Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 588: Discover the hole

Ye Chen drove almost every 20 meters and tied a piece of cloth to the side. With so many cloths tied now, he carried Liao Bingxue and continued to walk forward.

In this way, Ye Chen never stopped, and walked for about an hour. When he stopped, he found that the most conspicuous place in front of him was the pair of bras that he had just taken out of Liao Bingxue.

It is hanging there now, not being moved by the wind, hanging quietly. Looking at this, Ye Chen didn't know what to say. He walked over to take off the pair of bras and handed them back to Liao Bingxue to put them on again, because he knew that by tying the cloth strips, he probably couldn't go out.

With Liao Bingxue on his back, he put it on again and looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, what should I do?"

"Are you afraid?" Ye Chen asked.

"I've died once, so naturally I'm not afraid of anything." Liao Bingxue naturally pointed to the situation when he was infected with the plague. If it weren't for Ye Chen to take the risk, he would really die.

Such an experience, for Liao Bingxue, was almost the same as having actually died once. In this situation now, with Ye Chen's company, naturally he was not afraid of anything.

"Then sit down for a while, and I'll think about a solution!" Ye Chen said.

Although his stamina is much higher than that of ordinary people, he just couldn't stand it as he walked around.

When he found a big rock sitting under a big tree and Liao Bingxue got down from his back and leaned on him, Ye Chen looked at the surroundings.

It was still a white mist over the mountains and plains, big trees, bushes, and some of the weeds were taller than his height. So, looking at it like this now, there must be no way.

I never thought that I would climb to the tree to take a look. Now that I found that the cloth strips were useless, it seemed that I could only climb to the tree to have a look.

He took that tree vine, and he and Liao Bingxue drank water again. After resting for ten minutes, he looked at Liao Bingxue and said, "Sister Bingxue, I will climb up to the big tree to see if I can see Wangcun?"

Ye Chen hung up from the branch by himself. The speed was as fast as a monkey. In a blink of an eye, Liao Bingxue found that he had climbed to a height of more than ten meters. When Liao Bingxue asked him to pay attention to safety, Ye Chen climbed more and more. Higher.

Outside, trees with a height of more than ten meters are already rare, but among them, trees with a height of 20 to 30 meters are still very common, and some are as high as 50 to 60 meters, or even higher.

Now Ye Chen climbed to the highest place of this big tree, about 30 meters away. Ye Chen stood up at the top of the tree, and pushed away the branches and leaves in front of him. When he looked outside, it was fundamental. Did not see Xiaowangcun.

He guessed that when he came up with Liao Bingxue just now, he might have gradually deviated from the original position. If he did not deviate from the original place, then he must be able to see the situation in Xiaowang Village.

However, there is no right now. It should be on the back of this mountain, or on the other two sides, not on the front side just now.

If this is the case, Ye Chen thinks that would be troublesome. At least looking at it here, apart from seeing mountains or trees, he hasn't seen anything at all. He is also very strange to the surroundings of Xiaowang Village.

Ye Chen remembered that there was a river, passing by, he knew that as long as he found that river, and then, if he wanted to go out, he could follow that river.

He stood up and looked outside. He didn't see any river, which indicated that the river may be far away from here, or the river was already very small and was covered by other trees or the top of the mountain.

When Ye Chen came down quickly from the tree, Liao Bingxue asked, "What did you see just now?"

"I didn't see anything. I didn't see Xiaowang Village or the river. I don't know if it's in the original mountain or other places?"

Many times, I obviously feel that I am still in the original place, but I find that I have deviated far from the original place.

Many times, I found myself far away from the original place, but finally realized that I was still going around the origin.

Now Ye Chen might have encountered both situations, and even he felt that the situation that he was still being circumvented by the origin was the more serious one.

Liao Bingxue didn't say anything, she knew that Ye Chen must have a way.

When Ye Chen bent over and let her get on her back, Liao Bingxue looked at Ye Chen distressedly. Although he is not very heavy, he must be very tired to be carried by Ye Chen like this.

Ye Chen didn't hold that branch anymore, and supported Liao Bingxue's **** with both hands. He didn't think about anything else, but went back the same way.

He guessed that in his current situation, he might not be able to go back the same way, maybe he was back here again. However, in the current situation, we can't go up and can only go down.

Judging by the topography, Ye Chen can still make the judgment. Therefore, Ye Chen carried Liao Bingxue on his back as if he should go down the mountain according to the original road.

In this way, Ye Chen walked for about an hour. The watch currently worn by Liao Bingxue shows that several hours have passed. He just set off at more than eight o'clock, and it is now about three in the afternoon.

If you can't find the tomb of the prince king today, Ye Chen knows that he can only let the government's archaeological department or the cultural relics department be responsible.

Ye Chen felt that he continued to walk down the mountain,   he knew that he was walking, not the way he came, and he might have deviated very far. However, he believed that he should still be able to return to Xiao Wang before five o'clock in the afternoon.

This kind of time passed quietly, but he found that with Liao Bingxue on his back, he was at the foot of the mountain where his bicycle was placed. He didn't get closer, but instead felt farther and farther away. He never met again. To those in the mist.

Without the fog, he naturally no longer could see more than ten meters away as before.

Suddenly, Ye Chen felt like he had stepped on something under his feet, and almost fell. When he stopped, he found that in the grass under his feet, what was stepping on was nothing but a shovel.

The shovel looked very new, and the shovel was also covered with dirt. He was surprised, how could anyone bring a shovel to this place?

Could it be that the villagers of Xiaowang Village dig some local products from the mountains here? However, he thinks it should not be. Even if he digs into it, he is afraid it will be difficult to take it out.

So the question is, who brought this shovel here and threw it here?

Ye Chen squatted down to look, picked up the shovel, and then looked at the dirt on the shovel and the dirt on the grass under her feet. The color of the soil was distinct, indicating that the shovel was still there by someone else. here.

When Ye Chen saw this, he suddenly thought that it might be the shovel used by Luo Dagou and the others tomb robbers. When he thought of this, Ye Chen became more excited, instead of holding the shovel, he walked towards the bush where someone felt like someone was walking by.

After he walked for about half an hour, when Ye Chen stopped, he found that there was an obvious artificial trace in front of him, and the surrounding area was a protruding place. Although there were trees and weeds around, it appeared to be much less.

"Sister Bingxue, that tomb may be nearby!" Ye Chen said.

When he put Liao Bingxue down and Ye Chen looked around in excitement, he saw a shovel and a new pickaxe not far away. Not far from that iron pick, Ye Chen saw a hole with a radius of about half a meter.

When Ye Chen came to the entrance of the cave and looked inside, he couldn't see clearly, it was dark.

However, when he saw this, Ye Chen was certain that if the tomb of the princes and kings really existed, it must be inside.
