Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 632: Reflection

In the past, whether Zhao Biao was in a big city or here in the countryside, he was not afraid of the heavens and the earth. He was not afraid of being in the big city. Anyway, he was licking his blood to live his life. If he died, he would die. A hero.

However, here in the countryside, he feels that the rich is the overlord, and whoever has the big fist is the overlord. So when he returns to the village, he still has the style of **** in the big city. He usually makes trouble in the village. Now he wants to dig. Sand digs for gold, fattening oneself, and harming Zhaojia Village. Naturally, Zhaojia Village people are disgusted.

However, he had never thought about introspection before, nor did he ever think about how other people think of him. Now he seems to start to reflect on him. Except for his family members who do not hate him, other villagers are afraid of him and hate him. I just saw it when I was buying pork.

Back home, the parents and grandpa at home shook their heads when they looked at him. In the early years, they knew that Zhao Biao liked to cause troubles. They didn't expect that they would still be like that when they returned to the village. This made the three people feel very uncomfortable.

When Zhao Biao did not come back, there were still villagers in and outside the village talking to them. However, now there is no one, and I talk to them again, feeling that they have cultivated a scourge for the village to harm the village.

However, the three of them knew that no matter how much they said to each other, it would be useless. Are they going to kill Zhao Biao? Of course, these three people have already understood that because the genius doctor Ye had passed out three days ago, Zhao Biao's life would not be long, and then the scourge would be dead. Zhao's village, especially the villagers in Xia Village, would be happy, afraid that he was the only one. I just cry.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Zhao Biao asked angrily looking at his grandpa and his parents' hatred of iron and steel.

The three people did not speak. Zhao Biao put the **** pig's head in his hand directly at the feet of these three people, scaring his grandfather and his parents back. He didn't dare to take the pig's head at all, feeling that the pig's head looked at him. Just as Zhao Biao treats himself like later.

Zhao Biao didn't say anything. He went back to his room, opened the door and went inside, then closed the door heavily, lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, remembering what Ye Chen said to him, remembering the town What the doctor at the health center said to him recalls what the doctor at the County First People's Hospital said to him.

Eat what you want, play what you want, do you have any unfulfilled wishes, do it as soon as possible?

Perhaps when other people heard the doctor say those words, they knew the subtext, that is, he was not dead, and before he died, he should take advantage of this period of time to eat delicious food and play. Click for fun, and even try to fulfill your unfinished wish.

Now when Zhao Biao thinks back, he also feels that those doctors said that. Of course, Ye Chen had clearly told him a long time ago, and even pointed out his symptoms, but didn't tell him his illness?

Isn't Ye Chen's grandfather Ye Dao called a genius doctor? If you go to them for treatment yourself, wouldn't you be able to cure it?

Zhao Biao thought, but now the villagers in the whole village can't wait for him to die right away. Will they treat him?

Zhao Biao fell asleep groggyly on the bed in the room. In his dream, he dreamed of how the villagers laughed and set off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year after he died, and even showed the scene of his cemetery destroying his body.

When he woke up, Zhao Biao realized that he had just had a long, long dream. However, when he woke up, he found that his whole body was soaked, which was naturally scared.

From this point of view, Zhao Biao knew that he had always thought that he was not afraid of the sky, and that he was not afraid. After checking the time, he found that he had slept for nearly a day and a night.

When he stood in front of the large hanging mirror in the room, he found that his face had turned pale, as if he had been coated with white powder.

When he was outside, Zhao Biao saw his grandfather and father carrying those thick wooden boards out. He knew that it was the coffin board that grandfather had prepared for him years earlier.

However, those coffin boards have been kept in a room, naturally waiting for his grandfather to use it a hundred years later, and now he finds that his grandfather and father have taken them out and painted red paint, naturally they are not for his grandfather himself. It is for him.

Zhao Biao is not dead yet, but when he sees that his grandfather and father have prepared a coffin board for him, it shows that apart from disappointment, he also knows that his life is not long.

Zhao Biao, who was pale, didn't say anything to his grandfather and father, and walked out with difficulty with his feet. On the road, other villagers saw Zhao Biao, who was pale, as if he was about to die. They all hurriedly walked away, and then whispered behind their backs that the genius Doctor Ye Xiao was right. The scourge in this village really didn't last long.

Before, some villagers believed very much in the medical skills of Ye Shenyi's grandfather and grandson, but they thought they might have misunderstood them. After all, they had seen Zhao Biao’s scourge and looked very good. It's all the same as ordinary people.

Now they found that since Zhao Biao went out to see a doctor and came back, they found that Zhao Biao's expression was not good, especially now that Zhao Biao is like a person who returned to the light before his death, and it really didn't last long.

When Zhao Biao laughed at himself and tried to draw a cigarette from his pocket to smoke, he found that he did not touch it. Of course, he continued to go outside. He had already seen the villagers buying pork from Pork Fu’s stall from a distance. He wanted to go there. However, he was afraid of being mocked and cursed by those people. He was also afraid that the villagers would be taken by themselves. Scared away.

He did not go to Pork Fu, but to the clear river not far away. When he first arrived, the young women in the village who were washing clothes, vegetables, and even hair, all hurriedly walked away, even too late to get their belongings.

Not far away, there were a few six or seven-year-old children playing by the river, but when they saw him coming, they were like seeing a devil. Spit at Zhao Biao from behind.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of those innocent children, they used to play very well with their friends in the river, but now after Zhao Biao’s scourge returns, they not only beat and scold them, intimidate them, and even put them among them. A little friend was thrown into the water and almost drowned.

Fortunately, the adult who passed by was saved in time, otherwise, the little friend might be dead. Therefore, the children who hate him now are more out of their innocence.

Children's thinking is not as complicated as that of adults. What is right and what is good, they can easily distinguish clearly. There is no doubt that Zhao Biao is such a big bad guy.

Zhao Biao stood there in shock. He really didn't expect that in the village, he was actually an old man in his seventies or eighties, and a little hairy boy down to a few years old, who hated him so much.

In fact, because the big city Chongqing had begun to crack down on the crime scene, he wanted to return to his hometown and even do those things after he couldn't mix in the big city.

He has never thought that he can't get along outside, and people outside can't get around. Why is it still like that when he returns to his hometown?

Before, he didn't understand, but now he knows some.

However, that sentence is right, Jiangshan is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change. How can he change that kind of personality since he was young? Therefore, even now he feels a failure, regrets it, and fears that it is equally difficult to change his situation.

The first publication of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!