Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 695: True yuan loss

In fact, many doctors can't distinguish between consumptive and tuberculosis, precisely because the symptoms of the two diseases are very similar under certain circumstances.

For example, asthenia manifests a series of symptoms of loss of qi, blood, yin and yang, tuberculosis with cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, hot flashes and night sweats.

Of course, from these symptoms, if the doctor is not careful, or can not tell, it is difficult to distinguish. For example, some patients will also show symptoms of cough, sputum, and even hemoptysis when they suffer from fatigue.

The symptoms of two types of patients, one is the symptom of deficiency, the other is the symptom of weight loss, but the clinical manifestations of these two types of patients are relatively easy to distinguish. Some patients with deficiency also show symptoms of weight loss, and some symptoms of weight loss also show symptoms of deficiency.

However, the biggest difference between fatigue and tuberculosis is still there. It has long been confirmed in ancient Chinese medicine, and it can be confirmed in modern medicine.

"Director Zhao, what do you think is the biggest difference between fatigue and tuberculosis?" Ye Chen looked at Zhao Mufu and asked.

Just now Zhao Mufu, Zhang Weikang and others, when they heard what Ye Chen said, they all thought they were all right. However, when Ye Chen asked, it made them feel strange.

However, this problem can be recognized by ordinary doctors.

Seeing that these two people couldn't answer, Ye Chen knew that they were a little confused now. After all, in Chinese medicine, even leukemia is classified as wasting. If you want to ask about the biggest difference between leukemia and tuberculosis, the two people have to answer, and they must organize the language.

"Actually, the biggest difference between these two types of diseases is that there will be no contagion due to wasting, but contagion will occur in tuberculosis. In fact, doctors only need to believe in their own medical skills and identify them based on this biggest difference. There will be no mistakes. Yes." Ye Chen said.

Obviously, those who visited Chen Ke before could only say that they didn't believe in their own medical skills, or for other reasons.

Now these two people naturally understand, Zhao Mufu asked, "Then what is the specific symptom of Dr. Ye, Shao Chen's condition?"

Those were all extended just now, what Ye Chen and them said, now that Chen Ke is treated, is the point.

"His symptoms were obviously due to his childhood illness, which can be said to be caused by a weak congenital endowment and loss of true essence. After he fell ill, he saw many doctors, and the doctors never treated him well. It was caused by the current situation. As for why he often has symptoms such as vomiting blood? This has a lot to do with his personal liver injury, and also about his personal emotions, compared to normal people. Not normal," Ye Chen said.

Normal people, if they are laughing or crying, or even in a state of being too sad, they may have intense heart pain, severe heart attacks, etc., and vomiting blood, which is like a sudden intense exercise in the body.

As for what Ye Chen said about Chen Ke’s emotional problems, it was naturally that Chen Ke felt gloomy for him, but he didn’t have a smile on his face. He was gloomy all day long. This kind of person is naturally hurt or sorrowful, and naturally lacks other aspects. mood.

For example, laugh and be happy. As the saying goes, it makes sense to laugh for less than ten years. If a person is so gloomy every day, he may not only experience symptoms such as depression, but also make himself feel very pessimistic and low.

This situation of Chen Ke is obviously due to his patients for many years.

Ye Chen asked the female nurse of Dongfang Hospital to bring the new medical record. Now that he had read it to the other party, he naturally didn't say anything more.

Soon, the female nurse took the medical record, and Ye Chen wrote directly on the medical record: "Chen, male, 21 years old. Repeated heart palpitations, weight loss, hemoptysis, sputum coughing, anorexia for more than 10 years, worsening for half a year."

"First diagnosis: More than 10 years ago, there was no obvious cause for palpitations and other symptoms. After many doctors and other treatments, the effect was not obvious, and tuberculosis and other diseases were even diagnosed. Until now, weight loss, hemoptysis, sputum production, and anorexia have often occurred. , Pessimistic and other symptoms."

"Six months ago, the patient's symptoms worsened, and he was checked in a Shanghai hospital and diagnosed with hypoadrenal function. Check his blood cortisol: 2.4ug/dl at 8 am and 1.6ug/dl at 8 pm. Now check: except for manifestations In addition to symptoms such as weight loss and hemoptysis, the patient frequently vomits blood. Tongue picture: pale tongue, thin white coating. Pulse state: heavy and thin pulse."

"Chinese medicine dialectics: The patient started illness at a young age, first due to a weak congenital endowment, and then due to a serious illness for a long time, and was lost in conditioning. Mistreatment and failure, consumption of essence, loss of true essence. Treatment: nourishing Yin, adding essence, replenishing Qi Aphrodisiac, calm the nerves and stop palpitations."

"Prescription: 15 grams of curculio, 10 grams of celestial spleen, 15 grams of Morinda officinalis, 15 grams of angelica, 10 grams of antler glue (烊化), 10 grams of turtle shell glue (烊hua), 10 grams of salvia, 15 grams of Fushen , 10 grams of Polygala, 15 grams of Polygonatum, 10 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 15 grams of Chinese chives. 15 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

From this, it can be seen that Chen Ke's first symptoms are palpitations. However, other doctors didn't know that the more treatment he got, the more serious his illness was, and he gradually developed symptoms of fatigue.

Now Ye Chen’s prescriptions are also used to treat Chen Ke’s heart palpitations and other symptoms, because Chen Ke’s disease takes too long before and after, and it can even be said to be an intractable disease.

Now that his condition wants to be cured, he naturally needs to be slowly treated with Chinese medicine.

Now after Ye Chen finished writing the prescription, he passed it directly to the female nurse, who naturally asked her to buy medicine and decocting medicine. Now Ye Chen has already read it to Chen Ke. As for whether he will take medicine?

Ye Chen didn't know. Anyway, his fate was his own, not someone else's. He didn't take medicine by himself. At most, his parents and relatives were worried, who would care about him.

"Mrs. Chen, I have prescribed a prescription for your son. As for the effect, it will be up to him to take the medicine. If he is unwilling to take the medicine and the treatment will not work, then it has nothing to do with me. Let me talk about it now. Clearly, I'm afraid you will regret it then." Ye Chen said.

"I understand." Zhou Yanhua said.

When Ye Chen, Zhao Mufu, Zhang Weikang and others came out of that ward, Chen Ke looked at the back of Ye Chen leaving, and still clenched his fists tightly. His eyes were gloomy, feeling that Ye Chen was like killing his father and enemy. .

Now that Ye Chen and Zhao Mufu went outside, they still seemed very happy. At least in that case, they also learned something from Ye Chen.

"Director Zhang, Director Zhao, it's a bit late now, I'm leaving first, and I'll talk next time." The two naturally wanted to have a chat with Ye Chen.

However, now they knew that Ye Chen was going back for dinner, and when he was going to the affiliated hospital tomorrow to treat the patient, the two naturally did not pull him off.

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