Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 694: Causes of Consumption

When both Zhao Mufu and Zhang Weikang came over, Ye Chen guessed that the two of them still didn't know much about the wasting of Chinese medicine.

Of course, in Chinese medicine, consumptive labor can be divided into divine labor, blood labor, and marrow labor. Even the leukemia mentioned in western medicine, the symptoms of various cancers after surgery, can also belong to the scope of Chinese medicine wasting.

After all, in Chinese medicine, whether it is leukemia or cancer, these words are all proper terms in Western medicine, which came in later, and now they are only being quoted in Chinese medicine.

As for the causes of wasting fatigue, it can be divided into five categories. The first type is weak endowment, which causes illness due to deficiency. The formation of a variety of syndromes of wasting work is closely related to weak endowment and weak physical fitness.

Or because the parents are frail and sick, old and physically weak, or too much childbirth, blood loss, or dystrophy in the fetus, insufficient gestation. Or improper feeding after birth and insufficient essence and qi in the water valley can lead to weak endowment and inadequate essence.

Weak bodies with inadequate endowments are prone to disease, and are prone to form a state of long-term illness after illness, which makes the viscera, qi, blood, yin and yang deficient day by day, and becomes wasting.

The second category is overwork and damage to the five internal organs. Appropriate labor, including mental and physical labor, is necessary for people to live a normal life and maintain health. However, overwork is harmful to health, and it will become depleted due to work, and will become depleted over time.

Just like "Jing Yue Quanshu. "Fulfillment" says; "Those who are tired and unconcerned are more likely to suffer from fatigue." As early as "Su Wen. "Xuanming Five Qi Pian" pointed out: "Long vision hurts blood, long lying hurts qi, sedentary sitting hurts flesh, long standing hurts bones, and long walks hurts tendons, which are called five labor injuries."

In overwork, overwork and overwork are more common. Melancholy, thinking, incomprehensible, unexpected thinking, unfulfilled desire, and so on.

It is easy to make the heart deprived of support, loss of health, heart and spleen injury, deficiency of qi and blood, and prolonged fatigue. Early marriage and more childbearing, irregular intercourse, sexual abuse and other conditions of overwork can easily lead to deficiency of kidney essence, insufficient kidney qi, and prolonged fatigue.

The third category, improper diet, damage the spleen and stomach. Overeating, unbalanced hunger and fullness, appetite and partial eclipse, malnutrition, excessive drinking, etc., can cause damage to the spleen and stomach, inability to metabolize the essence of water and grain, inadequate source of qi and blood, and loss of viscera and meridians, and form deficiency over time labor.

The fourth category is serious illness, chronic illness, and failure to regulate. Such as "Jing Yue Quanshu. "Despair" says: "Most of the patients who have been treated incorrectly or failed to adjust the disease will become depleted after illness."

After a serious illness, the evil qi becomes excessive, the visceral qi is damaged, and it is difficult to recover when the righteous breath is short, and it becomes wasting, and the evil guest will become depleted over time.

People who suffer from prolonged illness and become exhausted have different conditions of depleting the yin and yang of the body's blood, depending on the nature of the disease. Such as long-term fever, loss of yin and blood, long-term cold disease, damage to qi and yang, long-term blood stasis, no new blood, or other chronic diseases that do not heal for a long time, consumes essence, or loses conditioning after illness , Righteousness is difficult to recover, all will turn into wasting effort.

The fifth category, mistreatment and failure, loss of essence. It is mostly due to incorrect diagnosis of syndrome differentiation or improper selection of medicines, resulting in damage to essence.

Too much bitter cold will damage the spleen and stomach and deplete yang, and too much heat will deplete yin and yang.

If the treatment is mistaken for many times, it will delay the treatment of the disease and make it difficult to recover the yin qi or yang qi, leading to wasting. In today's clinical practice, there are also people who have used certain chemical drugs and excessive exposure to harmful substances (such as radiation), which damages Yin Qi and Qi and blood, resulting in diseases similar to fatigue.

