Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 556: The plague outbreak

Wu Haiping is the deputy dean of the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region and the head of the Shanghai TCM and Western Medicine Expert Group. Everyone must give him a bit of face.

Therefore, when Wu Haiping brought Ye Chen to an office in the temporary center, after Wu Haiping explained his intentions, a local person in charge immediately invited the two in.

All the information about the dead patients that Ye Chen needed can be found. Wu Haiping stayed there for a while, patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, and he left.

Soon, Ye Chen and the local person in charge were left in that office. From this population in charge, Ye Chen knew that he was a young doctor in the local county people's hospital. His luck was good, but it was not good, not good, so he was naturally transferred here to take charge of the work in the plague area.

If it's okay at other times in normal times, you can go back and get promoted as soon as possible to increase benefits. Unfortunately, he found that many of the doctors he had come with had fallen ill, and even the very serious ones were more likely to die directly in the village or be cremated directly at the entrance of the village.

It may be because Ye Chen is not much different from him in age, and he also admires Ye Chen, a young man who had a good life in Shanghai, but he did not expect to come here.

"Brother Zhang Haichuan, these materials are here, you are busy with you!" Ye Chen said to the young doctor.

Zhang Haichuan saw that Ye Chen was from Wu Haiping himself, and he knew that his identity was not simple. However, Zhang Haichuan didn't bother Ye Chen anymore while Ye Chen was sorting out the records and data.

Starting from 8 o'clock in the morning until 12 o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen had already recorded and compiled the data of about half of the dead patients.

Of course, because these are the original data recorded by local doctors and female nurses, although the text recorded above is very clear. However, Ye Chen could not directly record the symptoms of some patients who passed away because some of them were inconsistent.

In such a situation, Ye Chen guessed that either the local doctors and nurses did not clearly record the patient's true symptoms, or the local doctors misunderstood the symptoms.

As for the dialectic of those local doctors, Ye Chen naturally didn't look at it, but determined the situation of the patients after they passed away. He dialectically, and finally confirmed what kind of disease they were infected with?

After he read the symptoms recorded by the local doctors, dialectical Chinese medicine, and finally diagnosed the disease, he probably understood why the death rate of those infected patients was so high in the past month?

In addition to the plague that broke out in Xiaowang Village, another reason is that there are problems with the dialectics and diagnoses of these local doctors.

Under such circumstances, the prescriptions they prescribed naturally did not prescribe the right medicine, and may even prescribe the wrong medicine. Those patients who were infected with the plague became more and more ill, and finally died in pain.

Now those villagers who have been infected with the plague and have passed away, Ye Chen probably understood this situation through these materials.

As for whether to hold those doctors accountable in the future, Ye Chen knows that this has nothing to do with him, and he knows that it is impossible to hold them accountable. After all, in that case, doctors who can risk their lives to treat diseases and save people have already explained their medical ethics. Many doctors can't match it.

When Ye Chen stretched his waist, stood up and said hello to Zhang Haichuan, then took his notebook out and returned to Liao Wenen, frowning when he saw Liao Wenen in the tent.

At first, Ye Chen thought it was Roa's six brothers who were ill and unstable again, but after reading it, he found that the situation was not like that.

Now Liao Wenen glanced at him and didn't tell him. Ye Chen naturally didn't know. After putting the notebook in place, he and Liao Wenen disinfected them and changed their white coats. When they came to the temporary dining hall for dinner, they found At this point in time, there are actually no doctors, especially those members of the western medical expert group.

Ye Chen didn't know, he thought they were busy with their own affairs. Before Ye Chen and Liao Wenen had finished their lunch, a subordinate under Vice Minister of Health Sun Ruoshan hurried over, looked at Liao Wenen and whispered: "Dean Liao, Vice Minister Sun, let you go to the meeting immediately!"

"Okay, I will go now!" Liao Wenen stood up and said.

"You eat slowly here first!" Liao Wenen patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and said, looking at him.

While watching Liao Lao leave in a hurry, Ye Chen didn't know what was going on inside. He didn't have any appetite now, and he didn't continue to eat. He wanted to follow Lao Liao to take a look. However, he knew that for that kind of meeting, he hadn't reached that level and his status was too low, and he would definitely not be able to go.

So Ye Chen wore a white coat and went back to the tent office. Ye Chen took back his notebook, and then went to the reference room.

When I entered inside, I saw Zhang Haichuan's expression and seemed a little uneasy. I wonder if he had lunch just now?

"Brother Zhang, have you eaten lunch yet?" Ye Chen asked.

"I just ate it, but now I don't have any appetite for eating dragon meat!" Zhang Haichuan said. When he saw Ye Chen, he was hesitant to talk, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Since that was the case, Ye Chen didn't ask much. He sat down and checked the information of the remaining infected villagers who had passed away.

When Ye Chen was recording seriously, time flies quickly. Now that Zhang Haichuan is inside, he can't sit still. He has been reading the information there, drinking water for a while, sitting down again, looking at him like that. Ye Chen thought he had hemorrhoids and couldn't sit still.

Ye Chen took a sigh of relief, and when he recorded the information of the last patient who died in the village, he found that the notebook he was holding was now a thick one, probably containing more than a hundred thousand words.

This is all he carefully recorded and sorted it out for nearly a week. If it is more than 20,000 words a day to type on a computer, it is also very tiring and troublesome. What's more, now it is recorded word by word with a pen. Ye Chen was bothered.

Now that Ye Chen has done this, he is ready to take time tonight to sort out the relationship diagrams inside, and the relationship diagrams of patients with similar symptoms and diseases. For him, all these are sorted out, which is really useful. Map.

Now Ye Chen finished those things and checked the time. It was around 6 o'clock in the afternoon, which was still very early, although it was getting dark outside.

Ye Chen was about to talk to Zhang Haichuan. When he left here, Zhang Haichuan suddenly grabbed Ye Chen's shoulder and said, "Doctor Ye, don't you know why the situation is now?"

"What's the situation?" Ye Chen asked strangely.

From lunch in the morning, he noticed that Lao Liao's expression was a little weird, and he rarely met other members of the western medical expert group, and even saw the expressions of some female nurses, which looked very different from usual.

Zhang Haichuan didn't know why Ye Chen didn't know the situation. He looked at Ye Chen in a low voice and said, "Now is the real outbreak of the plague!"

"Now? How is it possible?" Ye Chen asked.

"I heard that many members of the Western medicine expert team discovered that their condition was not right yesterday, and when they went for an examination today, they found that they were all infected. Moreover, there are many members of the expert team who have been infected. Including the dean of my hospital, who is now in charge of the center, don't let this incident happen for now to prevent the self-confidence of the villagers infected with the plague and cause greater panic!"