary box lunch. When they were looking for an empty table to eat, Ye Chen saw Professor Hu, Professor Su, and Liao Bingxue.

"Sister Bingxue, we are here!" Ye Chen shouted to her.

Liao Bingxue had already seen Ye Chen and Grandpa. When they came over to them, Professor Hu and Professor Su looked at each other and they were also coming here.

Although at the morning meeting, doctors from the four places competed fiercely, especially the expert doctors of Chinese and Western medicine. However, in the face of all Chinese doctors, the quarrel is not so obvious.

Because these Chinese doctors are very clear, now Chinese medicine is obviously going to decline to Western medicine, and they have a chance to argue with Western medicine doctors.

However, Professor Su and Professor Hu did not expect that Ye Chen just went in to visit the patients they were in charge of, and at the same time only prescribed prescriptions. After they asked the nurses to decoct the patients according to the new prescriptions, the effect was really different.

"Dean Liao." After Professor Hu and Professor Su came over, they both greeted Liao Wenen first.

"You two?" This made Liao Wenen a little strange.

Of course, Liao Bingxue is currently nursing with Dean Hu, and he can understand. However, this Professor Su, he has not seen each other yet.

"Dean Liao, I owe much to your disciple!" the two whispered at the same time.

Professor Su and Professor Hu said that Liao Wenen understood a little bit. It must be the kid Ye Chen who personally prescribed prescriptions for the two patients in charge when recording the symptoms of those patients and sorting out the map of the plague area.

Seeing the look of these two people now, Liao Wenen also guessed that the prescription Ye Chen had prescribed for them was effective, so he came to thank him and Ye Chen now.