Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 653: The situation of Han Erye

Coming out of Pudong Airport, Ye Chen got into the car, and then went to the Han's medicinal store. He naturally did not forget the Han Erye he was going to treat.

Last time, because Ye Chen had seen him three times, the prescription that the other party wanted to drink, even if there was a month, but it has already exceeded the time.

For nearly two hours, Ye Chen came to the Han's medicinal material shop, parked the car at the door, and then went to the door, still seeing the little starling jumping around in the cage.

Now when I see him coming, what he said is still welcome.

Ye Chen teased the little starling, went inside, and found no other customers either. However, he saw the classical girl lying there reading a book.

Even when Ye Chen came in, she didn't notice it until Ye Chen approached, looked at her and asked, "Miss Han, are you reading?"

"Ye, you are here, Doctor Ye!" Han Yujia asked happily when he saw that it was Ye Chen.

She knew that the second uncle's prescription time had already arrived, but she had never seen Ye Chen appear. She and Han Bo guessed that Ye Chen was no longer in Shanghai because of something.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't been in Shanghai for something this month. I came here this time to see your second master's condition." Ye Chen sincerely apologized.

He knew that the patient's condition could not be delayed for a second, nor could he deceive the patient or the patient's family. So, when he came here, he naturally looked at the situation of the old man Han.

Of course, Ye Chen knew that the situation of the second master Han was different from that of Wu Qing and even that of Lin Mao. Even if he did not come over this period of time, his condition should not have changed much, and naturally he had not suffered much delay.

Han Yujia took Ye Chen into the backyard, passed through the back hall, and reached the backyard. Now he had just entered there, Ye Chen saw Han Bo, who looked very energetic, drinking tea.

When he saw Ye Chen, Bo Han also smiled and asked, "Doctor Ye, you are finally here."

Ye Chen could only explain to him again that he had important things no longer in Shanghai during this time, so Han Bo naturally did not blame Ye Chen.

On the contrary, because of Ye Chen's treatment, the second master Han's condition was indeed much better than before. Now Ye Chen was in the backyard, and he did not see the second master Han drinking and basking in the sun.

Han Bo said, "He is still resting in the room."

When the two brought Ye Chen inside, they found that the second master Han, his nose was still red, and his body was full of alcohol. It should be like drinking every day.

Ye Chen first checked the pulse of the second master Han, and seeing his pulse, there was still some confusion. However, Ye Chen still found that the inner strength of the second master Han's pulse was still very strong, and he was afraid that it would take a long time for him to catch up with the opponent.

Ye Chen showed him the pulse condition, and then looked at his tongue and expression. Probably Ye Chen understood the situation of the second master Han.

However, after the second master Han drank the prescription for the third diagnosis, how effective the treatment was, and what symptoms did he experience after the treatment, this needs to be learned from this Han Bo and Miss Han.

"Bo Han, what specific symptoms did the second master Han have recently after drinking the medicine?" Ye Chen asked.

"He continued to take the three-diagnosis prescription, and his worsening condition after meals was relieved. However, at night, in addition to being able to fall asleep, he still couldn't calm the nerves. He had more dreams, and some cried. During the day, it was still Talking to myself, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Sometimes when I’m sober, I can get to know Yujia and me, and I can have simple communication, but it’s still easy to forget. I'm afraid he will not find a way back when he goes out. "Bo Han said.

After Ye Chen listened, he felt that the second master Han's condition was still very serious, except for his older age. For example, Ye Chen has already confirmed that the other party is over ninety years old, and the average old man is prone to forgetfulness when he reaches this age.

Of course, Ye Chen knew that the old man in front of him was different from the ordinary old man. He was a master of martial arts. If it wasn't for his internal energy problems, he might not cause the current dementia.

Therefore, Ye Chen was able to confirm that the dementia of Han Erye was very different from the dementia of other normal elderly people, and it was even more difficult to cure.

"I think that besides being sick, he still has a lot of concerns. That's why he likes drinking, dreaming, crying in his dreams, and even talking to himself. Therefore, I hope that if you have time, you can spend more time with him. Talking may help him wake up his state and help him restore his previous memory. Of course, if you know what his concerns are, that's the best. This is more conducive to the treatment I give him." Ye Chen said.

Generally speaking, many patients, especially those with mental illnesses, are more or less closely related to the patient's heart disease.

Even if Wu Qing’s visceral disorder is related to her youth, if the average doctor cannot clearly understand the patient’s condition, he will naturally not be able to truly prescribe the right medicine, so even if the medicine is effective, it is very It may not have the effect of curing the symptoms and the root cause, but it will be repeated relapses.

Ye Chen didn't know what the second master Han was worried about. It was also certain that the situation of Second Master Han had a lot to do with the chaos in his body.

If Ye Chen's own strength is higher than that of the opponent, he can help the opponent and stabilize the chaotic inner strength. When he recovers, the old man can quickly return to the state of a sober martial artist.

However, Ye Chen's strength was still inferior to him, so naturally he didn't dare to do it rashly, because that would only harm him, even the old man. Therefore, at best, he can only slowly adjust the condition of the other party through traditional Chinese medicine.

Han Bo and Han Yujia naturally admired Ye Chen even more after hearing this. The two of them knew better about Han Erye's situation, and naturally they also knew something about Han Erye.

Coupled with taking care of him during this time, I heard what he said from his dream. Under normal circumstances, what a person says may be false.

However, if a person utters the words in a deep sleep, it is more true than those gibberish after drinking, and it also reflects the most true situation in a person's heart.

Now that Ye Chen has finished reading it, he asked Han Bo to take the medical record of Han Erye. Ye Chen continued to write under the prescription for the third diagnosis: "The fourth diagnosis: After taking the prescription for the third diagnosis, the patient found that his condition worsened after the meal. Relief, can fall asleep at night, but can’t calm the nerves. There are more dreams, sometimes accompanied by crying and babbling, but still muttering during the day. Most of the time, I can meet my family, and I can have simple daily communication. I am forgetful, especially recently. The memory barrier is prominent, and I still don’t know the way out."

"Examination: Tongue: dark red tongue. Pulse: slow pulse string. TCM dialectics: the patient suffers from spleen and kidney deficiency, phlegm and blood stasis, and ineffectiveness for clearing orifices. Treatment: resolving phlegm and resuscitating, invigorating the kidney and strengthening the brain. Prescription: go to Zhizhi Seeds, Tongcao, Forsythia, 10 grams of Jiadilong, 6 grams of soil turtle.   30 doses, decocted with medicine, 1 dose a day."

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