Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 622: Will be retributed

Whether in ancient times or in modern times, when some people are unable to bear children or are unmarried, whether for the sake of old-age care in the future, or for the family, they usually adopt adoptive children from other families to raise them as their own children.

Although Sun Xiaowei adopted Sun Yaowen, the two people themselves belonged to the relationship between nephews and nephews, and they were very close. They also adopted it when he was in junior high school. At that time, he was already very old and knew many things. .

Other adopted ones are partly related to relatives, such as adopting from brothers or other relatives.

The other part is not related to relatives, for example, someone who has never known it has been adopted since childhood.

Now when Ye Chen wanted to clarify the situation of the old man with pesticide poisoning, he couldn't ask the old man, so he had to ask the village chief himself.

The village chief naturally knew very well. After Ye Chen asked him a few times, he finally said: "This Uncle Lin was originally his wife, but his wife passed away a few years ago. After the two got married, I don’t know why. He did not give birth to his own son, and Lin Wushu's family background is considered to be good, so the two of them adopted a child from another family, so that three people will adopt him as his son."

"In the past, I have not heard of any contradictions, but when these three people grow up, they know who their biological parents are. However, they have not returned and have been here. These years, they got married. Married, and even now with children, this family is bigger. However, this time, I didn't expect this to happen.” The village head obviously felt a little afraid to imagine such a thing.

"What about the others?" Ye Chen asked.

He knew that it couldn't be as simple as adoptive relations. There must be a lot of reasons for this matter. The village chief and other village cadres didn't say anything further. When Ye Chen went out and asked a neighbor here, he really understood what was going on.

Obviously, the old man probably felt that he couldn't have children after getting married with his wife. He felt embarrassed in the village. After all, they had no descendants. Therefore, they adopted three boys from the other three families and regarded them as inheriting the clan.

Of course, the family of the three boys actually has a few children, because they have too many births and they can't afford to raise them, and they feel that adopting this old man can help them raise them well.

In this way, the three children have lived with the elderly couple for so many years. In a blink of an eye, the two of them are already old. One has left a few years ago. They were babies and are now 30 or 40 years old. They have already married their wives and gave birth to children. .

The most critical issue lies here.

Undoubtedly, birth, old age, sickness and death follow the rules of life, but when people reach middle age, or the beginning of old age, people are also prone to get sick. When they are old, many elderly people can no longer work and naturally cannot be self-sufficient.

Under such circumstances, when a person is old and sick again, he naturally hopes that his sons and grandchildren can take care of themselves. This is also the reason why most Chinese raise offspring, precisely to prevent old age and provide for the elderly.

After all, there are not many people who really need pensions, especially in rural areas. Unexpectedly, the old man did not expect that he and his wife worked hard to support the three adopted sons, married them, and gave birth to several grandchildren.

In all this, he and his wife didn't know how much hard work they had spent, nor did they know how much money they spent. Naturally, he didn't say anything over the years.

However, these three pairs of daughter-in-laws are getting worse and worse for him. They always feel that his life is unnecessary, and even show him color from time to time. They often scold him for being immortal, dead old man, and the neighbors outside heard about it, and even Rumor has it to divide the family property.

When this old man was young, he was of the richer type in the village. The land and mountain fields are considered to be more important. These are also the most important in the countryside. The three couples of daughter-in-law want to separate their families, but they also don’t want to take care of him anymore. what happened.

Those neighbors, naturally, did not expect that this old man would be poisoned by drinking pesticides. Ye Chen said that the pesticide was not when the old man wanted to drink it. The neighbors were obviously surprised when they heard it.

"Are they still human?" the neighbor whispered.

"It's really not human, a group of beasts." Ye Chen scolded.

Although he has a basic understanding of these conditions now, he still cannot confirm whether it is true that some of the old man's sons and daughter-in-laws have quietly given him pesticides.

"You send someone to notify the police station personnel to come over, this matter is obviously a deliberate violation of the law, and your village committee can't solve it." Ye Chen looked at the village officials and said.

Ye Chen had lived in the countryside for so many years, but it was the first time he heard this kind of thing, but he felt very chilling and scared.

The village chief obviously knew that the matter of Uncle Lin was not that simple. He also didn't say anything. Instead, he asked a village cadre to ride a motorcycle to the town to notify the police from the police station.

After the village cadre drove the motorcycle, Ye Chen went inside and looked at the old man’s face. He was afraid that even though he was alive, his heart was almost dead, and he was treated like his relatives, no matter who he was. Can not bear.

"Is this clear?" Ye Dao asked.

He has experienced more things than Ye Chen, and has seen a lot of things. Many of them seem to be incredible, but in fact they are like that. In many cases, the truth is even more cruel than imagined.

"Almost clear." Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen asked the young boy to watch. Ye Chen said, "Take care of your grandfather, you are a good grandson."

When Ye Chen and grandfather Ye Dao went outside, Ye Chen took what he had learned just now, and when they said it, Ye Dao’s expression remained unchanged. Obviously, when he smelled the pesticide smell, it was already OK. verified.

Now when I saw the old man's three adopted sons and his daughter-in-law outside, they were all down there, and even when they looked up at Ye Chen, they obviously felt that Ye Chen was nosy when they came over.

"Whoever of you did these things is very clear to you yourself. But what I want to say is that no matter who did it, you will be retributed sooner or later, and it will be struck by thunder."

"Have you ever thought about it? Your father, although he was not his own, but they worked so hard to raise you back then and treat you like your own sons, but you treat him like that, thinking that he is old and sick. It’s a burden to keep him here, but, have you ever thought about it, when you are old, your son will treat you the same way when this day comes. Have you thought about what that day will be?"

Ye Chen yelled at these people there, looking at their expressions mockingly. Sometimes he really doesn't know what these people think?

Of course, there are more people around outside watching, watching the excitement, mocking, and other complex looks.

However, there is no doubt that if this matter is spread out, even this village will be stinking. Anyone who talks about these things will undoubtedly think of this village and what non-human beasts did.

The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!