Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 613: Take too much

This thirty-something eldest sister looked carefree and didn't seem to feel embarrassed at all. Of course, she regarded Ye Chen as a real doctor, and when she faced Ye Chen now, she had no place to be embarrassed.

"Sister Huang, let me talk about your condition first. Have you seen a doctor before? How effective is it?" Ye Chen said.

"Nine years ago, when I was about to ligate, I had an intrauterine device in front. After putting that thing in, I felt a little uncomfortable at first. At the beginning, menstrual flow increased, and later bloodshot and blood streaks appeared in menstrual flow. It’s black, and there is some pain in the waist and abdomen, but at first I felt nothing, so I didn’t pay much attention."

"In the past two years, the number of red and white belts has become more frequent, and the pain of falling waist and abdomen has increased. I was in the gynecology department at the county hospital and the doctor said it was endometritis. They gave me a fluoroscopy and the IUD was normal, and they prescribed me Some antibiotics and western medicine have no effect."

"So, I came to the street today and saw that the man selling the medicine said that the medicine was so amazing, so I wanted to buy the powder and try it." The elder sister said intermittently.

Looking at the other person, Ye Chen felt that she was bold and helpless. After all, the other party has been able to go to the gynecology department several times in the county hospital, but he can't go there often. The bigger third-class hospitals may even have no money to check and see the doctor.

After Ye Chen listened, he understood now.

The most critical step now is to check her naturally. Originally, Ye Chen had nothing to do with this kind of thing as a doctor full of vigor and integrity. However, he was afraid of embarrassment for the older sister. So, he said: "Sister Huang, then I will ask a female friend of mine to check for you."

The eldest sister obviously knew that Ye Chen might have to check her place, but she felt that Ye Chen was still too young and looked a little embarrassed, so she asked the female friend to come over.

"You don't need her, you can check it for me." The thirty-something-year-old eldest sister still said carelessly. It seems that the other party got married very early and has children, so I don't even care about it.

Ye Chen still had a serious look, and said, "Sister, then you untie your pants and I'll check it for you."

It was not the first time that Ye Chen saw the eldest sister in her thirties when Xixi Suoso untied the pants and the underwear, and then opened her legs to let Ye Chen see clearly. But now he took a look and he saw it clearly.

"Sister, it's okay." Naturally, he doesn't need to wear a medical glove to look through it carefully like those gynecologists in big cities.

After the eldest sister pulled back her pants again, and saw that Ye Chen's expression remained the same, it seemed that there was nothing, the other party was also relieved.

"Sister, this reason for your occurrence has a lot to do with the IUD. However, it has been so many years now, I am afraid it will be difficult to take it out." In fact, Ye Chen strongly disagrees with using this type of IUD to treat women. Ligated.

For example, an original complete body suddenly has a part of something that does not belong to the body. The organs in the body will definitely reject this item. If this happens, the ordinary may be fine, but the serious one is like Like this woman in front of me, it is even possible to die seriously.

Therefore, Ye Chen is actually more in favor of scientific contraception. However, rural areas are very strict about family planning. If there is no ligation, it will be difficult for the child to go to the household in the future. If there is no household, it will also be more difficult for the child to study in the future.

That kind of thing is too much involved. Now Ye Chen, a small person, naturally can't manage. Now he can only treat the 30-year-old eldest sister in front of him.

"Genius Doctor Ye Xiao, can I cure this disease?" the eldest sister hurriedly asked.

"It can be cured," Ye Chen said.

After reading the pulse and tongue for this woman in her thirties, and then asking her about her current symptoms, Ye Chen was naturally clear.

He took a piece of white paper from the side. After Ye Chen poured ink on the inkstone, he picked up the brush and began to write on the white paper. When asked about her age, Ye Chen already knew her basic personal information.

"Huang, 34 years old, married with 9 years of erythema, 2 years worse. First visit: The patient reported that 9 years ago, due to ligation, the intrauterine device was pre-installed, and the amount of menstruation increased at the initial stage of insertion. After half a year, it was normal, but occasionally The belt was entrained with bloodshot or sauce-colored, and the waist and abdomen were distended at the time. Because of the mild symptoms, no attention was paid to treatment."

"In the past two years, the number of red and white belts has been frequent, and the pain of waist and abdomen has increased. I have been to many hospitals and have been diagnosed with ** endometritis. The position of the IUD has been normal for many times. I have used a variety of antibiotics and western pills for treatment. The effect is not obvious. The doctor once advocated the removal of the device for treatment, and the individual failed to obey it because he was worried that other contraceptive methods were not suitable."

"Inspection: During the current treatment, it was found that the color of the sauce was stinking, the waist and abdomen were swollen and painful, the fatigue was tired, and the mouth was upset. Tongue appearance: thick and dark red tongue, thin yellow and greasy coating at the root of the tongue. Pulse condition: thin pulse."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: Diagnosing it as excessive taking (side-effects after implantation), the syndrome is accumulation of stasis, heat, dampness and toxin, deficiency of both qi and yin. This is an IUD and tangible objects placed in the uterus, which will hinder the Qi mechanism. Intrauterine qi and blood stasis is not smooth, the blood stasis will change heat for a long time, and the heat will rush to take responsibility. It will damage the qi and yin for a long time. The evil of damp and toxin enters on the advantage of deficiency. Falling pain, fatigue, dry mouth, upset, sleepy nights, etc. Treatment: clearing away heat, cooling blood and removing blood stasis, detoxifying and removing dampness, replenishing qi and nourishing yin.

"Prescription: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of Chinese Yam, 20 grams of Rehmannia, 12 grams of Rubiaceae, 12 grams of Radix Paeoniae Rubra, 12 grams of Dragon Bone, 12 grams of Oysters, 12 grams of Squid Bone, 12 grams of Pulsatilla, 12 grams of Paprika, 12 grams of Diyu 12 grams, 15 grams of Smilax china, 12 grams of cockscomb. 3 doses, 1 dose a day, decoction."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he gently dried the ink on that piece of paper. After seeing that there were no errors on it, he looked at the thirty-something eldest sister and said, "Eldest sister, it’s okay, I’ll give it to you later. You take medicine."

Looking at Ye Chen's appearance, the sister Huang felt that this young man was better than the gynecologists in the county. The gynecologists in the county town just prescribed some antibiotics or western pills casually. The medical record also didn't know what it was. Taking it back and taking it by myself, it would be difficult to get better for so long.

It can be said that the situation of this sister Huang has been around for nine years. It has been a long time. It can be regarded as a kind of intractable disease. I am afraid that it is the gynecologists in the county. Faced with this situation, if they only know Western medicine Yes, just give those antibiotics or western pills to them, naturally it will not have any effect.

Now Ye Chen is different. After careful inspection and confirmation, he finally prescribes Chinese medicine dialectically. Of course, if this Sister Huang brought all her medical records from previous medical treatments, Ye Chen took a look, the treatment for him would undoubtedly be better.

However, she was rushing to the market in the town just now, and naturally she came here in a hurry. Even, those medical records have passed for so long, and they might have been missing.

The first publication of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!