All of the above-mentioned causes may be due to deficiency and cause labor due to illness, or deficiency due to illness, and no labor after prolonged deficiency.

Its pathological nature is mainly the loss of qi, blood, yin and yang, and the lesions are mainly in the five internal organs. The cause of depletion often first leads to the loss of qi, blood, yin, and yang in a certain organ.

However, due to the correlation of the five internal organs (restraint, mutual resource and restriction), qi and blood are of the same origin (from water valleys, from the spleen and stomach), yin and yang are mutually rooted (yang without yin does not grow, and yin without yang does not grow). Deficiency caused by various reasons often affect each other. One internal organ is affected by disease and affects other internal organs. Qi deficiency cannot produce blood. Blood deficiency can cause anger. Those with deficiency of qi will gradually mourn. Those with deficiency of blood will have insufficient yin. Involved in yin, yin deficiency affects yang over time. It gradually develops with the pathogenic potential, and the condition becomes more complicated.

Deficiency generally has a longer course of disease, most of which are chronic illnesses. Its outcome and prognosis are good and evil, and the strength of the physique, the ups and downs of the spleen and kidney (with the kidney as the congenital root and the spleen as the acquired foundation), can it be relieved The cause of the disease is closely related to factors such as timely and correct treatment and care.

The spleen and kidney are not weakened, the vitality is not defeated, the appetite is acceptable, and the pulse condition is slow. The prognosis is good. On the other hand, physical and mental fatigue, lack of diet, shortness of breath, continuous diarrhea, weak pulse or very late, poor prognosis.

Just like "Jing Yue Quanshu. "Despair" said: There is a deficiency syndrome, no evil heat, and delirium and insufficiency, the defeat of this heart is also a sign of God's loss. People who are short of breath, this lung failure is also. Those who have strained their muscles will lose out.

Most people suffering from debilitating disease have muscle and bone pain. If the pain is extreme, it is intolerable, but it is because the dragon's blood cannot grow the muscles. This is also the defeat of the liver. For those who suffer from long-term fatigue and diarrhea cannot be restrained, the failure of the kidney is also a threat of depletion.

Now when Ye Chen elaborated on the five kinds of consumptive diseases, and then looked at Chen Ke's situation, Zhou Yanhua, who knew Chen Ke well, could almost confirm the main reason for his son's condition.

First of all, in the first category, when Chen Ke was a child, if he looked at his photos during the period from the child to kindergarten, he would still feel like a healthy child, so to explain from the aspect of innate endowment, it can be said that it is not much different from this. relationship.

However, he became ill and his physique became worse and worse. This aspect can be summarized in this aspect.

The second category is overwork. Compared with children, in fact, there is very little overwork. Especially for large families like the Chen family, the material aspect is even more unmatched by ordinary families. Therefore, this point is also not related to the illness caused by Chen Ke.

The third one speaks of improper diet, which has nothing to do with this reason. After all, in the case of the Chen family, it is also not possible for people to overeating, or to eat a meal after a long time hungry.

The fourth and fifth reasons, on this point, Zhou Yanhua, Chen Xuejun, and Chen Mingming both feel very related.

For example, when it comes to serious illness and long-term illness, it is out of regulation. From this point, it can be said that it is very similar to Chen Ke's situation. It can be said that at the beginning, Chen Ke’s symptoms may actually have something to do with wasting. However, it was not a symptom of wasting, but other diseases. After being cured by a doctor, Chen Ke began to develop symptoms of wasting.

Of course, this is also because it has not been cured for a long time, but it has become a serious illness, and the body's self-regulating function has naturally decreased a lot.

As for the last pathogenesis, it is even more clearly explained. It is Chen Ke who has been misdiagnosed by those doctors over the years, or the most important essence of the human body has been depleted, which has made his body even worse.

The first publication of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!