Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 658: Burn Ointment

Zhou Shidong and Zhang Yongnian hurriedly asked Ye Chen to come over to see the conditions of the two patients.

Among them, patient No. 1 was sent to the emergency room for emergency treatment when he was first sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Later, it was too serious and was rushed to the dermatology specialist ward.

Now this patient No. 1 has a lot of wounds left on his head except that all his hair is burned out. It has been bandaged by nurses. Except for most of the clothes he was wearing, most of the clothes he was wearing were burned off, and some of them stuck to the burned flesh and blood. , It was also taken off by the nurse with medical pliers.

Now he has internal organ problems, which is the most dangerous. If this treatment is not done properly, it is undoubtedly the most dangerous to treat the wound in time.

Now that Ye Chen has finished seeing this patient, and then looking at patient 2, the burn area is larger and more serious. Of course, the data that these two patients have just checked are now available.

From those data, Ye Chen can see that the total area of ​​the head, torso, and limbs of patient No. 1 burns more than 70%, of which the depth is 57% and the third is 14%.

Just sent here, when the doctor in the emergency room checked him, patient 1 was in a coma, cold limbs, blood pressure undetectable, body temperature 36 degrees Celsius, weak heart sound, heart rate 120 beats min, arrhythmia, dual rate, breathing 24 to 28 minutes, the electrocardiogram showed supraventricular premature beats.

Because many special terms of Chinese and Western medicine are different, and adding these words, he can't recognize it. After asking that Zhou Shidong to explain to him, Ye Chen realized that these were the conditions of the examination of patient No. 1 in western medicine.

As for patient No. 1 for treatment, Zhang Yongnian has asked the nurse to give him intravenous fluids and intravenously use 10 ml of xylocaine plus 100 ml of 5% glucose solution.

In the current situation, when the nurse checked him, it was found through the data that the heart rhythm of patient 1 was normal, but the blood pressure was still undetectable.

When Ye Chen wanted to get his pulse, he found that his limbs were really burning very badly, so he wanted to get the pulse and the pulse was unclear.

Seeing this now, he has a way to confirm the patient's pulse. However, in this case, Ye Chen looked at Zhou Shidong and asked: "How do you treat this and how to stabilize his condition?"

"The current method is to perform surgical debridement on him, and only the foreign bodies and blood clots that have been burned out of Patient 1 can be removed. Of course, just now, the nurse has done a simple debridement for him. It's just that. , Next, if it is serious, we suggest that he undergo a skin grafting operation, but his family is no longer here, and they don’t know and don’t want to do that.” Zhou Shidong said.

Ye Chen knows that this so-called debridement operation is the same as the treatment of rotten skin in Chinese medicine. It is all removed by surgery and then the skin is healed through prescriptions, which is more beneficial to the treatment of patients.

"Doctor Ye, what do you think?" Zhang Yongnian asked.

"Well, let him perform debridement surgery first. In this respect, the treatment process in Chinese medicine is the same. But now I don't have that kind of powder, otherwise I don't have to be so troublesome." Ye Chen knows very well that in Chinese medicine, we face this kind of In fact, there are many special medicinal powders. After sprinkling on the wound, it will not take long for the medicinal powder to disinfect and then heal the wound.

Ye Chen couldn't bring those powders, and they didn't grind them out either. He guessed that in hospitals or drugstores, there might not be such powders for sale, only the general disinfectant.

Now when Zhou Shidong and Zhang Yongnian heard Ye Chen say the same, they didn’t say much, and immediately asked the two female nurses to send patient 1 to the operating room first. Naturally, the patient was treated in a sterile operating room. Do debridement surgery.

After patient 1 was sent out by the nurse, Ye Chen looked at the data of patient 2 again. First, now that Ye Chen has finished reading patient number 2, it is more serious than patient number 1.

According to the emergency doctor's description of patient No. 2, the total area of ​​the patient's body was burned by the fire, which reached 94% of the total area, 70% of the iii degree and 24% of the depth ii. The patient was sent to the hospital 15 minutes after the burn.

Now patient No. 2 is also in a severe coma, breathing 32 times min, heart rate 132 times min, weak heart sound, constant heart rate, and cold limbs.

The doctor in the emergency department also performed phlebotomy and rehydration for his condition. On the outer skin, there may be no burns on part of the face except for the hug at the beginning, and most of the other places were severely burned. Therefore, when he arrived, the female nurse in the hospital also removed the unmelted clothes on his burned skin. Most of the other cases were still serious.

Judging from the internal and external conditions of these two patients, in the view of Zhou Shidong and Zhang Yongnian, it is best to perform debridement and transplantation for them.

Now Ye Chen is here, and when the conditions for the cut skin transplantation operation are not enough, the two naturally can only rely on Ye Chen and asked: "Doctor Ye, what do you think?"

"Debride him first. I'll go to the pharmacy outside to see if there is any Chinese medicinal ointment for burns?" Ye Chen said.

"Doctor Ye, I'm afraid that burn ointment alone won't work." Zhou Shidong said directly.

"I know, this is only for his external use, I will definitely prescribe medicine for them when taken internally." Ye Chen said.

The two had no other choice but to do so, let the two nurses also take Patient 2 to the operating room and perform debridement on him.

Of course, now that the two of them saw Ye Chen's handling methods, they seemed to think that Ye Chen's medical skills were so good, not as magical as it was spread outside. However, after Ye Chen came in, he didn't appear to be flustered. These two people admired this point.

When Ye Chen came out from the inside, Sun Xiaowei and Lu Wenyi outside the door had gone to the bathroom to clean their faces and hands. They were not as dark as they were just now.

When Ye Chen came out, Lu Wenyi asked, "How are the two of them?"

"Very serious," Ye Chen said.

Now he changed the white lab coat and gave it back to the female nurse, and then went outside with Sun Xiaowei. When they went outside, Ye Chen asked about burn ointment in a nearby drugstore.

What made him strange was that there were some traditional Chinese medicine burn ointments. When Ye Chen took it out and looked at it, he found that the ingredients on it were actually much worse than those burn ointments he knew.

Now according to Ye Chen's original idea, he wanted to make a burn ointment as soon as possible, but he knew the conditions of the two patients could not wait. Therefore, even if the effect of these burn creams is poor, he still needs to buy them back to replace them.

"Pharmacist, get me twenty boxes first!" Ye Chen said.

Whether it is patient No. 1 or patient No. 2, it is a large-area burn. Naturally, more ointments in this area are needed.

After the pharmacist took Ye Chen and put it in the bag, after Ye Chen checked out, he took it and went back to Dongfang Hospital.

The first publication of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!